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法国大学生“贫穷化”加剧 有人捡垃圾箱食物--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  克莱芒丝是一名来自法国诺曼底地区的21岁女孩,她目前在巴黎一家大学学习。在谈及自己的就读成本时,克莱芒丝说:“学习,是一种奢侈。”她解释说,自己的父母都是小学教师,一直都在尽可能地资助她的学业。但是,由于法国大学生的就读成本越来越高,克莱芒丝的父母目前已经无法确保她在学习期间“衣食无忧”,她不得不通过在学习空余时间做保洁员来获得一点收入。“有很多夜晚,我无法入眠,因为我为自己的经济状况发愁和焦虑。”克莱芒丝说道。 Clay mans silk is a from Normandy villagers 21 year old girl,She is a university in Paris.In talking about their study cost,Clay mans silk said:"learning,Is a luxury."She explained that,His parents is a primary school teacher,As far as possible all the support she studies.but,Because the French university students' studying cost more and more high,Clay mans silk parents has been unable to make sure she in the study period"Need not",She had to learn in the spare time to do protect a jie member to get a little income."There are a lot of night,I can't sleep,Because for my own economic conditions worry and anxiety."Clay mans silk said.
七成多大学生成为打工者 More than seventy percent of college students become migrant workers
In fact,In France,Like clay mans silk such work through earn fees and living expenses of college students countless,"The French national league college students"On August 20, a published report said,Job income has become the French students solve during studying the cost of the main economic source,About 73% of the college students in France during the study to go to work.The organization says that,In six years ago,The French students work only 48%.The group warned,Work of college students because can't focus on learning,Studies the risk of failure also can increase accordingly.

The French educators say,More and more college students are forced to join the ranks migrant workers,It just shows this group"pauperization"Phenomenon growing.France[Le monde]says,Due to the housing/diet/Tuition price rise ceaselessly,France higher education young people complete cost also continuously improve.In order to be able to complete their studies,The French of college students in addition to outside work,Have to save the daily expenses.
20 years of age, jose Neil is from France Nancy city medical students,September this year,He will start his junior year life.Said to the,Jose Neil says"Feel fear".He said,In addition to outside pay the rent,Still buy"Day price"Medical reference books.Jose Neil had to take some money saving method,For example,Buy secondhand textbooks,And students pooled copy and share notes,Peers houses and shares.Jose Neil said,Economic problems and academic puzzles,is"The source of tension".

经济困难引发心理问题 Economic difficulties cause psychological problems
The 24-year-old female college students, mans Tina said,In order to save food costs,She has two measures:One is in the morning session when feel to buy the rest of the not very fresh fruits and vegetables;The second is in the supermarket nearby garbage can pick up has to the shelf life of food.O mans Tina said,The supermarket discarded a lot of food is actually can continue to eat,just,For many, as she pick up overdue food for college students,This lets them in psychological feel inferior.She also said,Their entertainment rarely went out,Because she had no money."In France in college students,I absolutely not case-by-case.My youth so passed."O mans Tina said.
really,Economic difficulties caused a lot of French university students' psychological problems.For example,19 year old female university students's made in France in bordeaux city.She said,Because of lack of money,She will only be at a bar"Happy moment"(France some bar every fixed discount period)Or friends treat time go to the pub to chat with friends.Her place to live is very small,There is no space recieve a friend.She made,She often will have strong loneliness.
等待奥朗德履行承诺 Waiting for Mr Lande promise
"The French national league college students"On August 20, report,No doubt and gave many have been living in reduced circumstances of college students splash a head cold water.The report says,College students in France is about to start a school year cost of living will increase 3.7%,The digital close to the French inflation two times.The report says,Lead to college students' cost of living increase the most important reason is that the rent increases,Paris city rent will be increased by 10.8%,Provincial city rent will also be increased by 2.3%.In addition,Diet cost/Dress cost/Tuition will be growth of 3.2%, respectively/4% and 2%.As the largest university students union organization,"The French national league college students"The report called for the government to take measures to reverse college students"pauperization"trend.

similarly,The French another college students' union organization"The French federation of college students"Also on August 20, issued a similar report,Although the Numbers and"The French national league college students"The published report not consistent,But also highlighted the French students"pauperization"problems.The report says,In the future a school year,The average French students studying cost will be closer to 2500 euros,This increased by 50% compared with 10 years ago.The organization hope that through the report caused by the government and the society to the French students"pauperization"Phenomenon attention.


Two college students' organization report let just end summer vacation to return to Paris, the French President omar lande very passive.Mr Lande during a campaign promise many times,To solve the difficulties will be young people after he was elected the first task.In the elected that night,He spoke in his hometown said,Hope that the French people can in the future according to the two questions to evaluate his achievements,Is a young man problem,The other is a social justice problem.Mr Lande what to do next,The French national college students are wait and see.This newspaper on August 31, Paris
