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内地小学在校生15年减少4069万 学校减少六成--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  日前教育部在其官方网站公布了《20 11年全国教育事业发展统计公报》,依照教育部公布的统计数据,2 0 11年我国小学和初中的在校生规模均在减少,其中小学在校生规模比上年减少14 .34万,初中在校生规模比上年减少212 .53万,总共减少了226.87万人。这是1998年以来义务教育阶段在校生规模的连续14年减少。

Recently the ministry of education in its official website announced[20 11 years in the national education career development statistics bulletin],According to the statistics released by the ministry of education,2 0 11 years in our country elementary school and junior high school students are in reducing the scale,The primary school student scale than last year to reduce 14. 340000,Junior high school student than the previous year scale to reduce 212. 530000,A total of 2.2687 million people to reduce.This is 1998 years compulsory education stage student scale continuous 14 years to reduce.


Control the ministry of education official website since 1998, the national education career development statistics bulletin statistical data,Primary school students in our country school scale continuous 15 years to reduce,Junior high school student scale continuous 8 years to reduce.


 原因 reason

  与我国“少子化”现象密切相关 And our country"decreases"Phenomenon is closely related to the


The ministry of education announced in the previous data analysis said,Because of the school-age population reduced year by year,Elementary school number/Graduates and the number of students in reducing,with"Nine year compulsory education"To achieve the goal of and school-age population gradually reduce,Junior high school number/Graduates and students number a slight decrease.


Some scholars think,Compulsory education stage after the reduction of the number of school and the rural compulsory education stage"From point BingJiao"Policy related,And compulsory education stage of the student scale reduction, and our country"decreases"The phenomenon of closely related.

  依照国家统计局8月17日公布的数据,0- 14岁的人口占全国人口的比重已由2002年的22.4%下降到2011年的16.5%,少子化现象越来越明显。

According to the national bureau of statistics announced on August 17, the data,0-14 of the population accounts for the proportion of the population has been falling from 22.4% in 2002 to 16.5% in 2011,The phenomenon of country is more and more obvious.

  15年小学学校减少六成 15 years of elementary school school reduced by sixty percent


According to the bulletin published data,In 2011, number of primary school for 241200,Reduce more than the previous year 16200.This is since 1997 the decrease in the number of primary school at least one year,In China since 1997 the number of primary school has been declining.Contrast the ministry of education official website can check to the first 1997 years of 628800 primary school,Decreased in 387600,Damping amounted to 61.64%.

  初中学校的数量自1997年以来也一直在减少。2011我国的初中学校数量仅为5.41万所,比上年仅减少773所,1997年以来减少数量仅次于2000年的0 .05万所。但对比1997年的6.62万所,也减少了1.21万所,减幅达到了18.28%。

The number of junior middle school since 1997 has been reduced.2011 our junior middle school number is only 54100,Only 773 more than last year to reduce,To reduce number since 1997 after 2000 years of 0. 050000.But the contrast 1997 66200,Also reduced the 12100,Damping reached 18.28%.


 相比1997年减少 Compared with 1997 reduce

  4069万 40.69 million

  2011年全国小学生数量 In 2011 the number of pupils

  9926.37万 99.2637 million

  初中生连续8年减少 Junior high school students' continuous 8 years to reduce


In accordance with the data in 2011,Our primary school student scale also record lows,Only 99.2637 million people,At least 15 years continuous declined.Compared with the size of the 1997 in 139.9537 million,Damping was 29.07%.

  而初中在校生规模的历史高峰期则在2003年。经过至少连续六年的增长,这一年初中生在校生规模达到了6690 .83万。此后一直呈下降趋势,到2011年仅为5066.80万,相比2003年减幅达到24.27%。

And the history of the scale of junior high school student the peak in 2003.After at least six years of growth,This year junior high school student student scale reached 6690. 830000.Since then has been declining,By 2011 only for 50.668 million,Compared with 2003 damped reached 24.27%.

  相比2003年 Compared with 2003

  减少1624万 Reduce 16.24 million

  2011年初中生 2011 junior high school students

  5067万 50.67 million


According to the Beijing news
