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南科大将考察学生批判能力 选英文原版理化教材--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Original title:South university in the future will examine students critical ability


Shenzhen special economic zone news reporter QinXiaoYan/text ChengHaiKun ZhangXiaoWei/diagram


yesterday,"Become a full member"After the university of science and technology south for the first batch of 188 freshmen entered the classroom,Open different university life.


This group of students of the university entrance exam is by 60%/Independent ability test accounted for 30%/Peacetime result to account for 10%"631"Type evaluation way"brought"Into the school gate,The national unique comprehensive evaluation model,In China's higher education GaiGeShi left on absorbing,Trigger social education reform in China think.


yesterday,South university President zhu qingshi academician for accepting a reporter to interview,Share this to the reporter autonomous enrolment the story behind the reform and future independent recruitment of students thinking.

  【关于招生改革】 [About the reform of the recruitment of students]

  引发社会反思中国教育弊病 Trigger social reflection China education malady


Shenzhen special economic zone to:Do you think the south university admissions reform the biggest breakthrough is what?


Zhu qingshi:We will cultivating innovative talents on the basic idea of real into the autonomous enrolment to,Design a set of test students' innovative quality retrial method.


What kind of talents it is innovative talents?I think that should have five ability:One is the ability of independent thinking,Need to have jump out of the conventional critical spirit,In addition,Still need to have imagination/insight/Memory and attention,Only have these quality of the talented person to have the ability to often generate new ideas,And the core of innovation is the new ideas.


Shenzhen special economic zone to:but"631"scheme,The university entrance exam is still occupy"Big head",Bearing the weight of higher education reform of hope"Autonomous enrolment"Proportion is only half of the proportion of the university entrance exam,It is thought that the autonomous enrollment"independent"The composition is not high.


Zhu qingshi:Many people may think so,But the fact is that this is a great breakthrough.Because we measure comprehensive performance,The university entrance exam is full marks 750 points reduced into 100 points after the multiplied by 60%,The independent test score full mark is 100 minutes,Does not need to convert directly multiplied by 30%,After the conversion of the university entrance exam 3.73 points is equivalent to the independent test 1 minute,so"independent"Proportion is very big still.


Shenzhen special economic zone to:You first proposed scheme is the recruit students"433"mode.


Zhu qingshi:yes.Our initial application is proposed when the independent the recruitment of students test accounted for 40%,The university entrance exam scores in peace the 30% of the model.In the report to the superior department when the scheme,They put forward the peacetime result very are quasi problem,Because different provinces different schools scores at ordinary times it is difficult to have unified standard,So I hope will usually result reduced to 10%.


Later we found that they have a lot of experience,This was the right decision.Of course,We are to discuss the process of scheme,Also tried to fight for will usually result reduced 20% added to the autonomous enrolment,But the superior departments considering this is the first time to try,Some places still see no,The university entrance exam or decided to give priority to,We also feel it is more safe,agreed.


Shenzhen special economic zone to:From right to recruit students to finalize enrollment plan/Official start enrollment only a month,How did you finish this work,Intermediate have some memorable story?


Zhu qingshi:At the end of April get right after enrollment,We began to busy to consult enrollment plan.Since late may,We began to keep trip in Beijing/guangzhou/shenzhen,To the ministry of education will run 4/Five times,Constantly report/consultation/Change scheme,Finally on May 29 finalized"631"scheme,The university entrance exam is 60%,South university organization independent test accounted for 30%,Peacetime result to account for 10% of the college entrance examination admission based on the comprehensive evaluation model.


The second day of the approved plan,We immediately in the south of guangdong province held at hkust for the teach-in,Then fly to chengdu,Began to other 7 provinces admissions preaching.In every city,I need to do three things:Convened a recruit students talk,To teachers and students/Parents introduce south university teaching ideas/Enrollment plan, and so on,;To meet the local high school principal;Accept the local media.This 8 provinces I go in person,time,Almost every day I have to catch a plane,Some urban residence time less than a day,May overnight arrived in the local,when"Three things"after,The next day afternoon will have to hurry to another city.


【关于招生总结】 [Summary about recruit students]

  下次自主测试增加人文素质等内容 The next time the independent test humanities quality, etc


Shenzhen special economic zone to:How do you evaluate the recruitment of students work,For the 188 freshmen satisfaction?


Zhu qingshi:We have made a success,Than expected target.Everywhere when recruit students,We are students and society's warmly welcome,Finally recruit to 188 a very good student.Recently we held two report,One is TangJie vice mayor speak economy,The Haitian press President YinChangLong speak ten big ideas,The students ask enthusiastically,From the questions to see,The students thinking depth and understanding ability are not generally,Guests are praised,Think we student's quality is very high.


Shenzhen special economic zone to:Have any regret place?


Zhu qingshi:Sorry to place first lies in the independent ability test set is in a hurry,Only test the students' four ability,Namely imagination/insight/Memory and attention,No to student's independent thinking/Critical ability/Humanistic quality test, etc,I think our next independent ability test will take these content added.


secondly,Set in the,Because this is the first year,Worry topic too hard,Students' ability test result of the university entrance exam and are too big,Cause of the university entrance exam up less than too big effect,In order to precaution,Our out the topic quantity partial light,Subject to partial.After the exam,We have a reference,The next time you can do it more accurately the.


In addition,In peacetime achievements in calculation,Because the didn't do all relevant foundation work,Some places have unified exam achievement,Some does not have,Even with the unified exam achievement,All standard difference is very big also,This gives us in measuring grades at ordinary times bring certain difficulty.In addition,We hope that in ordinary performance seen in the students' moral quality/Concerned about the performance of the society,But because the time is limited,Can't understand too fine,These are all we need to improve place next year.


 【关于明年招生思路】 [Recruitment of students thinking about next year]

  希望延续今年模式,具体方案待批 Hope to continue this year mode,The specific scheme DaiPi


Shenzhen special economic zone to:This year in the independent recruitment of students accumulate some experience basis,Next year's recruitment plan could make greater breakthrough?


Zhu qingshi:Next year we hope in the basis of this year,Continue through this comprehensive evaluation way to recruit students,This year we have accumulated a lot of experience and lessons,Next year will do better.


At present,We are setting up the school board,According to the[The articles of association of the university of science and technology]/[The interim measures for the administration of the university of science and technology],Enrollment plan by the school board decision through discussion,This mechanism will be established within one month,As the director of by me,And then lead the team to do the recruit students it.


At present,We also don't know by the ministry of education will use what form to batch of our recruitment plan,Perhaps is continue this year's enrollment plan,Next year only need a batch of recruitment of students scale will do.


To talk about,We as long as well,The whole society and the ministry of education are accepted,Autonomous enrollment scores and the proportion of nature will be higher.

  【关于理想招生模式】 [About ideal enrollment mode]

  高考作为参考, 录取应由高校自主决定 College entrance examination as a reference, Should be admitted by the independent decision


Shenzhen special economic zone to:Your ideal autonomous enrollment scheme is what kind of?


Zhu qingshi:The entrance exam is just for reference,How to fully accepted by the school independent decisions,This is the world market of university enrollment method.The world developed countries after graduating from high school has a similar college entrance examination examination,For instance the United States SAT the exam,Students to apply for a university,College will reference SAT scores,But you take the number one scholar to also do not admit you,Take an examination of well are not not admit you,College according to their own requirements for independent test,According to the requirements of the accord with his way of admission.Not like our country,Qiang is a lifelong,Sent a points all not line.South university autonomous enrollment of the university entrance exam although 60%,But of the university entrance exam absolute authority is still there,The ideal way is truly recruit students:The university entrance exam is only reference value,Whether admission to the school according to their location and characteristics of the comprehensive evaluation decision.Thus each school have characteristics,To break"Thousand school side"condition.Of course,In order to put an end to unhealthy tendency,The school independent testing also want justice/transparent,Accept all social supervision.

  【关于新生课程】 [New course about]

  给新生减压暂不设选修课 To freshman decompression temporary do not set elective course


Shenzhen special economic zone to:Reporters from level 2012 first semester see on schedule,Teaching weeks altogether 20 weeks,From September 3, to January 19,.Every curriculum not too full,Set aside time for the cultivation of students' autonomous learning.


Last year,The first experimental teaching reform of students have for"Heavy schoolwork burdens"To zhu qingshi principal"complaint",School how to adjust?


Zhu qingshi:Last year the educational reform experimental class students a required course/Elective course added up to a total of 13 door,Originally optional course is for students to learn spare capacity individuality choice,But many students don't want to drop any course,A term to more than a dozen on this course,Cause heavy academic pressure.This year,On the basis of,2012 freshmen curriculum will have to be adjusted,Only has eight major,Including higher mathematics,physical/Physics experiment/Chemical principle,Classical Chinese,English/Sports and other.Considering just into the university,Many students don't know their own personality and specialty,so,Preliminary arrangement in the second semester before opening elective course for they choose,Make the course structure more reasonable,Students won't have too big pressure of study,And can concentrate on learning interested in professional disciplines.


Shenzhen special economic zone to:Why physical chemistry teaching materials to choose English original edition?


Zhu qingshi:This is the south university to cultivate students' innovation ability of a link.China's education used to impart knowledge,The teaching material content are all very clear decomposition,Is the bun all chew again hello to students in the mouth,The student is very easy to understand,But to do scientific research when they feel the lack of staying power,Because a lot of scientific research need the students themselves refer to English literature,It is in the forced them to develop self-study ability,Can adapt to encounter difficulties after trying to overcome.
