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打工子弟入学被要求测智商 需医院证明--亲稳网络舆情监控室

[提要] [abstract]来自河南南阳邓州农民工魏双恒的8岁儿子航航在郑州市建设路三小求学时遭遇难题。在入学测试环节,老师问了航航3个问题:“5加7等于几”、“在哪儿上的幼儿园”、“爸爸的名字叫什么”。航航回答得支支吾吾,老师建议家长带航航测量智商。“我孩子智力没问题,就是没见过大场面,胆子小,有陌生人放不开。”魏双恒解释说。[我来说两句] Migrant workers from henan nanyang the opinion WeiShuangHeng 8 year old son air traffic in zhengzhou city jianshe road school school met problems.In the entrance test link,The teacher asked the air navigation 3 questions:"5 and 7 is equal to a few"/"Where is the kindergarten"/"Dad's name".Air traffic answered hem and haw,The teacher suggested that their parents to take air traffic measurement intelligence quotient (IQ)."My child intelligence no problem,Just can't see big scene,Courage small,A stranger is can't let go."WeiShuangHeng explained.[me two other]

  用几个简单问题对智商进行判定,是否科学、公平、负责? By applying a few simple questions to intelligence quotient (IQ) for decision,Are scientific/fair/Responsible for?


For children of entrance"Measuring intelligence quotient (IQ)"Cause the dispute


People look forward to the school for children of some more patience and love


Children want to receive compulsory education,In addition to do together various kinds of formalities,Also on IQ test,Draw the hospital related testify that this is the opinion WeiShuangHeng migrant workers from henan nanyang 8 year old son air navigation jianshe road in zhengzhou city list when studying the problem of encounter.


"My children in the city last to learn,Is really not easy!."Speaking of September 3, to send their children to school things,WeiShuangHeng very grievance:The child has been 8 years old,Last year, because do not understand, zhengzhou city worker of ab extra wu is avoided school policy,Has been delayed for one year.


"Very not easy this year in accordance with the policies,Do the children's school various kinds of formalities,Were assigned to the jianshe road school registration."WeiShuangHeng said,Didn't expect the first interview with the basic for the poor,Children will be rejected,Then came the proposal goes to a hospital to children measurement intelligence quotient (IQ):IQ qualified original school reception,Intelligence quotient (IQ) don't pass,Send brood wisdom school.


According to introducing,In jianshe road school entrance test link,The teacher asked the air navigation 3 questions:"5 and 7 is equal to a few"/"Where is the kindergarten"/"Dad's name".


Three problems,Air traffic answered hem and haw,Evaluation the teacher suggested that their parents to take air traffic measurement intelligence quotient (IQ),And assign to ZhengDa YiFuYuan or children's hospital of specialized testing institutions open proof.


"My child intelligence no problem,Just can't see big scene,Courage small,A stranger is can't let go."WeiShuangHeng explained.


Worried of WeiShuangHeng took the children to ZhengDa YiFuYuan do check,The result obtained is not out of the hospital certificate of diagnosis.


Helpless under,WeiShuangHeng took the children find ZhongYuanOu combination of bureau.Staff issued a[In 2012 ZhongYuanOu elementary school recruitment of students work opinion],There are provisions of regulations"School-age children intelligence the city class above medical institutions test,Intelligence quotient (IQ) in between 45 to 79,In principle to ZhongYuanOu brood wisdom school",And tell them,"The headmaster let the child go to school education wisdom,Parents do not agree to be able to more than the municipal hospital for tests."


In the WeiShuangHeng again and again under the supplications,ZhongYuanOu education section staff to air air out of the more than 10 math problem,He break the finger is to come,Finally write the answer,All right.


It makes the WeiShuangHeng many days of all sorts of feelings:"A rural children,Didn't the zha kindergarten,Can make these questions,Intelligence quotient (IQ) how can there be the problem?This is not the school nasty about people it?"


Reporter survey found,WeiShuangHeng their children to school encounter problem is not isolated cases.Although the national strict rules in school education stage obligations shall be held in disguised form or hold and entrance hook selection examination or testing,But in henan zhengzhou,As more and more migrant children selection in urban studying,The child admission to after school the teacher's"interview".


this,Zhengzhou some educators are explained,Now the school usually do a simple test,Only a few children may apply for admission by reaction capability problems.The school is mainly want to selected really do exist intellectual problem children,Guide them through the brood intellectual education,Shaping adult.


however,This has happened to many people's question,Some migrant workers reflect to the reporter said,Part of the school with a few simple questions to their children's intelligence quotient (IQ) for decision,To the countryside to children"Very unfair",Also irresponsible.Many netizens think,Children in the countryside many didn't received preschool education,Impossible and urban children in the same starting line,And just to urban reading,On the environment/Personnel is very strange,Adopt simple method take the children a cob"killed",Will give the children and their parents do a lot of damage."School treat for children should be more patience and love."


According to reporter understanding,Some cities such as nanjing,Have introduced policies pupils entrance it is strictly prohibited to measuring intelligence quotient (IQ).But in the developed countries,IQ test is extremely strict,Evaluation personnel manner of speaking/speed/tone/Facial expressions are likely to be tested child impact,And the child at the time of the physiological status and mental state are directly affect the test results.Few domestic institutions and individuals can achieve so high index.So it is suggested that,If a child does not obvious supernormal/Mentally handicapped or psychological problems,Had better not give children measuring intelligence quotient (IQ).

  面对质疑,中原区教体局的工作人员当场给建设路三小的校长打电话,要求他们接收航航入学。9月4日下午,在经历过一番波折之后,魏双恒终于如愿将航航送进了郑州建设路三小的大门。(记者余嘉熙 通讯员马艳杰)

In the face of the question,ZhongYuanOu combination of bureau staff on the spot to build way school principal call,Asking them to receive air air admission.On September 4, afternoon,After going through a after the twists and turns,WeiShuangHeng succeeded eventually will air traffic sent to the zhengzhou jianshe road school gate.(Reporter correspondent YuJiaXi MaYanJie)
