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上海一小学数百学生每天站着吃午饭 已持续一年--亲稳网络舆情监测室

上海一小学数百学生每天站着吃午饭 已持续一年 学校食堂有些长桌没有配备凳子 The school canteen some long not equipped with stool 上海一小学数百学生每天站着吃午饭 已持续一年 两排桌子间空间非常局促,学生坐下后不能动弹 Two rows between table space very cramped,Students after sit down can't move


原标题:嘉定一小学数百学生一年来天天站着吃午饭 Original title:A primary school students in jiading district of a years stood for lunch every day

  昨天是新学期开学的第二天,一走出校门,乐乐就被妈妈黄女士拉住问:“今天中午是坐着吃饭的吗? ”乐乐又摇了摇头。刚刚升三年级的乐乐是嘉定区黄渡小学的一名学生,在过去整整一年里,每天中午,乐乐都是站着吃完午餐的。而学校偌大的食堂里,几乎所有学生都跟乐乐一样站着吃饭

Yesterday was the second day of the new semester,One out of the school gate,Lele is mother ms wong took asked:"At noon today is sit to eat? "Lele and shook his head.Just rise three grade lele is jiading yellow crossing a primary school student,In the past a whole year,The daily noon,Lele is standing finished eating lunch.And the school so big in the dining room,Almost all the students with lele stood to eat.


Reporter discovery after investigation,Is located in the population into OuDeHuang crossing the primary school,Because in recent years continuously expanding class,Student Numbers have been greatly more than saturation,Although the school dining room equipped with stool,But the children, but we don't have enough space to sit down.The new term began,SuiQian children education of problem again"seasonal"To highlight out.


家长:一些孩子站着只用两分钟就吃完午饭 parents:Some of the children stood only two minutes after lunch

  9岁的乐乐这学期成了三年级学生,而在一年前,乐乐一天放学后无意间的一句话,吓了母亲一跳。 “今天中午我们全班同学都站着吃饭。 ”黄女士赶紧问为何要站着吃,乐乐回答说因为食堂里没有凳子。再问,说是整个食堂里学生们都站着吃饭。

9 years old lele this semester become grade three students,And in a year ago,Lele one day after school the word by accident,The mother was a jump. "This noon we the class to eat standing up. "Ms wong hurriedly ask why want to standing to eat,Lele said because the dining room no stool.ask,That all the students in the whole dining room to eat standing up.


Ms wong thought was a special case,The beginning and no heart.But after a few days,She at the school gate at joint lele time with several parents chatting,Only to find that it is not by chance to eat standing up.A fourth grade students parents said,In addition to a grade children can sit to eat outside,Other grade children are standing meal.Ms wong smell speech shocked,She then to lele teacher checking information,The teacher informed,It said the helpless.

  一次偶然的机会,黄女士得以午餐时间进入校园,她在食堂外看到,数百名小学生一个挨着一个,站着用餐。一些孩子几乎只用了两分钟时间就吃完了午饭,抹抹嘴从人群中挤出去,“这样的场景绝对让人震惊。 ”

A pure chance,Ms wong to lunch time to enter the campus,She in the dining hall to see outside,Hundreds of pupils a next to a,Stand dinner.Some children almost only two minutes to just finished lunch,Put on a mouth with from the crowd extrusion to,"This scene absolutely shocking. "

  还有几次黄女士看到,午餐时间,几名学生走出学校,校门外,是他们拎着午餐盒和小矮凳的家长。 “那么热的天,孩子们就坐在学校门口吃中饭,家长在一旁扇扇子,看着就叫人心酸。 ”黄女士说。

There are several ms wong see,Lunch time,A few students out of the school,Outside the school gate,Is that they carry lunch boxes and small low stool of parents. "Such a hot day,The children sat in XueJiaoMen stuttering lunch,Parents on one side thefan fan,Look at that people feel sad. "Ms wong said.


In the past year,Because eat seat problem,Ms wong also combined some other parents and the school had bargaining,Also once to reflect the education bureau,But not always improve.And this is almost became yellow lady a piece of heart.Every day after school son first sentence,She always asks you to eat,To later,Son has not happy to answer.

  “站着吃饭,不仅囫囵吞枣,也不利于身体发育。 ”几百个孩子每天站着吃饭的背后,究竟有着怎样的隐情?黄女士迫切想要答案。

"To eat standing up,Bolt not only,But also to the body development. "Hundreds of children standing behind every day to eat,What is the true than that?Ms wong desperately want to answer.


直击:空间局促,坐下只能背靠背无法动弹 direct:Space constraint,Sit down only could not move back to back

  位于嘉定区绿苑路上的黄渡小学是黄渡镇上唯一一所公办小学,占地面积23亩,建筑面积7100平方米。校舍修建得很漂亮,校园内绿树茵茵,环境优美。昨天下午,天空中下着细雨,虽然还不到放学时间,校门口却已经等候有多名家长。 “我儿子读四年级了,他一直说在学校是站着吃饭的。 ”一名家长说。据其介绍,孩子称食堂里人太多,坐下不方便,不如站着吃。家长还说,孩子因为站着吃,总是草草了事,每天下午放学后就吵着说肚子饿,回到家胃口大好。另外一些家长也证实了这名家长的说法,凡是二年级以上的孩子,几乎都有过站着吃饭的经历。

Is located in the jiading LuYuan road crossing the yellow primary school is a yellow cross the town only a public elementary school,Covers an area of 23 mu,A building area of 7100 square meters.School buildings built very beautiful,Campus green trees yinyin,Beautiful environment.Yesterday afternoon,The sky below the drizzle,Although less than time after school,The entrance of the school but have been waiting for a number of parents. "My son read four grade,He has been said in the school is stand eating. "A parents say.According to its introduction,The child said in the dining room person is too much,Sit not convenient,Doesn't eat standing.Parents also said,Children because the station to eat,Always hurry,After school every afternoon is noisy said hungry,Back to home good appetite.Some parents also confirmed the famous long statement,All grade two more children,Almost all have to eat standing up experience.


Yesterday afternoon,Crossing the yellow horse elementary school principal out at the meeting,He when accepting a reporter telephone interview said,Schools are now 32 class/More than 1300 students,In addition to 9 class outside the have dinner outside in the classroom,The rest of the 23 classes are in the dining hall meal unity,About the number of about 900 people.According to one school dining room a set,"But the students don't like to sit to eat,They like to eat standing".


Reporters then came to the school canteen,On the first floor is located in the student canteen,Area of about 200 square meters,Put the long 80 copies,Each table is a supporting stool,A table can hang 10 zhang stool.However, even if such,Also can not meet the demand of one seat.


A closer look can be found,The bench if all on the ground,Almost took all space,Even if students can sit down,Also back-to-back crowded together,Could not move.

  “确实,站着比坐着节约空间,也更方便。 ”学校副书记说。也正因为空间局促,导致了学生们长期以来都站着吃饭。至于黄女士所见的几名坐在校门外吃饭的学生,是因为他们乃过敏体质,对一些食物敏感,在学校报备后由家长送餐。

"really,Stand than sitting space saving,Also more convenient. "Deputy secretary of the school said.It is because of a space constraint,Led to the students have long to eat standing up.As for ms wong see several sit to eat outside the school gate students,Because they are allergic constitution,For some food sensitive,In the school report prepared by the parents after dinner.


学校:学生激增,食堂空间捉襟见肘 The school:Students surge,Rebuilding the dining room space

  黄渡小学陆副校长介绍说,黄渡小学创建于1905年,是一所具有百年历史的小学。 2002年异地新建,2007年扩建。当年扩建之初,是规划了二十几个班级,学校的一应配套设施,也是在这样的人数基数上配备的。然而近几年,随着随迁子女的逐年递增,学校为解决他们的入学难题,不断扩招。

Crossing the yellow land primary school vice President said,Yellow cross primary school was founded in 1905,Is a primary school with one hundred years of history. 2002 different new,2007 expansion.At the beginning of the expansion,Is planning the over 20 classes,The school all supporting facilities,Is in such a number on the base of the equipped with.In recent years, however,Along with the SuiQian children increasing year by year,Schools to solve their problem of admission,Enrollment expansion.

  今年毕业的学生有220余名,但一年级新招的学生达到了270余名,与此同时,其余各年级各班级也不断有插班生进来。仅这个学期,该校的学生人数就增加了一百余人。“目前学校40%的学生是随迁子女。 ”陆副校长说。

This year graduate students have more than 220,But a grade new recruit students reached more than 270,meanwhile,The others each grade each class also unceasingly is drop-in come in.Only this term,The number of the students in the school added one hundred more than person."At present the school 40% of the students are SuiQian children. "Lu vice President said.


The number of jumps in the case,The school some resources is very tight,The dining room is one.

  前几年,学校为了保证食物的安全和口感,都要求所有学生到食堂统一用餐。但随着学生人数增长,食堂渐渐不能容纳,便改为一部分班级在教室里用餐。“一开始只是一楼的一些班级,这学期我们又开放了二楼中间教室的几个班级。 ”陆副校长说,即便如此,食堂空间也是捉襟见肘。

Before a few years,The school in order to ensure food safety and palate,Require all students to the dining hall meal unity.But as the number of students growth,The dining room is can't accommodate,Then change to part of the class dining in the classroom."At the beginning it was the first floor of some of the class,This semester we have opened the second floor of the classroom among several class. "Lu vice President said,Even so,The dining room space is also under.

  “我们也在积极想办法,目前比较可行的方案有两个,一是再开放一些班级在教室里用餐,二是错时轮流到食堂用餐。 ”陆副校长说,“我们区本来就是人口导入区,教育资源相对紧张,希望大家能相互理解和配合。 ”

"We are actively trying to,At present more feasible scheme has two,One is to open some class dining in the classroom,The second is a mistake in turn in the dining hall meal. "Lu vice President said,"We area was population import area,Education resources relative nervous,Hope everybody can understand each other and cooperate. "


记者调查 Reporter investigation


去年全国随迁子女入学增93.79万人 Last year the national SuiQian their children to school increase 937900 people


上海多所郊区中小学人数逐年递增 Shanghai suburban more than the number of primary and secondary school is increasing year by year


Reporter survey found,The number of students of the jumps,Is not limited to the yellow crossing a primary school.According to the ministry of education announced a few days ago[The 2011 national education career development statistics bulletin]Data display,The 2011 national compulsory education stage in the school of rural migrant workers in SuiQian children altogether 12.6097 million people,This compared with an increase of almost 2010 people from 937900.And in Shanghai,More and more migrant workers who work SuiQian children can accept the nine-year compulsory education,And to continue with school.Shanghai more suburb of primary and middle school students are presented of the increasing year by year.


This newspaper reported on August 29,As the pujiang town a large private elementary school,WenHe for primary school including the LuSheng village/Mirror pu village/Pond mouth village/The village and so on many village children migrant workers.Because the number of students jumps,Schoolhouse insufficient resources,The headmaster wanted to expansion of the classroom,But because has not been written reply to a subordinate body,The principal without permission while summer vacation to please the construction team building expansion,Make increase out half building became illegal building.Although more than 1.5 million yuan,But illegal structures buildings was overall demolition.


Have a,Strong will high school is the only MaQiaoZhen minhang district in a middle school,Each classroom desks and chairs are pendulum get full to the brim,Add a also difficult.A six grade teacher said,Schools in the last six class basis,And abruptly spread out a class.Introduced the,According to the current Shanghai is pushing the permanent population admission policy,Schools should admit census register priority children,To recruit more than 130 of local students,Redundant more than one hundred degree quota,Through the computer 1 school places allocation way assigned to foreign children.


Although education bureau tried to dig potential,But still couldn't keep up with foreign children growing needs to go to school.Some parents in the school,This makes the original strain of education resources to add insult to injury.In order to let every child can have on learning,Minhang district education bureau for this move sufficient brains,MaQiaoZhen more than 30 name report not name on the students,Final mostly by comprehensive arrangement to near allegory GongZhu another school of run by the local people.

  资料显示,上海要到2020年才能达到教育供需的基本平衡。闵行区教育局局长王浩表示,“现阶段大家应相互理解,共同克服难题,我们也会尽可能多地考虑各方因素,把全区教育资源配置得更为科学合理。 ”

Data shows,Shanghai it will take until 2020 to achieve the basic education supply and demand balance.Minhang district education bureau director wang hao said,"At present we should understand each other,Common to overcome obstacles,We will consider all factors as much as possible,Put the education resource allocation more scientific and reasonable. "
