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零分高考生:清零人生挑战高考 劝告效仿者慎重--亲稳网络舆情监测室


零分高考生:清零人生挑战高考 劝告效仿者慎重 2009年,徐孟南在中学门口打出自己的劝学标语。徐孟南供图 In 2009,,The XuMengNa in high school with my own QuanXue slogan.XuMengNa for map


原标题:零分高考生的清零人生 Original title:Zero high examinee's reset life


他们曾选择以高考零分的方式,表达自己对应试教育的不满 Have they choose to the university entrance exam zero way,To express their dissatisfaction with the exam-oriented education


多年后他们历经坎坷,对当初的行为有不同的认识,但一致认为个体应独立思考 After many years they have lived through bumpy,At the beginning of behavior to have different understanding,But the consensus that the individual should be independent thinking

       相关阅读:高考零分作文盘点        readings:College entrance examination composition zero inventory


September of,Freshmen,Enter the campus,Start a new life.And a group of candidates,Once in the university entrance exam zero way,Express yourself on the current education system thinking,Also this can't step into university.


They make the university entrance exam another list.


These out of the author,Their whole adolescence by education return to zero,And to challenge the university entrance exam system.


The mass media reported the university entrance exam zero points the examinee in 2006 of Chiang kai-shek,Then eight candidates have made the same choice.now,These zero points the examinee in where,do?In those days they choose to bring what kind of change?


Reporter to find three zero points the examinee,Please them of their story.The reader can through their story,And they think together,How to face life road important choice.


Experienced in the poverty/labor/love/After failure,They found that,Once with enormous costs repel challenge the university entrance exam,Life is just a number of challenges the easiest one.


They also found that the change of system only by a shock,It is useless.People need to have the ability of independent thinking,But do not act on impulse.


Now that they are willing to accept an interview,Show that they are willing to use their settling down life experience to warn the latter.They still firm to the university entrance exam system thinking.But let them again,They may choose to change the way.


从拒绝到捍卫 From refuse to defend


徐孟南 XuMengNa

  徐孟南 22岁,安徽蒙城县人,2008年高考主动考零分,几门课共得143分。现在在江苏淮安经营一家猪毛厂。如今他认为,应试教育应改变,但一两个零分不足以改变。

XuMengNa 22 years old,Anhui MengChengXian people,In 2008 the university entrance exam active take an examination of zero points,A few course to a total of 143 points.Now in jiangsu huaian running a pig hair factory.Now he thinks,Exam-oriented education should change,But one or two zero points to change.


Four years ago,XuMengNa refused to the university entrance exam;Four years later,XuMengNa persuade men the university entrance exam.


In 2008, when the university entrance exam,The name of the MengCheng anhui two students,Deliberately violate compasses,Want to borrow the university entrance exam 0 points,Let the world focus on his education concept.In 2012,,He built"College entrance examination 0 points sound"website,Tells the story of the zero points,Called on students do not take an examination of zero points,But attention to education reform.


From refuse to support,XuMengNa attitude how has a 180 degree turn?


失败的炒作 Failure of the hype


XuMengNa built"College entrance examination 0 points sound"website,Spent more than 1000 yuan.In may this year,Website operation.The above list of Chiang kai-shek/JiJian/Zhang and her honey haired zero examinee's story.Some say he was like the university entrance exam hype.XuMengNa smiled:"I'm so still can hype???????"


He said,Understand now,Media is the ability of the people of the flounder,"Have no ability,Take an examination of how many 0 points,Also become a han han."


XuMengNa with"foolish"Refer to the college entrance examination test the practice of zero.He had been hoping this move brought him attention,Change the examination-oriented education system,And even change he and in the fate of the students.


A good XuMeng meteorological results,When high by han han[Through 2003]influence,He strongly opposes exam-oriented education,And invented a education concept"two"Education mode,The core philosophy is teaching students according to their aptitude,According to each person's hobby/Areas education,Literacy class scoring account for only a part of the university entrance exam.


To promote the idea,He decided to imitate 2006 college entrance examination zero points of Chiang kai-shek,Use the university entrance exam 0 points for discourse right,Let more people pay attention to his"two"Education mode.


In 2008 the university entrance exam,XuMengNa games exams are deliberately violate compasses,The test write around"My name is XuMengNa,My take an examination of number is XXX,I am MengCheng in two……"He's still in the paper elaborated his space"two"Education concept.


But after the mark comes out,XuMengNa didn't 0 points,He got 143 points.


Result after down,He gave a newspaper anhui play to hotline,Media begin to pay close attention to him.But the report out mostly negative,Criticized his childish.After a few days,No media reports he.Let him proud of"two"Education concept,Is deserted.


另一条路 Another way


College entrance examination after the end,XuMengNa work to Shanghai.Time night,He can't sleep figured,"Take an examination of zero points it,Exactly right?"


He could not come up with the answer,And they began to write autobiography faction[College entrance examination zero meristematic].Don't have a computer,With the mobile phone to play out,Then sent to online.He wants to see novels,Can give the college entrance examination zero meristematic an answer.


After a month,XuMengNa slipped from Shanghai back to hefei,To the media for help:He wants to go to college.But the university entrance exam admission has gone,No college are willing to accept him.


The next few years,His life is work"overworked/hard"Filled with,And his classmates,Whether school or college,Almost all in reading.The occasional together,The students talk about the good university life,And the vision of the future,This makes XuMengNa envy.


Job after more than a year,He wanted to answer read examination of university.But XuGuangFeng father to him was a massive disappointment,That he"Don't stir up trouble",Insist that he continues to work.


XuMengNa no mention of answer read things,Every time I hear the latest development of the students,He is not feeling,"Step branch off,A different way."Sometimes he can't help but complain,Why didn't first"Pull him a".


The idea of XuMengNa contributed to the"Contrition QuanXue"action.In May 2011,He for someone to do a wooden cases take carry,Inside put more than 4000 leaflets,To urge everyone to take participate in college entrance examination,Don't take an examination of 0 points.


He lived 30 pieces of one night of crude hotel,Eat the bento street,Successively to nanjing/hefei/Zhengzhou, high school propaganda.He pretended to be student identity into campus hair advice leaflet,Encountered many security expelled.


He also insist on the Internet blog,In each big BBS post on the advice.his"Contrition QuanXue"Action has been insisting to 2011 the college entrance examination.


先理解,后改革 To understand,Reform after


Six months ago,XuMengNa and a hearing disabled girl JuanJuan married.Father put a small pig hair factory to his management,Every month to pay him $three thousand salary.


XuMengNa used sign language and JuanJuan tells its own story.JuanJuan answer in sign language:"Exam 0 points can,Deliberately take an examination of 0 points are bad."


The two years before the college entrance examination from the Internet to find someone XuMengNa consulting exam 0 points thing.


These students often use the tone of envy to XuMengNa consult:How to resist exam-oriented education.XuMengNa convinced every time to persuade,He is worried that these students chose him the way:"Not worth.Four years ago,If someone told me take an examination of zero points to get anything,I'm sure I don't will test."


XuMengNa wife is pregnant,He said,The future will not let their children to college entrance examination examination zero points.


In through the web site called on students to participate in the college entrance examination at the same time,XuMengNa also encourage students to pay attention to the university entrance exam education reform.He thinks,Exam-oriented education needs to change,But should not be the examinee incur losses way to change,Besides a couple of zero points is not enough to change.


XuMengNa still want to go to college."Born to first have to wto."He said,Into the system to understand its existing problems to reform it.

  采写新京报记者 周亦楣孟祥超 实习生 苏晶

Selects the Beijing news reporter ZhouYiMei MengXiangChao interns SuJing
