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美大学承认用儿童做转基因大米试验 湖南否认--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  环球网报道 记者 张晓芳】据美国《侨报》报道,由绿色和平组织食品与农业项目近期向媒体揭发的一起美国科研机构利用中国儿童进行转基因大米试验的事件在中美两地引起轩然大波。日前,领导该试验的美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)华裔女教授唐广文教授通过校方发言人对此事给予了书面回应。塔夫茨大学校方回应承认进行了该项试验,称该试验的目的是针对发展中国家一个非常严重的健康问题寻找解决方法。但湖南衡阳随后公布的调查结果称,在衡南县江口中心小学进行的一项实验,未与美国及境外的任何机构发生直接关系。

The web ZhangXiaoFang reporter]According to the American[qiaobao]reports,Green peace organization by food and agriculture project near future to the media together the United States scientific research institutions use Chinese children in genetically modified rice test events in both China and the United States caused a storm in a teacup.a,Leading the test of American tufts(Tufts University)Chinese female professor TangGuangWen professor through the school spokesman told it gives a written response.Tufts officials had acknowledged the test response,Said the purpose of this trial is aimed at developing countries a very serious health problems look for a solution.But the hunan hengyang then published survey says,In HengNaXian estuary center primary school in an experiment,With the United States and abroad not any orgnaization happening direct relation.

  报道称,正在休假的美国塔夫茨大学类胡萝卜素和健康研究所(Carotenoids and Health Laboratory)的主任唐广文教授将询问邮件转给了塔夫茨大学校方。随后校方发言人克罗斯曼(Andrea Grossman)以书面形式回复说,塔夫茨大学在各种以人为对象的试验中,均遵循最高的道德标准。“黄金大米”的试验目的是针对发展中国家一个非常严重的健康问题寻找解决方法。根据世界卫生组织的统计,维生素A的缺乏影响着全世界2亿5000万的儿童,其中每年有25万儿童因此失明,这些人中的半数都在失明后死亡。尽管目前有各种维生素A的补充方式和社会项目,但仍无法解决维生素A的缺乏问题,本试验的目的就是进一步证实“黄金大米”在补充维生素A不足方面的有效性。克罗斯曼强调,这次在中国的临床试验经过了中美双方有关机构的批准,并且获得了所有参与试验的儿童及他们家长的同意。该项目的一部分资金来自美国国家健康研究院(NIH)。

Reports say,Whileon leave the United States tufts carotenoids and health research institute(Carotenoids and Health Laboratory)The director of the TangGuangWen professor will ask mail to the tufts university.Then the school spokesman g direction(Andrea Grossman)In a written form replied,Tufts in all kinds of people in the experiments,Is to follow the highest ethical standards."Golden rice"Test purpose is aimed at developing countries a very serious health problems look for a solution.According to the world health organization's survey,Lack of vitamin A affect the world 250 million children,A year of 250000 children so blind,These people are in the half died after blindness.Although there are all kinds of vitamin A supplementation mode and social programs,But still cannot solve the lack of vitamin A problem,The purpose of this study is to further confirmed"Golden rice"In the supplement vitamin A deficiency of effectiveness.G emphasize direction,This time in Chinese clinical trial after both sides relevant authorities to approval,And get all participate in test of children and their parents agree.The purpose of a part of the capital from the national institutes of health(NIH).


Reports say,G direction at the same time with the full text.According to the report,Test with the hunan some rural areas(Said for hengyang)112 6 to 8 years old children in the screening,Final in 72,And the children of the parasite infection of early treatment,To prevent these health problems affected test results.These children in 35 days' time,Were hello to"Golden rice"/Spinach and carotene capsule,Final results show that,"Golden rice"In the supplement vitamin A aspects as effective as with capsule,At the same time is better than is rich in carotene spinach.


At the same time,According to the American genetically modified food test government registration website information,The hunan region since test"Golden rice"2000 years since the advent of the few one of two or three times test.TangGuangWen team test results are genetically modified food researchers and enterprises to further proof"Golden rice"Lack of vitamin A in resolving problems of cheap and practical advantages.

  报道还提到,“黄金大米”在2000年推出,2005年被瑞士跨国农业科技企业“先正达”(Syngenta)公司进一步改良,使其胡萝卜素的含量达到普通大米的23倍。但是,该产品至今从未被许可商业推广,有说法称可能在2013年获得商业许可。该产品被许多反对转基因食品的人士和团体指责为是转基因食品行业的一个讨好大众的噱头,一个“特洛伊木马”,目的是让整个行业获得民众的好感,进而推出更多的转基因食品。一位名为Mae-Wan Ho的学者指出,许多转基因食品在由非行业资金资助的独立研究中都出现各种副作用,包括引起实验室老鼠的肺肿、不育等症状,而“黄金大米”虽然目前还没有显示出副作用,但通过大幅度提高一种食品中维生素的含量、而不是通过多样化的食谱来解决维生素A的缺乏,这本身就是一个极其不妥的做法。

Yet, the report says,,"Golden rice"Launched in 2000,In 2005 is the Swiss international agricultural science and technology enterprises"syngenta"(Syngenta)The company further improvement,Make its carotene content to achieve common rice 23 times.but,This product has never been licensing business promotion,Suggestions that may be in 2013 years obtain business license.This product is a lot of opposition to genetically modified foods people and groups accused of genetically modified (gm) food industry is one of the public's stunt,a"Trojan horse",The purpose is to let the whole industry become people's favor,Then introduce more of genetically modified food.A named Mae - Wan Ho scholars pointed out,A lot of genetically modified food in the industry by the funding of independent study all appear all sorts of side effects,Including laboratory mice caused by lung is swollen/Symptoms such as infertility,and"Golden rice"Although there is no show side effects,But through the improved a vitamin content in food/Not by diverse diet to solve the lack of vitamin A,This in itself is an extremely wrong practices.


It is reported that,According to"A U.S. research institutions select hunan hengyang a primary school students in genetically modified rice human trials"reports.Hunan hengyang city government to carry on the investigation.On September 1, published survey says,In march of 2008,HengNaXian estuary center primary school accept hunan province CDC and the Chinese CDC nutrition and food safety by the subject"Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research",Chose 68 students grouping comparison test,Participating students eat all the food in all local procurement,All the experimental process by the national centers for disease control and prevention in hunan province and disease prevention and control center expert monitoring.Test before,School held two parents meeting,Each signed for told notice.Experiments did not involve genetically modified rice and other transgenic food.In HengNaXian estuary center primary school of the experiment,With the United States and abroad not any orgnaization happening direct relation.Investigation team already and to participate in this experiment including two subject contact personnel,They also confirmed that the above situation.


Hunan province disease prevention and control center confirmed:"The implementation of the project without using genetically modified rice and any genetically modified food,All the raw material all in local purchase,Subject after the completion of,All field material already handed in subject is responsible for the party(The Chinese CDC nutrition and food security)."


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