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在校学生“下战书”聚众斗殴 德育缺失令人担忧--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


在校生聚众斗殴,竟向对方“下战书” Student gang war,Unexpectedly to the other party"afternoon"


From 2010 to the first half of 2012,The public security organs of the people's procuratorate of jiangsu province acceptance of a case transferred for examination before prosecution students all DouOuAn 5 a 28 people,The same period of gang war case involving the total number of 11% of the 255 people.And in 2008/In 2009, the hospital are not accept such case.Student gang war case though the proportion is not big,But the serious influence the healthy growth of teenagers,Disturbed the normal teaching order,Destroy social harmony and stability.


有组织有策划,令人不寒而栗 Organized planning,A shudder at


Investigators introduced,These students suspected per capita for ordinary high school or vocational middle school boy,Average age 17,And most people with poor performance in school.The public middle school student 15 people,Private school students six people,Vocational middle school students 7 people.Without these students/Life empty,"Elder brothers personal loyalty"serious,Some still have to early love/Addicted to the Internet and other bad behavior.On October 13, 2010,A private middle school 17 years old boy wang mou learned that another school boys ZhuMou pursuit of his"Unrequited love"girl,To give each other a"run",Wang mou drum up our students people and ZhuMou and several people"duel".According to the understanding,Wang mou school performance is very poor,There is a serious cut school/Violate compasses record.


"Prior drum up/Organizing and planning,Has the obvious mens rea."Investigators said,This kind of case is the cause of desire to excel over others/Just stubbornly bucket malicious;Or lodge a bitterness/paranoia,Also some for students/friends"s".To participate in the fight in advance has gathered personnel/The process of planning and preparation,Some even through the"afternoon"Agreed fights the time and the place.On May 3, 2010,17 year old boy named sister was finally a student business"bullying",He then call and each other mutual scold,And through the mobile phone short message meet each take a person fights.At noon the following day,Named indeed as expected drum up a few students through the network and gather more than users"Keep the appointment"fight.


According to introducing,5 cases, 4 up have armed fighting plot,The weapon have choppers/bricks/Telescopic rod/Stick, etc.Participate in less number is more than 10 people,Many tens.Such as a vocational middle school students address/Wang mou, gang war a case,They 8 people flee to another class beat the other students,This class is more than 10 students counterattack.Address and a consciously,Then return to the dormitory for choppers revenge.A few"round"after,3 students caused by different degree injury.


"Fights results serious,Serious social harm,Hard to imagine."Investigators said.On January 24, 2011,A middle school student peng one and ZhuMou trivia for dispute,Both sides and drum up the school life people to the school nearby alley fights,The two students was stabbed to death,Three people were injured,In the county-wide cause shock.In 5 cases,,Fight place on campus 2 up,2 the near our school,Occur in places of public entertainment 1 up,On the normal teaching order and social security and order cause serious influence.


原因不单单在学生身上 Reason is not just in the student body


Investigators think,Student gang war has various reason,Must cause enough attention,"Otherwise will seriously affect the healthy growth of the next generation".


The first is the cause of their own gang war.High school or secondary vocational students stage for 16 to 18 years old,Is in adolescence,Conception of rule of light,Self-control difference;Thought extreme,Easy impulse/Regardless of the consequences;Blind pursuit"The code of the brotherhood",Love performance/Love opposed.Part of the secondary vocational students due to lack of confidence/For the future pessimistic disappointment/self-rejection,"Become sworn brothers"Form clique's phenomenon is also very common.They often behavior contrariness/Are regardless of,Through the defiance of law and morality to make public"personality",Easy to participate in gang war crime.


"Heavy fraction,Light moral education",The school ignore management is the second reason.Public high school value too"score"/"Graduation rates",Weakening of moral education and safety education,Ignore the psychological counseling for students;Private middle school and secondary vocational education quality the good and bad are intermingled,Widespread management confusion/Discipline relaxation phenomenon,Cause some self-discipline consciousness difference/Wet behind the ears of students for making friends he wait for a reason to gang war and other illegal and criminal road.Between teachers/Between teachers and students/The school and a lack of communication between family,School violence tendency existing in the lack of ease/Lack of corrective measures,For some campus violence processing is not seasonable, etc,Also give gang war crime growth provides space and soil.


Parents poor discipline,Family in children dote on character extreme.Participating in the gang war of students,The majority of only children,Family spoiling causes them to form all the self-centered concept,Lead to the forming a"Attacking personality".And classmates slightly contradictions,Then arrived at;Some parents to children, in terms of the requirements of material demand,Their children to show the MiaoTouXing questions, but turn a blind eye,Even hide up connivance.There are some single parent families children lack of love and security,Participating in the gang war, etc in the process of organized crime for spirit to place.


"Negative social atmosphere infection,Will the child's outlook on life values into the evil ways,You have to pay attention."Investigators said.In the field of society the code of the brotherhood and other bad atmosphere to produce exerts a subtle influence on students,Part of students the mistake of rough road as"brave",The elder brothers personal loyalty as"friendship".In the social and cultural environment,By means of violence/Pornography as the main contents of the books and periodicals/Audio and video products/The market is flooded with network game.Some students are addicted to violent games cannot extricate oneself,Imitate the gangster films have the circumstances of the crime,Easily rush in where angels fear to tread.(WangWei)
