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长沙一大一新生军训猝死 档案中注明曾患心脏病--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  华声在线-三湘都市报9月12日讯 长沙理工大学大一新生李润泉在前天晚上发了一条微博:军训第一天,感觉还行,就是脚疼。没想到,这是他人生中发的最后一条微博,14个小时以后,李润泉在早上军训时突发心脏病,倒在了操场上。

Hua sheng electronic online - sanxiang urban paper on September 12 - changsha university of science and technology LiRunQuan freshmen in the evening the day before yesterday sent a micro bo:Military training the first day,Feeling okay,Be feet hurt.Didn't expect,This is found his life at the end of a micro bo,14 hours,,LiRunQuan military training in the morning when a heart attack,Pour in the playground.


军训排队去体育馆时倒地 Military training in line when go to the gym in the ground


17 years old this year LiRunQuan,With 451 points of the university entrance exam of admitted to changsha university of science and technology,Attend project management professional.On September 10,,LiRunQuan in family, accompanied by the school,According to the school uniform requirements to watch the teaching video,And in the afternoon to meet with the instructor,For class military training formation.


Because of 11 to military training mobilization,At 8 in the morning,The whole class early came to the school playground set,Instructor short after lectures,For two times 10 minutes or so while the station JunZi training.At half past eight,The whole class line up to attend the school gym mobilization meeting,At that time LiRunQuan is row in the middle of the team position.


8 point 38 points,In the way to the gym,LiRunQuan suddenly feeling bosom is frowsty afflictive,In the procession and fell to the ground,The students and the teacher immediately call the emergency phone,8 point 54 points,120 the emergency services arrived,Will LiRunQuan sent to the province second people's hospital,9 50 points,Hospital confirmed LiRunQuan death,The cause of death for hypertrophic heart sudden cardiac death.


"The child has been very healthy,1 meter 67 head,140 jins weight",Uncle LiuWeiGeng memories,LiRunQuan usually cheerful,Like making friends,Love to play basketball.


We learned that from LiuWeiGeng mouth,LiRunQuan has an elder sister,As a boy,LiRunQuan birth had let family joy.


"At that time the playground without any medical personnel."LiuWeiGeng think,After the incident the school did not take effective measures the LiRunQuan didn't get timely treatment.In addition,LiuWeiGeng to school during military training exercise intensity and school management also says the question.


校方回应,警方介入调查 Response to the school,Police investigating


12 morning,Reporters came to changsha university of science and technology city academy deputy secretary of party committee li wei.He says,LiRunQuan down time is 8 point 38 points,When the teacher and students are immediately dialed 120 emergency phone,At the same time the school immediately sent to the hospital for treatment of inspection.


When a reporter asked whether military training before the new body status when touch bottom,Li wei admitted that,Enrolling examination has not conducted,The main reference before the college entrance examination examination results,But had oral inquired of each student's physical condition."LiRunQuan college entrance examination in the electronic file indicate its have been diagnosed with heart disease."The day before yesterday evening in an accident,Class teacher also specially asked whether he can participate in military training,Li wei says the united LiRunQuan insisted that can.


The police investigation confirmed,LiRunQuan disease hair without by external push and pull,The day also does not have the dead with people fight and quarrel.


调查:有学校军训前体检,有学校“没什么交代” survey:Have a school military training before examination,Have a school"No replacement"


Military training can temper,But it does make part of the constitution is a bit poor students be unable to stand.this,The reporter interviewed changsha hexi some universities.


Central south university of new said he school before the military training of newborn has carried on the entrance examination,And there are also many school freshman, said,Only instructor in military training began with a few words of short replacement,And not made it clear that constitution is a bit poor students need not to participate in military training.

  湖南师范大学文学院夏云飞老师表示,学校在进行军训时都会参照学生的体检情况,如果有不适合高强度训练的学生一般都不会强制要求进行军训。“我们有些体质稍差的学生都会主动提出来不参加军训。”记者 张浩 黄磊

Hunan normal university college of arts XiaYunFei teacher said,Schools in military training students will refer to medical conditions,If there is not suitable for high strength training students generally not compulsory requirements of military training."Some of our constitution is a bit poor students are offered not to participate in military training."Reporter HuangLei,


提醒 remind


一天5名军训新生体力不支送医院 有病军训别硬撑 One day five military training new collapses the hospital sick military training don't go

  本报9月12日讯 记者从长沙市中心医院急诊科了解到,近段时间不少新生在军训中身体出现状况,仅9月11日急诊科就收治了5名因为体力不支而抱恙的新生。

This newspaper on September 12, reporter from changsha central hospital emergency department to know,Near section time in many new military training in the body appear condition,September 11, only is the emergency department were five because collapses and embrace the new look.


Center hospital in changsha city of combination of TCM and western medicine department director HuangJianLe is introduced,On the one hand is a freshman in senior year period is lack of necessary exercise,And in holiday life is not the rule, but the does not adapt.On the other hand,New away from home to a new environment,May be endemic.


HuangJianLe Suggestions,New visual situation as far as possible eat more used to eat staple food or food,Don't food refusal/Partial eclipse,And right amount eat some main features of local food or flavor food,To gradually adapt to the.Gut reaction is more serious, etc can be appropriately take some resistance to infection and digestive,At the same time can drink more tea.SongKun emergency physicians is introduced,With congenital heart disease/Serious anemia/Severe hyperthyroidism and students drawn near the best medical proof.Military training process,If dizziness/heatstroke/Bosom is frowsty etc,Do not go,Should inform the teacher or instructor,Early prevention.


Three xiangya hospital cardiovascular internal medicine of doctor of vice director of JiangFengLin also think,Cardiovascular disease if in military training in long time intense training,Always sick hair of may.New Suggestions in military training before they want to evaluate their own health,Timely report to supervisor,At the same time,Schools in military training before also should carry on the related physical examination,It can be determined whether students fit to participate in military training,Avoid accident happening.
