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  日前, 当代中国幸福观研讨会在清华大学主楼会议室召开,探讨当代中国幸福观的特点、变迁、影响因素及社会意义,为中国国民幸福体系的建设和实现真正的社会和谐和可持续发展提供有益的参考意见。此次研讨会由清华大学社会科学学院和欧美同学会建言献策委员会、中国与全球化研究中心共同主办,清华大学心理学系、第二届国际积极心理大会幸福企业论坛筹备委员会承办。会上来自国内外的几十位专家、学者、企业家及媒体评论家围绕中国在转型期国民幸福面临的问题,剖析了当前存在的诸多问题、分享了国内、外各种积极探索的实践,并提出了建设性意见。

a, Contemporary Chinese international conference on happiness in tsinghua university conference convened the main building,To explore the characteristics of contemporary Chinese happiness/change/The influence factors and the social significance,China's national happiness for the construction of the system and the realization of the real social harmony and sustainable development provides the beneficial reference opinions.This seminar by tsinghua university academy of social sciences and the European and American homecoming BSFLP committee/China and globalization jointly organized research center,Tsinghua university department of psychology/The second international positive psychological meeting happiness enterprise BBS preparatory committee undertake.The meeting dozens of experts from home and abroad/scholars/Entrepreneurs and media critics around China in transition national happiness are faced with the problem,Analyses the existing problems/Share the domestic/The various active exploration practice,And put forward the constructive Suggestions.

  围绕会议议题,中国银监会培训中心副主任陈伟钢、清华大学心理学系副主任、教授樊富珉、清华大学心理学系党总支书记、教授李虹、中国人民大学经济学院教授、中国民生研究院特约研究员李义平、中国青年报新闻部副主任梁国胜、RIM中国董事长刘征宇、麦可思研究院执行院长郭娇、清华大学心理学系主任、教授,美国伯克利加州大学心理学系终身教授彭凯平、 中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所副所长、研究员齐建国、中央党校国际战略研究所副研究员钱镇、工人日报社副总编、社会周刊总编石述思、 万国集团董事长,清华大学经管学院客座教授孙立哲、欧美同学会副会长及商会会长、中国与全球化研究中心主王辉耀、建设部政策研究中心研究员翟宝辉、文化部中华社会文化发展基金会理事长周塞峰、法国巴黎银行(中国)有限公司董事总经理陈兴动、Dechert LLP合伙人王卫东等都进行了精彩的发言。

Around the topic of the meeting,The China banking regulatory commission training center, deputy director of the ChenWeiGang/Tsinghua university, deputy director of the department of psychology/FanFuMin professor/Tsinghua university party secretary of the department of psychology/LiHong professor/Chinese people's university professor of school of economics/China minsheng institute special researcher LiYiPing/The China youth daily news, deputy director of the LiangGuoSheng/RIM China chairman zhengyu liu/Michael thought executive director of institute of guo charming/Tsinghua university head of the department of psychology/professor,The United States department of psychology at the university of California Berkeley of my lifetime professor/ The Chinese academy of social sciences quantity economic and technical and economic deputy director of the institute/The researchers JiJianGuo/The central party school international strategic research institute associate researcher money town/Workers daily deputy editor-in-chief/Social magazine chief editor ShiShuSi/ All the nations group chairman of the board of directors,Tsinghua university visiting professor SunLiZhe collegue/Europe and the United States homecoming vice chairman and President of the chamber of commerce/China and globalization research center WangHuiYao Lord/The ministry of construction policy research center ZhaiBaoHui researchers/The ministry of culture of the social culture development foundation chairman weeks plug peak/Paris, France bank(China)Co., LTD. ChenXingDong managing director/Dechert LLP partner falin liu and so on all the great speech.


The pursuit of happiness is always the goal of all mankind will continue to follow unswervingly.In exploring the essence of happiness on the road,The Chinese people have never stopped his steps.Reform and opening up to the Chinese society has brought many changes,Not only have the material standard of living rise,Also make people independent and free choice way of life possible.Chinese society values from now on start from the past sole political values to multiple/Personality and human values transformation,Chinese happiness undergone a fundamental change,Begins with the diversity and differences.These changes to the contemporary Chinese people, especially young people happiness into being an important influence.With the values of the diversified development,Some negative and negative thoughts are as thick as hail,People's happiness not only with material life level synchronous ascension,But a continuous downward trend,Also exposed some problems caused by the society.


Ascension national happiness is a important work involved in the people's livelihood,The Chinese government in recent years to the attention of continuously strengthen,The state council premier wen jiabao once representative government promised to make people's lives more happiness/More dignity.The attendees agreed,From discovering the values to the construction of China's national happiness system,China's future development needs in the humanities construction/Psychological construction/Legal construction/The system construction and further open innovation,Find a solution to many social problems of the key,Achievements in the true sense of social harmony and sustainable development.
