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  9月11日,福州大学生物工程研究所大楼上挂出一条幅,上书“祝贺福大生工所攻克痛经难题”(左图,网络图片)。该课题主攻人郭静科博士称,治疗痛经并不是自己的研究领域,之所以扯上关系是因为小师妹因痛经晕倒,后来他运用了自己主攻的生物电知识,在研究中医药方向的同事指导下,使用按摩助剂按摩穴位,不想起到了效果,由此研制出了“痛经膏”。 《福州日报》13日 On September 11,,Fuzhou university biological engineering institute building hang out a continuous strip,Submits a"Congratulations on ShengGong crawford which conquer dysmenorrhea problem"(left,Network picture).The subject GuoJingKe main people, "dr,Treatment of dysmenorrhea and not his own research field,The reason is relationshiop between because small talents for dysmenorrhea faint,Later he used their main attack of bioelectricity knowledge,In the research of traditional Chinese medicine direction under the guidance of colleagues,Use massage auxiliary massage acupuncture point,Don't think of the effect,Thus developed"Dysmenorrhea paste". [Fuzhou daily]13


叫好 hurrah


痛经女士福音 Dysmenorrhea lady Gospel


Ya ya bah ha:good,Sisters are saved!


Blue sky:Very practical achievements in scientific research,The dysmenorrhea lady's Gospel,Hope I can buy this as soon as possible"Dysmenorrhea ointment".


Half a soul:Penicillin is inadvertently invention,praise!


Sohu net friend:dysmenorrhea,A woman's natural enemy,Never look down on this disease,It will bring a lot of trouble.If really have this medicine,That's too well!


质疑 question


毫无科学严肃 There is no science serious


More beautiful home:Treatment of dysmenorrhea need doctor to conquer?I know several kinds of governance dysmenorrhea way are available,Do as postdoctoral now?


Sacrifice not:Open University have no scientific serious,This is the knowledge of the obscene.Dr. Such with river lake top so-called"master"and"doctor"What is the difference between?


Rainbar:As a scientific research personnel,If you are too hasty?A summer,An experiment object(But also the internal personnel),No control,No animal experimental results,There is no such theoretical support,a"conquer"conclusion,This at least not scientific research attitude.


College entrance examination English number breakthrough:Rubbing into three Yin,This is clearly the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine the meridian surprise effect performance,But don't want to add a"doctor"/"laboratory"and"bioelectricity"And so on stunt,Becomes the new invention.


力挺 Force is


实干强过空谈 Work better than talk


FXG:In fact,The Nobel is so come.The doctor has the compassion to help others,At the same time and is good at try to solve the problem,This is the society should encourage talent.


Sohu net friend:Now Chinese zha of la?Good also to scold,Myself can do a point what out benefits the country and also just,Save some energy to do more point good point DE it.


Dragon in the day:Scientific research is walking on the beach found when a precious stone,Is also hard returns,Congratulations on your!


Gobi agate:A little meaning.To study the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion and bioelectricity is relevant,And is there a link between points and bioelectricity,So as to solve the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine scientific part of the mystery,Do away with all fetishes and superstitions,This is also the traditional inherit and develop.


Shouting the fan:Not in the good small and not for.Crawford biological engineering have this understandable,After all, they are to do the practical work,A scientific research institution than those who boast much stronger.


担心 worry


伪科学太多了 Pseudoscience too much


Standing te backache:I wish is really captured,Now China's pseudoscience too much,Chinese people and technology integrity injury not ah!


Has been irritated:Massage additives in the body can be derived"Electric garbage"Say a look is to sell the fake and the false medical instruments of conventional flicker lines.


1 ypliu:I hope not another ballyhooed uron event,Like a leap master qigong and a realization of the health as the.


分析 analysis


治痛经不太难 To dysmenorrhea is not too difficult


yxwxjth:Simple and effective is good.But basically or according to the traditional Chinese medicine thinking of,Visible the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for many disease are very effective.


Play as life:Folk early have method to solve,And you came across the new method,Naturally good,But don't have to daoxi from from,The ants blow into the elephant.

  素子花开:按中医来讲,痛经有好几个病因,不过大体上以寒和淤为多,情况不同需要临床具体辨证。针灸的穴位大体上用到气海、天枢、足三里、三阴交、阴陵泉、中极等等,具体运用要根据症状进行不同的配穴。其实治痛经不是太难,只要针灸师负点责任,功力扎实一点,大体都能缓解。(专题整理 小正 感谢搜狐新浪网友)

Prime fruit blossom:According to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in terms of,Dysmenorrhea has several causes,But in general to cold and silting which is,The situation is different need clinical specific differentiation of symptoms and signs.Acupuncture points in general use gas sea/tianshu/Foot three mile/Three Yin chiao/sp9/Pole and so on in,Specific application according to the different symptoms with hole.In fact to dysmenorrhea is not too hard,As long as the acupuncturist negative point responsibility,Capability solid a little,Generally can alleviate.(Special finishing small is thanks to sohu sina net friend)


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科研也要关注 Research also want to pay attention to


百姓吃喝拉撒 People eat and drink pull scatter


In recent years,Our country to scientific research evaluation appeared a kind of quantitative trend,To see how much to national/Provincial subject project,How many scientific research funds for support,How many research papers published.so,A large number of high-end scientific research personnel not too concerned about real life problems,Have to turn their attention to"high-grade"field,Even with such attention dysmenorrhea mother-in-law mother life problem as the shame.The result of,On the one hand research seemingly prosperity,Every year a paper published in the world has total before five;But on the other hand,Every year tens of thousands of national statistics of scientific research"results"in,More than 90% did not produce practical value.


Life can be more beautiful,But if the scientific research are not concerned about our eat and drink pull scatter the,Our life will be more beautiful?A trench oil testing technology,Have a problem we live realistic difficult problems,to"Celebrate conquer dysmenorrhea problem"All want to try to taunt,Maybe we can only continue to eat trench oil destiny.Scientific research to"Of indomitable spirit",to"heaven"Research of reward is should pay attention to;But for"site"Scientific research,For a long time,Whether we less looking forward to/Support and encourage it?(GuoWenJing)
