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准大学生暑期打工遭遇车祸 父母替儿捐赠器官--亲稳舆论引导监测室

蒲法文的大学录取通知书 Rush French university admission notice. 为儿心力交瘁的父母 For the son be mentally and physically exhausted parents.
  家在四川农村的准大学生蒲法文到中山南朗打暑假工积攒学费,未料在打工的最后一天遭遇车祸。虽然已在人民医院重症监护室抢救一个多月,但仍无好转迹象。而医院连番下达病危通知书,彻底扑灭了父母救子的一丝愿望。其父母表示,如果儿子最终不治,愿捐其器官造福他人,让孩子以另一种方式延续生命。 Home in sichuan rural quasi college students rush to the French in lang play summer work accumulate tuition,Not material in the last day of work in a car accident.Although has set up a file in the people's hospital medicine rescue in more than a month,But still no sign of improving.But many hospitals to be terminally ill advice,Thoroughly put out the parents save the son a desire.His parents said,If the son finally died,Willing to donate their organs to benefit others,Let the child to another way of life prolonged.


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August 9, is rush French in the work of lang,Prepare to go to university at the end of a day.At noon on the,He is driving a car electric car back to the factory,The garage to cliff mouth village/LPG supply split sections when left turn,And a car collision,Accident caused a rush French serious head injury,The bleeding in the brain,The zhongshan city people's hospital diagnosed with heavy craniocerebral injury,dying.


Rush French parents are facing loess back upturned farmers,His father PuGuangXiong told reporters,Rush French college entrance examination with excellent performance was huaihai engineering college admission.


In order to alleviate the economic burden of home,College entrance examination after the end,Rush French came to zhongshan factory do summer work earn fees.Early August,Father received son's admission to the university,Want to let him go back to school as soon as possible to discuss matters,Behold it is the unforeseen,Rush French didn't see the letter of admission,But suffered a car accident.


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Rescue after a month,September 9 day,The doctor told rush French parents,Injury, improve,From ICU can be transferred to ordinary ward.This news let rush outgoing mail family see the hope.But the next day,Rush French condition suddenly plunged,The hospital to family members issued notice of the terminally ill.

  由于蒲法文在此次交通事故中负主要责任,无法得到太多赔偿, 20.4万元的天价医疗费让这个本就并不富裕的家庭雪上加霜。一边是医院的催款通知单,一边是儿子日益加重的病情,蒲法文的父母真是心力交瘁:“只要孩子还有一线生机,我们会尽百分之百的努力救治他”。蒲光雄呜咽着说。

Due to rush French in this traffic accident should bear the primary responsibility,Can't get much compensation, The high price of 204000 yuan for the medical treatment of the not wealthy family add insult to injury.On one side is the hospital pay note,One is the son getting worse condition,Rush French parents really be mentally and physically exhausted:"As long as there is a line of children,We will try one hundred percent efforts to cure him".PuGuangXiong whimper.


According to the attending doctor liu physician is introduced,The hospital has to rush the French emergency craniotomy,Patients with severe brain damage,Postoperative deep coma,In the hospital for a month.Due to brain injury,In long-term and more caused such as epilepsy/A series of complications, such as pulmonary infection.


Doctors say liu,"Rush French condition at present stable,Expected judgment is not optimistic,The hospital will try one hundred percent efforts to save the patient".Get the latest after illness bulletin,Rush French parents crouched in the intensive care outdoor inside the corridor of narrow,Two eyes without the god.A more months of treatment,Already let the whole family heart pine,Three times notice signed by dying,For any a family,This is nearly collapse blow.


捐献:如生命不再延续愿捐出儿子器官 contributions:As life no longer continue to donate organs son

  蒲光雄告诉记者,“儿子从小就立志做一个对国家对社会有贡献的人,他考取了淮海工学院新能源开发专业,就想为国家新能源开发作贡献,但车祸却不能让他完成心愿。倘若儿子真的抢救不过来,我希望能够捐献他的器官,让他以另外一种方式活在这世界上。”经过全家人商量,为了完成儿子的贡献社会的心愿,他们替蒲法文拟定了器官捐献书。(文/记者潘斌 通讯员刘洪希、何家锋/记者罗知锋)

PuGuangXiong told reporters,"Son grew up to make a contribution to the society to the country people,He admitted to a new energy development huaihai tech professional,Just want to contribute new national energy development,But the car accident but not for him to complete desire.If the son really not come and rescue,I hope I can donated his organs,Let him in a different way to live in this in this world."After the whole family to consult,In order to complete the son's contribution to society desire,They worked for rush French the organ donation books.(Wen/reporter PanBin correspondent LiuHongXi/HeGuFeng/reporter luo know front)
