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  原标题:火车站名英文拼写统一汉语拼音 Original title:The station name English spelling unity in Chinese pinyin

  新京报讯 (记者刘春瑞)你赞成火车站英文名改成汉语拼音吗?9月1日起,北京西站和北京南站发车的车票上的站名英文名悄然发生了变化,英文拼写变成了汉语拼音。之后,车站所有的相关站牌名也都会随之发生变化。

The Beijing news - (Reporter LiuChunRui)Do you approve of the railway station English name into Chinese pinyin?On September 1,,Beijing west railway station and Beijing south station departure tickets station's name English name quietly changed,English spelling into Chinese pinyin.after,The station all relevant stop name will change.

  方位词统一用汉语拼音 Noun of locality unity in Chinese pinyin

  日前,铁道部下发通知,为规范铁路车站站名的英文译法,铁路车站站名的英文拼写统一采用汉语拼音,“东南西北”方位词作为车站站名的固有部分,不按英文音译。涉及“地名+方向”的站名,方位词统一采用汉语拼音。如“北京西站”的英文翻译为“Beijingxi Railway Station”。

a,The ministry of railways issued a notice,In order to regulate the name of the railway station of the English translation,The name of the railway station of the English spelling unified use Chinese pinyin,"Northwest southeast"The name of the noun of locality as the station the inherent part,Not to English transliteration.involves"Place name + direction"Of stops,The noun of locality unified Chinese pinyin.if"Beijing west railway station"For the English translation"Beijingxi Railway Station".


Notice requirements,Ticket par and other relevant stops English mark,According to the above principles,Unified use Chinese pinyin.


The ministry says,In the name of the noun of locality has English free translation according to the station name brand and other related facilities replacement transformation,In the short term is difficult to finish,But gradually completing the.

  北京南站车票9月起已调整 Beijing south station ticket 9 month has been adjusted

  记者昨天在北京南站发现,北京南站的LED显示屏上的北京南站的英文拼写已经全部变成汉语拼音,而车站南、北进站口的大字还没有改变,仍然是“Beijingsouth Railway Station”。

Reporters yesterday in Beijing south station found,Beijing south station on the LED display of Beijing south station English spelling has all become Chinese pinyin,But the station south/North JinZhanKou characters have not changed,Is still"Beijingsouth Railway Station".


Reporter through the contrast after September 1 from Beijing south station departure ticket also found,Prior to 1 September Beijing south English name"BeiJingSouth",After September 1, Beijing south English name"BeiJingNan".

  正在北京南站候车的王先生不太赞同站名英文名字的改动。他说,地铁4号线北京南站这一站的英文名是“Beijingsouth Railway Station”,而北京南站的英文名是“Beijingnan Railway Station”,这样会给外籍乘客带来困扰,而且外国人是否懂中国的汉语拼音,也是个问题。

Is Beijing south station waiting of Mr. Wang don't agree with the name of the English name changes.He said,Metro line 4, Beijing south station the station English name is"Beijingsouth Railway Station",And Beijing south station English name is"Beijingnan Railway Station",This will give the foreign passengers with trouble,And whether foreigners understand Chinese pinyin,Is also a problem.
