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教育部指导各地出异地高考方案 弃考留学者激增--亲稳网络舆情监控室
原标题:教育部 指导各地尽快出异地高考方案 Original title:The ministry of education guidance as soon as possible all the different college entrance examination scheme
新京报讯 (记者郭少峰)最新一期《学习时报》刊登教育部长袁贵仁回答该报记者提问全文。谈到高考改革话题,袁贵仁表示,将会同有关省市,指导各地结合实际尽快制定出台有关进城务工人员随迁子女接受义务教育后在当地参加升学考试工作方案。即人们通常所理解的“异地高考”方案。
The Beijing news - (Reporter GuoShaoFeng)The latest issue of[Learning times]Published education minister yuan guiren indicated answer the questions the full text.When it comes to the university entrance exam reform topics,Yuan guiren indicated said,Will jointly with the relevant provinces and cities,Guide actual promulgated as soon as possible all the migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education after the local attend school entrance examination work plan.That is most people's understanding of the"Different college entrance examination"scheme.
Yuan guiren indicated said,Migrant workers SuiQian children education and the entrance exam,Is associated with China's economic and social development/Large-scale population flow produce a new problem.The 2003 national is put forward by the government management as the input fields/In full-time public elementary and middle schools primarily"Two is given priority to"policy,To receive compulsory education problem solved."Ten years have passed,These children have finished compulsory education,To participate in the entrance exam to become a inevitable realistic problem,In some population into concentrated region is particularly prominent".
Yuan guiren indicated said,In the migrant workers SuiQian children receive compulsory education in local participate in college entrance examination after on the question of attitude is"Actively solve"/"Accords with a condition"and"Adjust measures to local conditions".That is, we should face up to solve the problem of the importance and urgency of the,An important place on the agenda,Before the end of the year around on solution;According to the conditions of parents/Students condition and urban conditions,Actively and steadily advance;Due to the different population flow around the situation,To solve SuiQian children in defined in the entrance exam questions,According to the specific circumstances of defined,Determine the specific measures.
去年全国33万人出国留学 Last year the national 330000 people go abroad to study abroad
占全球总数14%,居世界第一;高考弃考人数增加 Accounted for 14%,Ranked first in the world;The university entrance exam abandon exam increased
据新华社电 社会科学文献出版社17日在北京发布的《国际人才蓝皮书:中国留学发展报告》显示,2011年中国出国留学人数达33.97万人,占全球总数的14%,居世界第一。
According to xinhua social sciences academic press, 17, in Beijing issued[International talent blue book:Study in China development report]display,In 2011, the Chinese study abroad toll to 339700,Accounted for 14% of the global total,Ranked first in the world.
弃考留学“尖子生”激增 Abandon exam study abroad"Top student"surge
Blue book think,The people's income level,And domestic education resources for study abroad heat warming laid the foundation.therefore,The next period of time,Study abroad will continue to heat.Blue book said,At the same time,By the influence of the financial crisis,Countries study policy continue bullish for Chinese students study abroad provides objective conditions.
Blue book said,It is important to note that,And before some year because of the result is not good enough worry about the university entrance exam adverse and different to study abroad,At present,Many local graduating high school graduates,Especially school"Top student"Give up the university entrance exam to the increase in the number of study abroad.
今年高考京两千人弃考 This year the university entrance exam Beijing two thousand people abandon exam
Blue book introduces,In 2010, study abroad of high school and the following degree student Numbers for 76400,That accounts for 19.8% of the total number of studying abroad.2011 high school students studying abroad toll for 76800,Account for the total number of 22.6% in our country to study abroad.
Blue book also showed,High school graduation directly go abroad to read a dramatic increase in the number of undergraduate course,Go abroad to read the number of secondary school has also grown dramatically,The university entrance exam abandon exam increased.According to the Beijing education examination yuan statistics show,The 2012 Beijing college entrance examination unified examination number born for 70857 people,And the university entrance exam subjects such as Chinese grading test paper total for 68000 people,Nearly 2000 high examinee college entrance examination choose to give up,One of the main causes of abandon exam is studying abroad.
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