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布鲁斯特问卷·触摸万平老师的心灵 Brewster questionnaire · touch square the teacher's mind


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:首先请万老师分享了一下您的从教经历。

First please all the teachers share your experience of teaching.


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):我是1981年开始当老师。刚开始是在朝阳区一所学校做了7年少先大队辅导员工作,后来在西城区一所学校做了6年音乐老师,还担任合唱团指挥,也担任了1年班主任。1995年,我来到史家小学做一线班主任,截止目前已经17年了。

I began in 1981 when the teacher.Just started in chaoyang district is a school do seven young first team work of the political instructors,Later, in xicheng district a school did six years music teacher,Also as a chorus conductor,Has also served as a 1 year teacher in charge.In 1995,,I came to historians elementary school do a line the teacher in charge,So far has 17 years.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:做老师这么多年了,这当中有没有特别难忘或者疯狂的记忆?

Do the teacher so many years,Do you have any special of this memorable or crazy memory?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):2006年,我和毕业班的孩子一起去坐海盗船,全班孩子一起在海盗船上大声喊,心情特别High,我也完全和孩子们一样。

In 2006,,I and graduating class with the children going to the pirate ship,The whole class with the kid on the pirate ship cried,Mood special High,I also fully and children.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为最完美的快乐是什么?

You think the most perfect happiness is what?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):心里有一种踏实后的放松--闲看青天一尘不染。

In the mind have a solid relax after the idle - see blue sky spotless.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您认为自己最大的成就是什么?

Do you think your greatest achievement is what?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):没有成就,何谈成就?

No achievement,What about achievement?


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:和孩子们在一起收获的那些点滴应该算您的一个成就吧。

And children together harvest the drop should calculate your one's achievements.


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):那也不是成就,那应该是必然的一个结果。我还真是没有觉得我有什么成就。其实我原来特别梦想当一个作家,现在心里还挺遗憾的。

That is not a success,It should be inevitable a result.I really don't think I have any achievement.In fact I had special dream as a writer,Now the heart is a shame.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢男性身上什么样的品格?

You like most men what kind of character?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):责任感。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:女性呢?



万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):善良。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最珍惜的财富是什么?

Your most treasured wealth is what?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):生命。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您使用过最多的词语是什么?

You use the most words is what?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):踏实,用心。"用心做到最好"是我最欣赏的一句话。

sureness,attentively."Try everything to do best"That I admire the most words.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您比较痛恨别人身上什么样的特点?

To compare what you hate others what kind of characteristics?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):狭隘的人我一般敬而远之。

Narrow people I usually stay at a respectful distance from sb.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您最喜欢哪一次旅行?

Your most favorite trip?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):30多岁的时候,和朋友到柏林禅寺……

More than 30 years old,And friends to bailin temple……


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:觉得自己像哪一种植物?

Feel like what kind of plant?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):向日葵。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:因为它一直向着太阳,代表那种阳光灿烂的感觉?

Because it has been to the sun,On behalf of the sunny feeling?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):对,没有杂染真正地温暖和奉献。

to,No impurity real geothermal warm dedication.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:最近在读哪本书?

Which book reading now?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):对我教育技术上影响比较大的是《给教师的一百条建议》、《多动症儿童的校正与治疗》。

For my education technology is a great impact[Article one hundred for teacher's advice]/[Hyperactivity children's correction and treatment].


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:平时最喜欢的运动就是?

Usually the most favorite sport is?


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):走路。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:分享一下你周一到周五每天的点滴。

Share your Monday to Friday a bit of every day.


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):我一般5:50起床,梳洗一下,然后在家里简单吃一点早餐,喝一杯咖啡。7:20之前到学校,陪着孩子一起做小早课,早课有《弟子规》、晨检分享,有一点小作业,猫抓鱼的作业,然后去上操。

I usually 5:50 up,To get washed up,And then at home to eat a little simple breakfast,Drink a cup of coffee.7:20 to school before,Together with the child do small mattin,Matin have[Disciple gauge]/Morning check share,A little small operation,The cat catch fish homework,Then go to be drilling.


11 o 'clock,I went to school the dining room,Will the children after lunch car pushed back,Noon to students points rice,With the children do duty,Tell the children subjects together/Arrangement homework,To solve some of the problems of the children.After three classes in the afternoon,Sometimes tell the children do activities together.Stay after school,I began to batch operation,Writing teaching blog,Also recorded the day that the children's study and life.


After coming home every day I want to see the news broadcast,And family dinner,After half an hour movement(This is my now the more important).


Movement after,I began to lessons,And depth to make some research activity,Or reply to E-mail and so on.Every night 12 o 'clock to sleep,I basic day six hours of sleep,75% is in the works,The most happy is and family/children/Colleagues together party,Very happy.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:请万老师给孩子们家长们说一段你心里面的话。

Please all the teacher gave the children parents say a word of your in the mind noodles.


万平(北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任): square(Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge):希望孩子们每一天、每一刻都很用心地度过,正是我们生活中的每一天、每一刻最终铸造不平凡的成就。我特别喜欢一句话:"高高山顶立,深深海底行"。我们看到的"冰山一角",这冰山下面一定有很大的积累。我希望自己和孩子、家长都踏踏实实去过好每一天,这个向上向善,向前的积累应该是生活最本质的。

I hope the children every day/Every moment is very attentively through,It is every day of our lives/Every moment of final casting extraordinary achievements.I especially like a word:"Above the top of the hill made,Deeply bottom line".We see the"The tip of the iceberg",This iceberg below must have a lot of accumulation.I hope I and child/Parents are widespread.i been to good every day,The upward to be good,Forward of the accumulation of life should be the most essential.
