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万平:扮好分母用心教育孩子 与之心心相印--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室(9)


五、提问环节:真正的好孩子是夸出来的 five/Questions link:The real good boy is out of glory


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢万老师,大家听完万老师的讲课一定有很多问题想问一下。今天也是一个很好的机会,请举手示意一下我。

Thank you all the teacher,We all listened to the teacher's lecture must have many questions to ask.It is a very good chance,Please put up your hands to me.


提问: questions:老师你好,我也是爱我的孩子。因为我脾气太急了,就想让他好,但是我总是在责备他,我也知道这样不对,但是我没有办法,他总是一个习惯。比如说写作业,玩,然后又写。他在上三年级。

The teacher hello,I also love my children.Because I temper too nasty,Want to let him good,But I always blame him,I also know that this wrong,But I can't,He is always a habit.Homework for example,play,Then write.He was in grade three.


万平【北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任】: square[Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge]:先陪他玩,在玩的过程中就是学习,玩的时候和学不是两回事,是一回事。

First to play with him,In the process of play is to learn,When you play and learn not two different things,Is one thing.


提问: questions:我最近才发现,在课堂上有一个吃手指头的习惯。

I recently discovered,In the classroom has a habit of eating finger.


万平【北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任】: square[Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge]:我有一个学生,他一吃手指头我就纂着他,他会说,老师纂着我很久。很神,他的毛病就改了,我也不知道为什么。我支过招,我们班有孩子,我刚教三年级的时候,我第一天干了一件事,家长们觉得太绝了。我拿出语文书发完之后,我开始记每个孩子的朗读,有的孩子特别结巴,有的特别流利,那个是90分。有的孩子磕磕绊绊的,那个孩子也会七八十分,没有人会用自己不懂的词汇去思考。您的宝贝我相信他可能阅读量还是不够。那怎么办呢?我教给家长,晚上你要示弱,不行了,妈妈好累啊,你看一张报纸,不行了,你快给我读读。他肯定很高兴,妈妈累了,我要给她读报。他也许读的磕磕绊绊的,你说读的真好听,他就会越来越好。真正的好孩子是夸出来的。我们史家老师判作业全都是一行一行的看,写的好的全都画花。孩子是为了那些花在好好学习,重赏之下必有勇夫。怎么样让孩子在重赏之下拼命干。我给孩子一个笑脸,他都美得不行了。

I have a student,He eat a finger I code him,He says,The teacher code with me for a long time.Is god,His problem is changed,I don't know why.I come to grips a,Our class have children,I have just taught grade three of the time,The first day I do a thing,Parents feel fantastic.I took out my Chinese book after hair,I began to take each child's reading,Some children special stammer,Some special fluent,That is 90 points.Some children stumbling,The child will also very of seven or eight onwards,No one would use the vocabulary of he knows not to think.Your baby I believe he may read quantity is not enough.How does that do??I teach parents,In the evening you will show weakness,That won't be possible,Mother good tired ah,You see a newspaper,That won't be possible,You are quick to give me read.He must be very happy,Mother tired,I will give she read the newspaper.He may read stumbling,As you read really good,He will be better and better.The real good boy is out of glory.Our teacher historians to work all is a line of the look,Write good all painting flowers.The child is in order to those flowers in the study well,There will be YongFu under four questions.How to let the kid under four questions like dry.I give the child a smiling face,He is beautiful not line.


提问: questions:原来在家发现他吃手我都说他了。我在学英语,家长能够陪在后面。

The original home found him eat hand I say him.I'm learning English,Parents can accompany behind.


万平【北京市特级教师,东城区史家小学语文教师、班主任】: square[Beijing superfine teacher,Dongcheng district historian elementary school language teacher/Teacher in charge]:没有从根本上解决。你要把他吃手的所有要讲明白道理,包纱布的包纱布,讲知识的讲知识,该画表画表,该打勾打勾。所以为什么我说您要做分母,要无限大。因为无限大就是教育的智慧。而且一定要让孩子当分子。

Not fundamentally solve.You want to put his hand to eat all the clear reason,Bag gauze bag gauze,Speak of the knowledge about the knowledge,Which table picture table,The tick tick.So why I say that you want to do the denominator,To infinity.Because the infinity is education wisdom.And be sure to let the child when molecular.
