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厂桥小学车祸再敲警钟--最后50米 谁来守护?--亲稳网络舆情监控室

厂桥小学车祸再敲警钟--最后50米 谁来守护?


On September 17 afternoon 3 when xu,ChangQiao xicheng district elementary school door an suv is out of control,Cause six people were injured/A pupil death tragedy,Also give"The last 50 meters"The security problem of toll again.


The school gate before section of road,called"The last 50 meters"In this within 50 meters,Teachers and parents to transfer every day hundreds of times,Want to experience a week ten times the chaos.Who can in this within 50 meters protect the children's safety?Sea is tactical and strict law enforcement?


困境 dilemma


“老百姓开车的习惯你都给养成了,硬件环境却没跟上” "People driving habits you supplies became,Hardware environment but not keep up with"


Peace street professional,ChangQiao elementary school school distance street but several meters,Apart from a few newly installed isolation pile,Here before with accident exactly the same.


ChangQiao elementary school far east,Is the gateway to the hospital of Peking University, the only way,The west 500 meters of crossing the road to the new street prosperous.Here every day the traffic in an endless stream,Queuing vehicles blocking a crossroads are common.ShangXiaXue time every day,It is the beginning of the traffic here.Students' parents vehicles avail oneself of every opportunity to look for a place,This scene almost every day can see.


Even if want to stop near the parking space,Also is impossible task.ChangQiao covering a primary school in kilometers,Almost no decent parking lot,But come together ChangQiao elementary school/West yellow stretching elementary school/4/Statute of no.6 middle school/Cotton hutong kindergarten,Plus hospital of Peking University/Protecting temple hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and other well-known medical institutions bring traffic,Alley to find a very near the ground of heart.For less than two car wide lane,Even if you have to go in,Also it is difficult to open again.Under such environment,Tragedy occur between come when you least expect them to……


罗先生(附近居民,也曾毕业于该小学): Mr Luo(Nearby residents,Also had graduated from the primary school):


I think we should to do her justice:It's happened,Who is not willing to see,But the responsibility should not fall in the school management.This is such an environment,When I go to school when,Road is now a third width,The west crossing didn't get through,Is a t-junction.But then less well,The students basic it is live nearby alley,The learning gang also went home.Some students live far away,Have parents cycling joint,Little children oneself sit bus also walked.


Right now the,Cars the,Students live also far,Can the school door places, no change,Next to the alley than the original to also disorderly.This is equal to common people driving habits you supplies became,Hardware environment but not keep up with,This is a contradiction.


Actually don't say is the student parents to drive out of control,Even passing vehicles,As possible accident.You look at this mess,You go over there to see the door in the hutongs kindergarten,More disorderly!Last time have a friend come to my home,Drive in,Leng more than one hour out.In the morning give children the mess,Bicycles riding not the past.This if which car is out of control,I'm afraid it's more big.


I think the government can planning it,A school district with a parking lot,Parents you also don't too far,Car all stop together,Then walk to pick up the child.


许女士(学生家长): Ms xu(The parents of the students):


I think the accident or the driver have certain fault.At that time I was in the field,Saw a two cars on the sidewalk,Heart still want to,How to put the cars are all open here.Results one was not too much for a while rushed out,The run down a few people.If she didn't turn on the sidewalk,Even if the step on the accelerator,Also it is at most tailgating accident,Won't cause the question now.


This shows that parents' safety consciousness is not enough,Whether to protect themselves or protecting others,problems.The traffic police should also be banned cars detour behavior.


尝试 Try to


“彩色斑马线,通道属学生专用,不得停靠不得占用” "Color zebra crossing,Channel belong to a student of special,Shall not be parked shall not take up"


face"The last 50 meters"The school numerous problems,To solve this problem, the try also in the ongoing


In xicheng district experiment at the door of the nest,Drive their children to school parents as long as light up to double flash,There will be parents volunteers come forward to take the children to the school gate,Parents that vehicle can stop that walk,Alleviate confusion and congestion;In early September this year,Haidian district zhongguancun a small/School in the school gate surrounding a student lanes;Shandong weifang win east elementary school students this year also took to the"Red carpet",Red bottom pavement brush with white characters"Student special channel";and,Yantai public security bureau official release micro bo said,Yantai traffic police detachment in the urban area of the country east street laishan experiment elementary school for the first time in front of the setting stereo zebra crossing:"This article color stereo zebra crossing the yellow/white/Red 3 kinds of color combination and become,White zebra crossing width and length and ordinary as zebra crossing.Different is,In the white line on one side of a red lines,And in the white line on the two ends of a diamond yellow line.Standing in the zebra crossing side,Feel zebra crossing from the road convex up,Visual effect is very obvious.The police is introduced,The first attempt to this kind of color stereo zebra crossing,Basically is to use visual effect,Remind the driver active slow down,Civilization comity."


陈建平(潍坊市交警支队一中队队长): Chen jianping(Weifang traffic police detachment a squadron leader):


When we try to use at the beginning of the year"Color zebra crossing"To prompt pedestrians and vehicles,In a"Two way street two station"(Victory street/DongFengJie/Beihai road/Bus station/Railway station)Within the scope of the kindergarten/The school door painting red-and-white zebra crossing,In the near a busy section of the business district/Residential area is in front of the picture and zebra crossing.Social repercussions good,citizens/Parents feel strong color/smart.


by"Color zebra crossing"The inspiration of success,We consider in specific school gate for further planning,Ensure that students ShangXiaXue safety.Victory at the door of the east elementary school although there are pavement,But very narrow,And it also made a billboard/Kind of the tree,Disorder many,Students can't two people a row of orderly queue access,So I choose it as a student special channel first pilot.


Victory east elementary school on both sides of the north and south,Are all very busy streets,School gate at ordinary times is the car to car to,ShangXiaXue more.We divided the students access to north paint tung victory,To the south, paint runs the new street,About one meter wide,A total of 300 meters long.So when ShangXiaXue pupils,Can make a team from the school gate has been went outside.If parents pick,Don't open the door to the school,At the end of the passage waiting for it.


The setting of the special channel can also remind the school and parents pay attention to traffic safety knowledge to children propaganda,Develop the child's safety awareness,To improve the students' transportation safety concerns.Brush into red bottom incorrect character is very eye-catching,Can explicitly told all kinds of vehicles,This passage is special students,Shall not be parked shall not take up,So far use effect is good.


建议 Suggestions


“一年级3点,二年级3点20,小学能错峰放学吗?” "A grade 3 points,Second grade 3 point 20,Primary school can wrong peak after school?"


"The last 50 meters"Tragedy is not the first example of happened.On May 26, 2010,Beijing shunyi districts west symplectic elementary school when the noon,A driver wrong surnamed zhang, the throttle when the brake,Accelerated down four boys and an old man,One of the boy died.Eventually the driver was sentenced to imprisonment for three years probation for three years.According to media reports,The school door often get into congestion.During the school with is,With the throttle is wrong when the brake,Even with is ZhangXing driver,The traffic accident and ChangQiao elementary school accident coincidence is unfamiliar because all"The last 50 meters"Hidden danger difficult to control.


何先生(留学日本,曾家住厂桥附近): Mr. He(Studying in Japan,Once ChangQiao live nearby):


In Japan,As there are many parents come to pick the child,The school gate and street distance is also very close,With the domestic situation have similar place.But I feel from the management,Are very different.For example they to ease traffic input than let's big,From the visual performance to see,They spend relieves traffic more people,And dredge is wider.


To ChangQiao that place, for example,We also someone in the maintenance of order,But the basic concentration at the school gate.And Japan's school will this range expanding out very far,Estimates at least 500 meters range,From the intersection is equivalent to the hospital of Peking University,Has been to the crossroads of peace,Will be arranged for someone to ease traffic.Prompt driver front fast to the school,Attention should be paid to to give way, etc.


At the same time they on traffic safety consciousness seems to be better than we need deep.Such as fix a manhole cover,A person work,But two head will each have one relieves traffic.They have big activity,Such as petard assembly,Large parking lot,Enough in vehicle stop,But still there will be very many dredge personnel,25 m a parking lot corner,Every mouth has at least one channel.


张宇(开车人,在厂桥小学附近上班): zhangyu(Drive people,In the near ChangQiao elementary school to work):


Since last year the hurt child that a few after case,The school will change their strategy,Is a team of a team of the students to bring out,Again by parents collect,This really reduce the probability of being hurt,But equal to increase the probability of the traffic accident.You want to children are concentrated in one piece,If suddenly car blunt come over,It might run down a large.


I feel that the school can consider ShangXiaXue peak,Such as a grade school at 3 o 'clock,Second grade three school twenty,So every time out of the people will be less,Parents can also arrange your time,Not all together.


And I think our parents have a not too good habits,The children haven't learns,They were all gathered at the gate of the school,Some still active come together to chat,Communication education experience of what.You see almost every school gate,There is a pile of parents.So even if a traffic accident,Can also affect the traffic.Actually parents don't have to not at this time together,According to the time to better.


放眼 looking韩国 South Korea


儿童保护区域 Child protection area


家长轮流做志愿者 Parents take turns to do volunteer


In South Korea,kindergarten/Elementary school and special school campus main entrances and exits radius within 300 metres of road area is the government designated"Child protection area".According to media reports,South Korea has and education administrative department of science and technology/police/Civic groups jointly formulate[Strengthen the protection of children regional traffic safety countermeasures],Submit a national conference.South Korea will in kindergarten and school centrally arranged around the police,Vigorously regulation illegal driving/Parking and speeding, etc,Protect the children's traffic safety.In the future,In protecting area violating traffic regulations will be double punishment.


To go to school and the school,The school will arrange for special teacher to maintain public security at the door of the campus,Parents will take turns to do volunteer to help maintain the school campus surrounding traffic safety.In addition,Start from a kindergarten class,Every year the school organization three to four times fire safety drilling,Make the child will develop in a crisis can quickly and orderly escape consciousness.


新加坡 Singapore


公交车站与校舍 Bus station and school buildings


通过走廊连在一起 Through the corridor together


The data shows,Singapore/Australia and other countries,By setting the signs to remind the students pay attention to safety.Such as Singapore's south China primary school is the bus station and school buildings through the corridor together,Students get off had arrived at the school.At the same time,Street pedestrian crossing the road next to the higher than a cut,And set two orange warning line,formation"Deceleration zone",The children walk in it is easier to be found.

  主笔:吴楠 魏婧

editorialist:WuNan WeiJing


