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扬子晚报讯 Yangzi evening news -

  周六,家住无锡的高先生在当地新华书店为女儿买了一本售价22元的《新编德育三字歌》,读大班的女儿一拿新书,就迫不及待地按照拼音朗诵起来:“我从小,长(cháng)到大……”“九月九,重(zhòng)阳节……”高先生越听越不对劲,从女儿手里拿起书一看,第一页的拼音就出了错,再往下翻,“薄薄92页的书,几十处拼音错误,根本就没校对!”气愤的高先生把书里的错误拍成照片发到微博上,呼吁网友们抵制粗制滥造又价高的儿童书。 扬子晚报记者 韩飞

On Saturday,Live in wuxi Mr. Gao in local xinhua bookstore for her daughter bought a price of 22 yuan[New moral education intermediate song],Read the taipan's daughter took a new book,Just can't wait to read up according to pinyin:"I grew up,long(chang)to……""September 9th,heavy(zhong)Yang festival……"Mr. Gao more listen to more wrong,From the daughter hand take up a book a look,The first page of the pinyin is wrong,Then turn down,"Thin thin book of 92 pages,Several dozens spelling mistakes,Didn't check!"Angry Mr. Gao put the book the mistakes in photograph to micro blog,Calls for the netizens boycott fudge and price high 41 anthea Turner. Yangzi evening news reporter han fei


记者调查 这本书南京也有卖,部分新华书店已经下架 Journalists to investigate the book nanjing also has sell,Part of the xinhua bookstore has next frame

  扬子晚报记者来到新华书店的南京新街口店,在少儿阅读区找到了《新编德育三字歌》。还没翻开书,记者就在书的封面左侧发现了“长(cháng)到大”的错误拼音,封面正中则印着“冲向一年级,打好入学基础”的字样。接着,记者翻看了该图书,仅前10页,就找出了5处错误。第三页出现的“奶奶”一词拼音为“ni ni”,到了后面就变成“ni nai”,还有“真能干(gn)”等错误,这种明显的多音字读音不分、轻重音不分和声调标错比比皆是。

Yangzi evening news reporter to the xinhua bookstore nanjing new street shop,In the children's reading area found[New moral education intermediate song].Haven't opened the book and,Reporters were in the cover of the book was found on the left"long(chang)to"Mistake pinyin,The center of the cover is printed with"Rushed to a grade,Good entrance foundation"".then,Reporter went through this book,Before only ten pages,Just find out five mistakes.In the third page"grandma"A word pinyin for"Ni ni",The back becomes"Ni nai",and"Really do(GN)"Some mistakes, such as,This kind of apparent polyphone regardless of pronunciation/Your sound regardless of harmony DiaoBiao wrong can be found everywhere.


Reporters take the book to the xinhua bookstore customer service center report the situation to them.See a book but there are so many mistakes,Xinhua bookstore a staff immediately call the sales department,Requirement s will be the book next frame.The working personnel to consult the sales record later told reporters,The book the last few genius shelf,The arrival of the first batch of 15 this,There is no readers to buy.finally,The staff said,If there are readers in other xinhua bookstore to buy the book,Take the slip to the return of the book the bookstore.


出版社回应 拼音全部由翻译软件标注,校对未认真看 Press response pinyin by all the translation software dimension,Check not carefully to see


Yangzi evening news reporter in[New moral education intermediate song]Found on the copyright page,Books are published for wenhui press.Reporters call the wenhui press of the circulation department,Workers admitted that this book in June this year just released the first edition,Is wenhui press make your own issued.then,The reporter also contacted the wenhui press edit,At the same time is also[New moral education intermediate song]The book LeWeiQi editor.


Heard reporter pointed out that book of dozens of mistakes,Music editor seems a little surprised.He told reporters,"All the pinyin is computer software of automatic tagging,In order to catch up with June children's books gold sales period,The book is more urgent".When a reporter asked have special personnel to the content of the translation software after when proofreading,Music editor explained:"Proofread work is to the outside people do,As a primary school Chinese teacher,But I am too busy,Draft back without check again,Direct published."For such mistakes,Music editor also acknowledged that check people should not seriously check,And his work also has the place of dereliction of duty,For now,He did not have read this book.As for how to deal with this book,Music editor said the book has been published in a period of time,Can a short time frame and under the press managerial decision,They do not have the Lord.


家长反映 儿童读物硬伤多,家长担心误导孩子 Parents reflect children's books more than mechanical damage,Parents worry about misleading children


Reporters found on the Internet search,Over the past few years for children's books online complaints common occurance.Not a few net friend said the children's reading junk,The bookstore deluxe edition/DE luxe edition flood/Original kind of less/Language narration not smooth/flood"More entertaining"Very serious problems.a"After 70"My mother once to the media complaints,Think children idiom books which included"Unfilial three,For great posterior"So the,Not suitable for children to read.Reporters in new street found a bookstore,The children's books a little thin price to yuan,A little a bit thicker the DE luxe edition of a price is 40 to 50 yuan.


But these books than about the content of the complaint,[New moral education intermediate song]In the text to appear on dozens of mistakes can be called the geeks"geeks"the.Buyers think Mr. Gao,"The mistakes in the book even primary school graduates all know,The press too irresponsible,Can harm the younger generation."


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注音软件无法识别多音字 Phonetic notation software can't identify polyphone


Reporter in the online search out the Chinese pinyin king/Pinyin master, etc in four or five Chinese pinyin automatic tagging software,In addition there are special online phonetic notation web pages.Reporter to examine the pinyin automatic tagging software instructions found,These descriptions are mentioned,For the word itself has two or more of the pronunciation,At present program temporary can't automatic identification.
