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  如果一名大学生用的手机价值超过1000元,就算有贫困证明也不一定能拿助学金。中国地质大学(武汉)近日推出大学生经济状况测评系统,以面向全体学生的系统化问卷调查形式"筛选"贫困生。这一创新办法为困扰众多高校的"贫困生界定难"提供了一个解决方案。  校方昨日介绍,这个系统目前已在学校部分学院试行推广。

If a student's cellphone is worth more than $1000,Even with poor evidence also not necessarily can get grants.China university of geosciences(wuhan)Recently launched college students' economic situation assessment system,To face all student's systematic questionnaire survey form"screening"Poor students.The innovation measures for many problems of college"Definition of poor students to"Provides a solution.The school introduced yesterday,The system has been in the school for promotion of college.


To college students' reward and grant center person in charge introduced nest,After admission as is recognized for poor students,Only on this part of the country,Every year can get 1000 yuan to 4000 yuan grants,Still can attend 5000 yuan national spirit award selection.But there are also may appear"Really poor freshmen can't get grants,It is not difficult to be relative to the students‘Poor students’"situation.


The reporter understands,The provisions of the state that need to poor students"Comprehensive consideration".But as a result of actual operation difficult,Many universities are still drawn around the poverty of proof shall prevail.A great proportion of poor students is about 35%,Is the largest number of poor students among the.As the only according to 25% of the average proportion stir grants,The cognizance of the poor students and the segmentation problem in the school seems particularly outstanding.


Nest said:"Now we design the CePingBiao,No longer simple to poor certificate or family income as the standard,But segmentation for 11,Let the students in the class and grade,The higher the score on behalf of the poor.Because all students to fill in,Can avoid‘The help of didn't help,Shouldn't help the help’."


Reporter in the"Undergraduate economic status questionnaire"See on,Students self-evaluation subject design was careful,In addition to the average per capita income family outside,Also including family members/area/professional/Already spending education expenses, etc.Option design is more comprehensive,Single-parent families/Migrant workers are covered in family also.And single parent families is subdivided into"Parents die a party"and"divorced"Two kinds of circumstances,Rural to see whether it is"mountain",Counties will see belong to national or regional.


In addition,Should class appraisal subject setting is also"Keep pace with The Times".if"There are 1000 yuan of above electronic products(Except computer)"or"A high-grade clothing/High-end cosmetics",All can backoff 10 points;smoking/drink/In the external diet,Also points out.

  该校管理专业某班班长小谭告诉记者,她主动找学工处要了表格,打算让"老生"也填填。"因为班上贫困生数量‘超标’,用新办法试一下,比较公平"。(记者 黄莹 通讯员 史永斌)

The school management professional a class monitor XiaoTan told reporters,She actively looking for work to learn in the form,Going to let"old"Also to fill."Because the number of poor students in the class‘overweight’,With the new way to try,fairer".(Reporter correspondent HuangYing ShiYongBin)
