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专家称全球涌现留学潮 中国出国留学数居首--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  国际人才蓝皮书《中国留学发展报告(2012)》显示,留学日益低龄化是21世纪以来中国留学的新特点之一。现代高中生的出国原因主要是出于个人日常的“民生”考虑,高中生的“中国梦”和“美国梦”已迥异于百年前。 International talent blue book[Study in China development report(2012)]display,Study abroad increasingly DiLingHua is 21st century study in China is one of the new features.The modern high school students go abroad main reason is due to a personal daily"The livelihood of the people"consider,High school students"China dream"and"The American dream"Has different from hundreds of years ago.


165 years ago,The first students in modern China/Under 19 year old yung to study abroad.After more than 20 years,The qing government sent 120 12 to 14 years old young children to study abroad.Open the first modern Chinese to study abroad,A group of young people.


today,Raged in after reform and opening up to study abroad in the spring,And have a group of"Small students".


On September 2,,In Europe and America by homecoming · Chinese students studying abroad association host/China and globalization research center of Europe and the United States the homecoming Beijing BBS and the 7th Chinese students studying abroad innovation on the BBS,China and globalization research center and Michael thought research institute jointly promulgated/Social science literature publishing blue book of international talent[Study in China development report(2012)]release.According to the blue book data,In 2010,,In our country for overseas high school and the following degree student Numbers for 76400,That accounts for 19.8% of the total number of studying abroad.2011 high school students study abroad the number for 76800,Account for the total number of 22.6% in our country to study abroad.In 2011[High school students study abroad intentional analysis]in,Have intention to go abroad by survey 70% of high school students plan to go abroad after graduating from high school to college,24% plan to go abroad continue to high school,6% plan in domestic finish college after reading a graduate student to go abroad.


Study in China in the new trend,"DiLingHua"Become a significant features of the time.


留学低龄化有哪些表现 Study abroad DiLingHua what show is there


According to the Chinese and global research center director dr WangHuiYao is introduced,In the past,Young Chinese are used to go abroad for further study after graduation from the university,now,More and more people started from high school or junior high school began to choose to go abroad for further study,Study abroad DiLingHua become new characteristics.


The embodiment of the study DiLingHua is one of high school graduates go abroad directly read undergraduate course number increased.To study in United States as an example,American international education association in 2009 the statistical,China to the United States for many years to maintain the number of undergraduates in each year about 9000 people.In 2009,,China has 26000 students to read undergraduate course,More than 2008 two times.American international education association released by the end of 2011[Open door report]display,The 2010-2011 academic year,In the study of Chinese students up to 157600 people,The study to undergraduate students accounted for 36.5%,A growth of 42.7% in 2010,To read a graduate student is much higher than the 15.6% year-on-year growth rate.


The embodiment of the study DiLingHua second middle school is to go abroad to read the number of substantial growth.According to"China international education exhibition"report,2006 to 2010 high school students in our country exit only study of China's total population 22.6% of the number of study abroad.The United States department of homeland security statistics,In 2006, China only 65 middle school students coming to the United States,2011 middle school students to increased 100 times,Up to 6725 people.


The embodiment of the study DiLingHua third is the university entrance exam abandon exam increased.According to relevant data,In 2009 the university entrance exam abandon exam toll to 840000,In 2010, nearly 1 million people,Among them for studying abroad and choice abandon exam person amount to 21.1%.Since 2010,Beijing/Shanghai/Nanjing and other cities to give up the university entrance exam choose to go abroad for further study to students of growth rate is about 20% each year.Abandon exam is the main reason of the study abroad.


It is important to note that,And before some year because of the result is not good enough worry about the university entrance exam adverse and different to study abroad,At present,Many local graduating high school graduates,Especially school"Top student"Give up the university entrance exam to the increase in the number of study abroad,And it has been from the past case highlights to a phenomenon.


高中生出国留学有何特点 High school students study abroad differ


Sina education channel joint education overseas service center and Michael thought data service the company rolled out jointly"High school students study abroad tracking survey",From the survey on September 10, 2010 start,To on April 12, 2011 end,Take independent IP address of the high school students effective writing papers of 3550.This survey for hanging network survey.


Investigation shows that,High school students study abroad destination in the United States/Canada/Australia/Britain is given priority to.


In the intention to go abroad by survey among high school students,Fifty percent of the students most want to study in the United States,Other popular countries in turn is Canada,Accounted for 15.1%;Australia,10%;British,9.5%.Hope to the four countries of study in high school students surveyed more than 85% of the high school students.


According to the survey,High school students study abroad's first economic source is family support,This part of student accounted for 88% of the surveyed.Application of the university of foreign part or full funding accounted for 17%,Part-work and part-study system accounted for 16%,Study abroad loans accounted for 5%.High school students study abroad information channel mainly from domestic,Including intermediary/Relatives and friends/Domestic website and so.


Although choose to go abroad for further study of the high school students more and more,But they go for the future is not too clear.In the intention to go abroad by survey among high school students,More than half of the students study abroad where after the"Not sure"attitude,This proportion is obviously higher than that of the undergraduate course graduation of students abroad;33% of the high school students made it clear that home,This proportion and undergraduate course graduation go abroad students will return almost proportion;Clearly not returned 15%,More than twice as high as than undergraduate course graduate.


高中生为何选择留学 High school students why do you choose to study abroad


Modern high school students to study abroad,Has more than 100 years ago and study different young.


WangHuiYao said,Study in China first yung wing and the first batch of study in young children to the United States mainly is to learn when domestic do westernization much-needed mine/mechanical/shipbuilding/Industrial technology, engineering specialty,The emergence of"The father of China's railway"Zhan tianyou,The territory of the republic of China the first prime minister of state TangShaoYi etc.For building modern navy,Li in 1875 to select students study in Europe,The main study military science/Navy technology,After they returned in haiphong and naval construction/Democratic thought enlightenment plays a tremendous role,One of the most outstanding representative is yan fu.


The above"High school students study abroad tracking survey"display,The modern high school students go abroad main reason is due to a personal daily"The livelihood of the people"consider.


The survey,The leading place of study abroad reason is"Get a better education",67%;The second is"Strengthen professional comprehensive competitiveness",37%.


Choose the United States/British/Australia and Canada's high school students to study abroad the main reason is"Teaching quality good,The degree of domestic high identities",the,Want to go to Canada and Australia high school students to study abroad,Based on these countries more reasons for choice"Work and immigration easily".Choose to Germany/France/Japan and other countries to study abroad reasons besides"Teaching quality good,The degree of domestic high identities"outside,More is to consider the cost is low.


NPC standing committee vice-chairperson/Europe and the United States homecoming · Chinese students studying abroad association President HanQiDe in Europe and the United States homecoming Beijing BBS in the opening speech said,"China dream"Is what?Everyone will unthinkingly said strong I Chinese."The American dream"The emphasis on individual success.


In this sense,High school students"China dream"and"The American dream"Has different from hundreds of years ago.


是谁在“诱惑”高中生出国留学 Who is"temptation"High school students study abroad


WangHuiYao said,In the 21st century,Study abroad tide in the emerging world.From around the world to see,India/Brazil/Southern Europe/Africa, etc study abroad toll are sharp increase.


The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization on its web site from 2003 to 2007, five year's[Global education key:Global education statistics data comparison]display,From 2003 to 2007,The world total students respectively is 1.8107 million/2.0085 million/2.2802 million/245.53 and 2.7228 million,China's study abroad during the same period the proportion of personnel were 6.47%/5.7%/5.2%/5.44% and 5.3%.In 2011,,China study abroad toll has the highest in the world,Accounted for 14% of the global total.


High school students study abroad is the trend of The Times which way.


The people's income level of ascension and domestic education resources for the deficiency of the study hot laid the foundation.On the other hand,At present, the employment of college graduates the grim situation,And in the short term can't get the basic improvement.The next period of time,Study abroad will continue to heat,High school students study abroad will be more and more.


meanwhile,By the financial crisis,Foreign governments pay more attention to by the attraction of the students,Especially high quality students to stimulate economic recovery.WangHuiYao said,Western countries actively promote education export,Through the recruit foreign students to solve the interests.Especially in Australia/New Zealand, education resources relative surplus countries,One of the university hope that through recruit foreign students enrollment ease pressure.


therefore,In 2009,,The Australian government carried out the study of the system of the university entrance exam about China,formation[About China's college entrance examination project research report],The report to the Australian high school this paper expounds the Chinese college entrance examination is an effective way of selection of students,Can be used as Australian high school admission standards of Chinese students.In this report under the influence,Since 2009,The university of Sydney, Australia university within the scope of certain and take to the university entrance exam scores as standard admit Chinese students,More Chinese students to study in Australia.The Chinese part of the high school students to give up the university entrance exam choose to study abroad to form bright contrast.


The United States kissinger firm general manager meishan:The nature of the country can make a contribution


"You and I 27 years,Your skin is Chinese,You always make China's interest in the first place."Former us secretary of state Henry kissinger to meishan said.Meishan admit it.Kissinger continued:"I won't so don't trust you.I'm American,I always put the interests of the United States in the first place.We are together to do one thing,To make certain the two nations are good.You become one hundred percent of americans,I will be very disappointed."In Europe and the United States homecoming Beijing on BBS,The United States kissinger firm general manager meishan and share this experience.Meishan said:"This tells us,To overseas students studying abroad as long as don't give up on China's love,As long as don't give up as far as possible for China to do some things wishes,Where can play a role.And the nature,The more you,The more contribution to country."

  梅山呼吁,不要忘了尚未归国,但也同样抱着报答祖国之心、为祖国做事的人。与清末的精英留学相比,现在的留学已经变成了很多寻常百姓的生活选择,由于各种原因,滞留在海外生活,甚至传宗接代的会越来越多。随着国家的强大,这些人也应该划到国家重视的留学人才之内。(记者 杨桂青)

Meishan called for,Don't forget to has not yet returned,But also holding repay the heart of our motherland/For the motherland people doing things.In the late qing dynasty and the elite compared to study abroad,Now the study abroad has become a lot of ordinary people's life choice,For various reasons,Stranded in the overseas life,Even the breed will more and more.With the nation's strong,These people should also to row country attaches great importance to the study of talents within.(Reporter YangGuiQing)


恒隆地产董事长、美国亚洲协会联席主席陈启宗 :希望中国人有一天不再做美国梦 The chairman of the board of real estate marketing/America Asia association chairman of the joint ChenQiZong :Hope the Chinese one day no longer do the American dream

  “在座归国人才到美国去,做‘美国梦’有两个原因:第一是教育,第二是财富。”香港恒隆地产董事长、美国亚洲协会联席主席陈启宗在欧美同学会北京论坛上说,中国人也有中国梦,中国梦是国家的梦、民族的梦。“我从小在香港长大,从小我就知道有一天我到美国去读书,一去就去了快20年。我也做过美国梦,我希望中国人有一天不需要再做美国梦。”陈启宗的发言引来会场一片赞叹。他继续说,这并不表示美国没有我们可以学习的地方。美国有太多我们应该学习的地方,但是很多中国留学生到美国去只学了外表,没有学到精髓。在教育方面,西方成功很大原因是学术的严谨性,学术的严谨性缺失了,教育的水平也就缺失了,这样我们还要永远做美国梦,还要到美国去读书。在财富方面,他告诫与会诸位:“财富千万不要交给下一代,财富是从社会而来,也应该回归社会,留给下一代,是害了下一代。我在香港几十年,看到一代商界精英赚了钱,结果大部分败在下一代手上。”陈启宗说,告诉儿女,把钱用在社会上,对于个人、社会、国家都是好事。 (本报记者 杨桂青)

"All returned talents to the United States,do‘The American dream’There are two reasons:The first is education,The second is wealth."5 the chairman of the board of the Hong Kong real estate/America Asia association chairman of the joint ChenQiZong in Europe and the United States homecoming Beijing BBS says,Chinese and China dream,China dream is the nation's dream/National dream."I grew up in Hong Kong to grow up,From an early age knew one day I went to the United States to read,A go to go to the fast 20 years.I also do the American dream,I hope the Chinese one day don't need to do the American dream."ChenQiZong speech drew the meeting a piece of praise.He continued,This does not mean the United States no we can place of study.The United States has too much we should place of study,But many Chinese students to the United States only learned appearance,Did not learn the essence.In the education aspects,Success is a big reason for western academic rigour,Academic preciseness of the missing,Education level is missing,So we will always do the American dream,Go to the United States to read.In the wealth,He told the men:"Wealth must not to the next generation,Wealth from society,Should also return to society,Left to the next generation,Is caused great damage to the next generation.In Hong Kong I decades,See a generation business elite earned money,Results most of the defeat in the next generation of hands."ChenQiZong said,Tell the children,Put your money in the society,For individual/social/Countries are good. (Our reporter YangGuiQing)


北京低碳清洁能源研究所副所长兼首席科学家刘科:让中国天更蓝水更清 Beijing low carbon clean energy research institute vice director and chief scientists LiuKe:Let China day more blue water more clear


"Let China's day more blue,The water cleaner,This is my China dream."Beijing low carbon clean energy research institute vice director and chief scientists/"One thousand people plan"In Europe and the United States on behalf of the LiuKe homecoming Beijing BBS says.LiuKe in the United States for more than 20 years,After returning home started a low carbon energy research institute.He said,Human development today,The last major contradictions become human development and natural resources/Resources and environment of the contradiction."Many returnees from abroad brought back a lot of technology and concept,They are thinking about the problem,Must think about how to make China more blue day/The water cleaner,And in this respect to do some work."From this perspective,Returnees in the role of the bridge."today,We need a batch of truly understand Chinese and western cultures,Work together to promote the harmonious development of human beings."LiuKe said.


LiuKe for the country's modernization have their own thinking.He thinks,The real modernization is to depend on the modernization of enterprise,"Personally, I think China's modernization to solve a problem,Is the state-owned enterprises to bureaucratization,Corporation to family-based.Instead, a number of professional ethics,Have internationalized vision of professional managers,The Chinese state-owned enterprises and corporation finally all become have a sense of social responsibility of public company."LiuKe said,"American Cameron/Ford and Bill Gates,Finally put most of our property feedback to the society.China a number of enterprise household his ability to make money,His property to reward the society of the day,The day is also China's modernization,To realize China's dream of the day."

  为此,他建议“千人计划”(即“海外高层次人才引进计划”)不仅要引进一批技术人才,同时也要引进一批有管理经验的职业经理人。(记者 杨桂青)

therefore,He suggested that"One thousand people plan"(namely"The overseas high-level talents introduction of plan")Not only to introduce a group of technical talents,At the same time also to introduce a batch of management experience of professional managers.(Reporter YangGuiQing)
