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河南一高校女生宿舍现命案3死1伤 或因矛盾纠纷--亲稳舆论引导监测室

河南一高校女生宿舍现命案3死1伤 或因矛盾纠纷 9月25日凌晨5时许,郑州,一男子闯入河南职业技术学院女生宿舍,致3人遇难。图/CFP September 25, at about five in the morning,zhengzhou,A man into henan vocational and technical college girl's dormitory,To three people were killed.Diagram/CFP

  新京报讯 (记者刘刚 实习生王磊)昨日凌晨,河南职业技术学院女生宿舍楼内发生命案致3死1伤。受伤的女生已被送至河南省人民医院救治。伤口主要在背部、面部和手部,其中手部伤势严重,医生初步判断伤及肌腱,昨日下午4点做手术。

The Beijing news - (Reporter friend Mr Liu gang intern wang lei)Yesterday morning,Henan vocational and technical college girls dormitory building homicide case occurred within the 3 dead 1 injury.The injured girl has been sent to the henan province people's hospital treatment.The wound mainly in the back/Face and hands,The hand seriously,The doctor preliminary judgment injury and tendons,4 yesterday afternoon point surgery.


Zhengzhou city public security bureau issued through the says,The suspect for disputes retaliation murder.Through the crime is not covered by the details and contradiction specific reason,Police said the case is under investigation.


Additional as we have learned,Suspects for men,Not henan vocational and technical college students,Place a homicide case dormitory girl's net friend.The time of the crime is not the girl dormitory,Avoid the hook.

  案件回顾 Case review

  男子夜入女生宿舍行凶 Male midnight into the girl's dormitory the loose


After the,The police sealed off the 7th floor,Students can only out cannot enter into,The police searched with guard dogs.


Comprehensive zhengzhou the police and the school bulletin,September 25,, at 5 PM,The suspect zhang into henan vocational and technical college girl's dormitory 7403 b the loose,Cause live in bottom spread of four students died 3 1 injury,The dead for a work his way up/Yang a/LiuMou,The injured wang mou some currently in the hospital.According to informed introduce students,Murder in the school dormitory building 7 4 unit 2 floor,The dormitory has four double decker/Live 7 people.


Bulletin not mention the casualties specific information.According to more than students of the cross confirmed,Casualties of the four girls in the school department of business administration department of computerized accounting professional sophomore.


According to another few students said,The suspect a single blade knife when the loose,There are five people in the dormitory,A girl because in the dorm to hide escaped the fire.But the details without official confirmed.

  作案动机 motive

  矛盾纠纷报复杀人 Disputes retaliation murder


Zhengzhou police issued through the said,Yesterday morning when xu 11 50 points,The police will have flight of the suspect zhang captured.Did not disclose details through the catch.According to the school students speak,Toss from school teacher learned,"The suspect is in to anyang of high-speed way of was caught",Media reports at the time the suspect is one long distance bus.


According to henan vocational and technical college propaganda department bulletin,The suspect zhang mou of Inner Mongolia is a university student,men.Through the network met henan vocational and technical college department of business administration computerized accounting professional, surnamed Chen girl.The time of the crime,A female student surnamed Chen for leave home,Not in the dormitory.


Zhengzhou city public security bureau issued through the says,The suspect is because disputes retaliation murder.

  追问 cross-examine

  疑犯如何凌晨进入女生宿舍? The suspect how to morning into the girl's dormitory?

  有学生分析或从防盗窗爬上楼,事发宿舍离门卫较远 Has the student to analyze window or from climbed up,The dormitory is far away from the guard


The homicide case,A man in the morning how can enter the university girl's dormitory,Or on the second floor,Cause many people doubt.


The school a student told the Beijing news reporter,The number seven floor in the school center.Dormitory building towards something,Set on both sides of the door,Only a west side guard,The east side door shut down for an extended period.7 floor with 1 layer window.Many students speculation,Don't exclude suspects from the window over the wall floor,"Sometimes didn't bring my key,We all this turn".In addition,4 unit near the east side apartment building,Far away from the.The school bulletin,The above question not to respond.
