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就业指导形同虚设 学长辞百万年薪培训师弟师妹--亲稳舆论引导监测室


“大牛”Offer年薪百万 "Daniel"Offer the annual salary of one million


A few years ago summer vacation,A return from Hong Kong investment Banks practice of tsinghua university(Admission office)The WangMai collegue got the official Offer,At that time became a campus blue-eyed boy,For advice came in an endless stream."To be the first person to ask me how to success to apply for a job,I'm very glad to,After all, people chase after hold in both hands feeling is very good.I am very careful to tell his job skills and my experience,The second students/The third students to ask for the time,I also still is a warm,But when the first ten students and ask you,The same story repeated when ten times,I began to collapse."WangMai said,From October start,In a student club a n experienced person the club's organization,WangMai and other some get investment Banks of the Offer"Cattle people"Start regularly in a workplace free collegue will share the experience.


WangMai in sharing conference explained how they get millions of annual salary offer,Workplace experience sharing the full field,He also became the core staff team.Along with the society more and more people graduation,He felt,Must make the a n experienced person workplace of actual combat experience to keep down."We first out brochures,Distributed free,But that is not much print this.Later we simply do a website."WangMai said,He put the bull before the job experience all on the Internet,As a material preserved.


毕业生 graduates


“大牛”学长开公司培训求职 "Daniel"Senior open company training job


Before graduating from university,,Writing your resume/interview/Finding a job is an indispensable step every college students.If there is a special company guiding students how to job,Through a series of training to get the right post,Can even"impact"Investment Banks,You will choose??Three from tsinghua and Peking University"Daniel"Is because early found the high quality work,Since then has constantly been drove to the lower classwoman sharing for job experience,The a n experienced person then do training class,Do website,Finally opened to apply for a job in the company,It will be of interest to a career development functions.Their main business is to help of students in the school,Before people of actual combat experience education teacher younger brother teacher younger sister,Help them to indicate the direction of to apply for a job,Reduce frustration.


为学弟学妹办求职培训公司 For lower classwoman students do job training company


In WangMai found that share the church,A lot of teacher younger brother teacher younger sister are simply did not know how to apply for a job,Even your resume and cover letter are not written,More don't know some of the big companies interview skills and HR staff to choose the requirements.The majority of students are to rely on campus lectures or consulting and fellow students talked of actual combat experience started to apply for a job.While in university,Also lack of vocational education/Career planning guidance.A lot of school after JiuYeBan teacher is counselor,One of them at school,A lot of not really, to seek for a job,Also did not go to large foreign company work,Don't know in the enterprise work flow and the matters needing attention,Difficult to to provide students with practical and effective help.


"We think we should do,Many students don't know how to get to the job,And to apply for a job is what we are good at".WangMai with tsinghua is collegue for the research on two student record and Beijing university software and microelectronics college research two students ZhangYouMing began to joint company,Special guidance teacher younger brother the talents how to apply for a job.They try to do a period training fees,500 yuan per person,Recruited more than 300 people.Because be college students' office,And has a high salary offer,"We promise if all the lecture will listen,Hand in 500 yuan fee refund directly".


民宅内接待名企HR In the residential reception companies HR


Three students,Near in tsinghua rented a three-bedroom,Office accommodation both.On the one hand they still in university for professional education training,On the other hand in order to maintain the company operating opened up for enterprise do campus recruitment business.


With the influence of the club before,And true useful experience,The a n experienced person has been in Beijing university campus have awareness."Although we are in the residence,Stanley's HR eldest brother,And many of the world's top 500 strong human resources leadership to our homes.Now think of,We should at least should clean the room".WangMai and testified with the suit the pen stand of foreigners visit crude three-bedroom business type,And wearing slippers young Chinese negotiation situation,laughed.


The most let their surprise,A student with $ten thousand cash to provide professional job training."I didn't know that,The student then rest assured in such a sloppy environment down ten thousand yuan in cash".


培训费用上万元 Training cost tens of thousands of yuan


Through the help enterprise do campus recruitment,And a lot of graduates job experience,WangMai and ZhangYouMing a n experienced person of the company has from the initial on small scale,Development to provide a series of course service.


In the basic course,Include how to corresponding enterprise needs make your resume,How to interview,All kinds of interview skills, etc,Also offer all kinds of industry training."Such as want to finance enterprise,We must teach students how to see financial statements,How to see annual report".Some students can't really understand what call team and communication,The course will be simulated team completed projects,Let them in practice to understand the team and communication.If there are classmates want to enter the investment Banks,Also have corresponding professional training and recommend to Hong Kong or the United States internship opportunities,The last was trained to be a suitable into investment banking talent.


Many have entered the 500 strong graduates in this platform will share their experiences.In the training of students,Most of them come from 211 or 985 kind of university students.


Of course,This job training the price also does not poor.The reporter understands,Basic course is about thousands of yuan,Some high-end course requires tens of thousands of yuan.And many students from one or two began,Then enter these job course learning.


培训故事 Training story


要求羞涩男路口搭讪女生 Requirements shy man crossing chat up the girl


Founded at the beginning of the,WangMai and ZhangYouMing workplace training company to the content of the training is multifarious.


A university share will end,A mother waiting at the side,Want to let these young lads to help his son.The boy comes from qinghai's a mountain village,In Beijing in a high school,Have entered into senior next semester,But MeiPu work completely,The more did not attend any interview.


WangMai/ZhangYouMing, from basic resume skills to teach career choice.In the help boy improve when interview skills,They found the boy too shy,Doesn't like talking,This fundamental pass the interview.In order to help him get over being nervous/timidity,To improve the ability to communicate with people.WangMai/ZhangYouMing decided to give the boy alone training seek a girl chat up.


"We took him to the heart of the intersection,Let him find strange girl to telephone number."The day,The boy failed mission,"We will force him to,Device the table,Don't move to kick him".For days the past,The boy finally will open and stranger exchanges,And get a girl's phone.The boy finally set up a little confidence,Learn to communicate.A month later the boy will find a qinghai renmin branch of a job.


学妹案例 The lower classwoman case


花近万元培训获11个offer Spend nearly ten thousand yuan training won 11 offer


Beijing language and culture university(Admission office)Graduates from version as a freshman began to listen to the job training course.Big three,She spent 9800 yuan to the a n experienced person job training elite class.Version said,Their professional Chinese as a foreign language,Way is generally do Chinese teacher or secretary,And she more hope to foreign companies."My classmates all right is the class,Back to the dorm watching movies,Completely do not know duty field is how to return a responsibility.I went to practice,They asked me,Practice is what".


To spend nearly ten thousand dollars training job,Version said,She took a fancy to the fellow students experience and human resources.Version said,In the training school in the BBS,All find work predecessors are inside,They are distributed in each big famous company,Have very good contacts.


In addition,Training courses are involved how to write a resume/documents/Thank-you note/A knowledge of the various links interview skills and methods, etc."Such as foreign group of surface,HR will in this link a large number of brush people,The teacher taught us how to in this link become the first name:Group discussion if someone special to say,Can he take a breath,Interrupt him said‘The students,Your point of view we are very identity,Summarize up content is 123.At the same time,The other students have added’,Has highlighted both their own ability to summarize,Analysis ability,Also can invite others to speak,Will get HR recognition.These experiences,At ordinary times is no one tell us".


Through constant practice,Determine the version you like fast pin industry.In the nestle interview,She can accurately tell competitors/Dealer's situations,The industry know better than the others,Finally accepted.And after,Her hand has been holding 10 offer.Spend nearly ten thousand yuan training cost,After graduation she is only the first monthly wages.


HR看法 HR view


应试能力强企业不喜欢 Examination-oriented ability strong enterprise don't like


A state-owned holding enterprise's HR said,Enterprises in the recruit person,Don't like choose examination-oriented ability of students,But prefer learning ability and practice ability of students.Mingtao Lin said,In the actual interview,She can feel out some application of the students are trained,Such as answer questions too modeled/Answer up.She said,Some students in presents itself,The same as to recite the text,Answer this question is also very inflexible,Not from the heart to HR questions thinking.This in a job interview is not add cent.


But if your resume to the have to clear,Can indeed from hundreds of thousands of resumes to the fore,Then get HR telephone.In an interview,Basically see is given to a candidate own situation and the accumulation of experience,therefore,This training and accumulation appears very important.overall,HR favour with learning ability,Good personality,The comprehensive quality of the graduates are higher.


专家看法 Expert view


高校求职缺乏个性服务 The job lack of individuality service


China's education scientific research institute researcher store from zhaohui said,Fellow students have graduated to open special job company,Talents training teacher younger brother,Now that college students have a demand,Job seekers think to spend it on job training is worth it,understandable.This means that the,Colleges and universities in the university job personalized level is not enough.now,University employment guidance course is summarized,Treat as the same,Too macroscopic.But in fact,The career planning in different period are not the same.The same person or the same class,The same professional students in employment will have different differences,This really need individualized services,Meet students real idea.therefore,Will appear this kind of independent outside of school employment training services,The teacher elder sister and brother of actual combat experience,Make students feel more reliable and practical.


For college students,Invest a lot of money in the professional training,Still have a certain risk.A man looking for a job and employment skills related,But it is also a process.For the students to,If the first job is not ideal,Can continue to get,Is not a lifelong employment set,Can also constantly choice.
