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14岁男孩考上大学自称非天才:想少交几年学费 1998年出生的张瞳瞳(资料图片) Born in 1998 zhang hitomi pupil(Material picture)


This year the university entrance exam,Only 14 years old fixed far young zhang hitomi pupil,To science 573 points result was admitted to hainan university of electronic information engineering specialty.A pupil hitomi claims to not genius,All the success is from hard,"Less read book one year,Home into a year less tuition".His father in order to support the family,The day at school,At night went to the factory's doing odd jobs to turn an.A pupil pupil has now found a 2 a tutor,He hopes to earn money while studying,Later after mother to hainan see seascape.


发奋学习 14岁考上大学 Vigorous study 14 years pass the college entrance examination

  张瞳瞳来自定远县能仁乡,4岁时上小学一年级。 2年级时成绩很好,直接跳过3年级,读4年级。小升初考试时,他在当地2000多学生中,以第8名的成绩考入中学。值得一提的是,那一年,张瞳瞳刚满8岁。 “这件事情在当时引起了不小轰动,儿子这么有出息,我也很有面子。 ”其父张中书说。

A pupil pupil from DingYuanXian can kernel township,At the age of 4 a grade in elementary school. 2 grade result is very good,Skip grade 3,Read 4 grade.Another when the exam,He is in place in more than 2000 students,In the name of the 8 straight into high school.Be worth what carry is,That year,A pupil hitomi turned 8. "This matter was not caused a sensation,Son so have ambition,I also very much to have the face. "His father ZhangZhongShu said.

  今年高考,张瞳瞳再次一鸣惊人,他以理科573分的成绩被海南大学录取。 “今年理科一本线是534分,他超了理科一本线39分。 ”

This year the university entrance exam,A pupil pupil once again set the world on fire,In his science 573 points progress was hainan university admission. "This year science a line is 534 points,He super science a line 39 points. "


高中的“尖子生” High school"Top student"

  张瞳瞳高中英语老师李祝圆告诉记者,虽然他年龄比较小,但特别懂事,在学习上不用任何人监督,认真完成老师布置的作业,各科老师也都很赏识他。 “张瞳瞳家里的情况,我们也都了解,他这么用功读书,也是为了报答父母,记得他以前和我说过这么一句话‘没办法,我们家这样的经济情况,我只能努力再努力。 "李老师称,高考时张瞳瞳本来还可以考得更好,这次是发挥失误了。

A pupil hitomi high school English teacher LiZhu round told reporters,Although his age is smaller,But special sensible,In the study don't anyone supervision,Serious teacher finish the assignment,All teachers are also very appreciate him. "A pupil pupil at home,As we all know,He studied hard to read,Also in order to repay their parents,Remember him before and I said such a few words‘Can't,Our house such economic conditions,I can only efforts to try again. "Mr Li said,When the university entrance exam a pupil pupil was still can take an examination of better,The play is mistake.


LiZhu round also told reporters,A pupil at school pupil is a"Top student",In march this year,Also for invention"Manual universal charger"The local youth science and technology innovation competition second prize.


动力来源 只想少交几年学费 The source of power in just a few years less tuition

  14岁就考上大学,让很多人认为张瞳瞳是一个神童,“其实,我并不聪明,只是比别人更用功、更努力而已。 ”张瞳瞳说。张中书告诉记者,儿子读高中时,作息非常有规律。 “每天6点之前起床,中午1个小时午睡,晚上11点半回家,然后再自习到凌晨2点。除了睡觉时间,其他时候他都在学习。 ”这样算下来,张瞳瞳每天只有5个小时的睡眠,如此高负荷的学习,张父也心疼不已。

14 just pass the college entrance examination,Let many people think that a pupil pupil is a child prodigy,"In fact,I am not clever,Just work harder than others/Harder just. "Zhang hitomi pupil said.ZhangZhongShu told reporters,Son read high school,Work and rest is very regular. "Every day to get up before six o 'clock,1 hours at noon nap,Night home at half past eleven,Then self-study to 2 am.In addition to sleep time,Other times he is learning. "Such calculating down,Every day a pupil pupil only five hours of sleep,Such a high load of learning,ZhangFu also love dearly unceasingly.

  张瞳瞳说,他之所以这么努力,所有的动力皆源于一处早点学有所成。少上一年学,家里就少交一年学费。“爸爸身体非常不好,他每天教完书后还去附近的工厂里打零工,每天都要到很晚,才拖着疲惫的身子回家。为了我的学费和妈妈的医药费,他的身体都累垮了。 ”说到这里,张瞳瞳哽咽得说不出话来。

Zhang hitomi pupil said,He was so hard,All power is from one place to have learned something.Less school for a year,Home into a year less tuition."Father was very bad,Every day he taught at the end also to a nearby factory's doing odd jobs to turn an,Every day late,Only with exhausted body home.For my tuition and mother's medical expenses,His body was totally exhausted. "here,A pupil hitomi SOB to speak.


入学就找两份家教 Admission is looking for two tutor


Their son to go to college is a good thing,But the ZhangZhongShu is a very headache.University entry fee nearly 6000 yuan,In the after paying tuition,The ZhangZhongShu with only 1000 dollars for the child.And zhang hitomi hitomi just to school to develop a plan:Find a job and support yourself.

  开学没几天,他经一个学姐介绍,在海南大学生兼职网上注册账号,发布了求职信息。求职信息发布没几天,他就得到了第一份工作,给一个补习班的孩子代数学。 “前几天,还有家长打电话给我,希望我为她的孩子补习物理。 ”

A few days the,He by a learn elder sister is introduced,In hainan university students part-time online registration account,Released information of hunting for a job.To apply for a job a few days information release,He won the first job,To a cram school children algebra. "A few days ago,And parents to call me,Hope I for her children with physical. "

  一个月,张瞳瞳就为自己谋得两份家教工作,与不少同学丰富多彩的安排相比,也显得有点枯燥,但他却不抱怨,“我争取除了学费,不花家里一分钱,如果我能做到,我就很快乐了。 ”

A month,A pupil hitomi he get two family education work,And many students than rich and colorful arrangements,Also seem a bit boring,But he did not complain,"I strive for in addition to tuition fees,Don't take home a penny,If I can do it,I will be very happy. "


小小梦想 存钱接妈妈看海景 Little dream of saving money after mother see seascape


When it comes to their own goal,A pupil pupil told reporters,The school every year, the research qualification,But these places must be study result very good students can get,So he will work hard to now,For every year can get good grades,So they can get the school the quota research.

  除此之外,他还有另外一个心愿,“我打算将每个月挣的钱都存一点下来,等存够了,我想接我妈妈来海南看看这里的美丽海景,她还没看过大海呢。”(实习生 程波 记者 齐美义)

In addition,He still has another wish,"I am going to earn money each month to save a little down,Etc to save up enough,I'd like to pick up my mother to hainan and see the beautiful seascape,She haven't seen the sea?."(ChengBo intern reporter qi beautiful righteousness)
