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小学生早恋盛行 外貌成为第一“恋爱准则”(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

小学生早恋盛行 外貌成为第一“恋爱准则”(图) 图片来源于网络 记者杨静雅 Pictures from the network reporter YangJingYa


原标题:五年级小学生已“相恋”三年,两成小学生承认有“恋情” Original title:Five grade pupils already"Fell in love"Three years,Twenty percent of pupils have admitted"relationship"


小学生“早恋”,外貌是第一“恋爱准则” pupils"Early love",Appearance is the first"Love rule"


专家:小伢不懂爱情只是模仿,家长老师应加强引导 experts:Small Ya don't know love just imitate,Parents teacher should strengthen the guide


Recent meng woman worried,Because the fifth grade daughter lily held every day with my cell phone to send a text message.Have a lily's cell phone is charging,Happened to come message,Meng woman read after the death was found,She and a boy in a day message with article nearly,In addition to"Are you asleep"So greeting,Also thering is no lack of"I miss you"/"Good like you"Such a confession of the.


In fact, this is lily boys before school a classmate,Last year, meng woman he found lily and the boys with close,She secretly asked the daughter and boy students of the class,Found his daughter and the boys are"Fall in love",Meng woman immediately give daughter done transfer.Didn't expect in a new school,Daughter and the boy often send text messages or contact.


Meng woman very puzzled,It is now a small Ya is everybody very early,Such a small age began"Early love"??

案例 五年级学生已“相恋”三年 Case year 5 students already"Fell in love"Three years两人相约长大后结婚 Two people meet grow up to get married


"A few days ago,I said on the QQ‘Aunt hitt lu’To sprout sprout and love,She didn't respond to me,I think she also don't know this is Japanese‘I love you’mean!"11 years old XiaoJie said,Classmate sprout sprout is his girlfriend,Two people"Fall in love"For three years.


XiaoJie memories,First time to sprout sprout confessions is second grade,Two people in the school playing on the playground horizontal bar.XiaoJie brewing for a long time,Suppress for half an hour,To sprout sprout coyly squeeze out a word:"I'm……Like you……"moment,Sprout sprout blushed like an apple.XiaoJie gather together in the past,Gently got down sprout sprout face,"At that time I heart throb",So two people determined"Love relationship".


"Do you know what is love?"Facing journalists' questions,XiaoJie stockily explained,"Of course know,I spent half the time to think of her,Also sent the ring to her,And sign the book said Scorpio in order to pursue the others will desperate,I am desperate like her."


The reporter also asked sprout sprout,She is very generous to admit is XiaoJie girlfriend,Also said that two people will grow up to get married.In addition to their,Class and"two",Six men often about playing together,Also set up a"A small gang".


"I know both of them,Ring or am I with he beads strung together."XiaoJie mother liu said,Know that two children like each other,But should be between the idea of naive child,Themselves and not too when one and the same.


两成小学生承认有“恋爱”对象外貌是第一“恋爱准则” Twenty percent of pupils have admitted"love"Object appearance is the first"Love rule"

调查老师 Survey the teacher别对孩子们的“恋情”盖棺论定小学生不懂爱情只是模仿 Don't for children"relationship"Praise no man till he is dead pupils do not understand love just imitate


"Our class has a pair of very famous ah,Everyone knows that."Enrolled in hankou a fourth grade XiaoMin told reporters,They are"The husband"/"The wife"match,The two men also pretend"married",Make several times to break up,But how are not"divorce".


Reporters interviewed the random, three towns of wuhan 80 pupils,The 54 people said between classmates"Who like who"Such gossip,14 people admit they have love object.


"A grade the thief a thief in the second grade/Third grade beauty didn't men after him/Four grade handsome boy a lot of/Fifth grade love letter all over the place/Grade six husband and wife couples."Hanyang a primary school grade five of XiaoJia said,This is their own doggerel,"Love letter all over the place"Don't exaggerate,The note in the class and love classmates very much,Of course this is can't let the teacher know.


"One night,I somehow received an anonymous text message in the class of students,Like wrote poetry,Words very disgusting,I see immediately after deleted."Fifth grade XiaoLu said,Class 32 boys,Including more than 20 people are bright love or like his,Usually quite hospitable,Such as rob to help her get heavy things/Catch a full bottle of butterfly gave her/Climb trees to pick up the flying saucer"Display gallantry"/When the long jump"drain"Let her pass……There are two boys rob to play her mobile phone,Results roughhouse,Make to the teacher asked parents please.But XiaoLu said,Although many admirers,But she only with all my heart in the study,So small"Fall in love"There is no need to.


pretty/Personality gentleness/Excellent results……Reporter survey found,Elementary student's love in the standards,This article three in the first place,Many students like to others for a very simple reason:"Because she is beautiful"/"Because he is handsome".


Four grade XiaoJun just said,His second grade from the start with the right girl,Is the next class of a"The little beauty".But always is in"Unrequited love",Also not going to express.


"XiaoJie and sprout sprout two children better feelings very much,I usually also see in the eye,But it is not real‘Early love’."The teacher in charge teacher Chen said,XiaoJie the child character a little alternative,Not very gregarious.Second grade new transfer over,Sprout sprout is his first sit at the same table,In the face of the new environment,Feeling lonely he will their feelings on sprout sprout body.XiaoJie father in a study in the United States,By the western education edification,So thought is open.Usually also often accompany XiaoJie see foreign large,It involve love this topic,Children to see/Heard much,Naturally will want to"imitation"Inside the plot,But he is not necessarily really understand"love".


"When saw two children relationship when better,Must not all the seasons are up to say them in love."The teacher in charge work in 15 years of teacher wang said,The best way is"Cold treatment",Don't take it when the matter."The class has a boy to a girl every day to drink,I joked,Can you give the teacher also send a bottle of every day.Boys aware of doing so‘Have a problem’after,Slowly reduces the girl's attention.Children are rebellious psychology,Had better not explicitly told him not how to do,But can let him realize,His approach is wrong."


家长 70后家长对“早恋”看法开明“这只不过是懵懂的好感” Parents after 70 to parents"Early love"Liberal views"This is just ignorant favor"

专家 experts“早恋”是对小学生情感的误读 "Early love"Is the primary school students emotional misreading家长老师应加强对孩子正确引导 Parents teacher should strengthen to the child the correct guidance


"He and the class a girl is better ah,But it should be fun!"34 years old Mr. Tang said,Son just top grade four,Although once on the QQ saw him and discuss the questions like/The topic of marriage and so on,Without too care about.After a few days he active q son have like of the person,Didn't expect son generous to admit."Son of the heart‘like’,Children should only between a ignorant favor."


"Remember that when I'm reading,Until the junior middle school to know‘like’/‘love’Ah it."Live in five miles of saemaul undong lady had said,It is now a small Ya than they that s much more early,Daughter is in grade three said someone in the class write note said like her,But she didn't ignore.Now TV/Comic books even in the cartoon,All sentient beings love love topic,Also hard to avoid children will understand these.


"We the s,The school/The teacher to‘Early love’Tube very strictly,At that time, fall in love of students very little,If you find a pair of will cause a storm in a teacup."After 70 parents ms hu said,Was boy/The girl is about together good good study,Just a great feeling between each other,But after school/The teacher/Parents after intervention,But caused they rebel psychology,Partial to be together."I am in the process of growing up the experience such a mood,So in education when their children,I always was more liberal,And her daughter to establish good communication."


Reporters interviewed random 80 after 70 pupils in the parents,62 people between the to the child"like"/"love"The indifferent attitude,All think that only children ignorant emotional performance,sportive.But there are also a few parents worried about this,So little is"yes"/"Wedding ah"/"Marry you to be a wife"Such words from the mouth,Will not make believe becomes reality?In the long run,Will not really"Early love"the?


"Everyone in the growth process will experience feelings,Love does not have early or late this idea,When you know how to love,Is in love."Central China normal university sociologist MeiZhiGang professor thinks,"Early love"Itself is a false proposition,As for primary school students,Even if called on"The husband"/"The wife"This call,Only based on the profound friendship between each other/Ignorant good,And love itself have no relation,But with the form of expression in disguise.She said the child"Early love",To love itself is a kind of misreading.


The reason that the kid will know so much,This and social reflect a large number of film and television works/The books and publications are inseparable.Foreign film/Work will explicitly pointed out that suitable for how to age children see,But in our country,,Many are not suitable for children watch adult TV/Adult works,Children have contact,Cause the child to have the emotional development pseudo mature,The surface looks like"advance"the.As parents need not too nervous/concerns,Too much interference in the normal development of children emotional it will lead counterproductive,But many guide children watch TV for their age/books.


MeiZhiGang said,For some children,After parents/The teacher confirmed,He is in a state of love,The adults in the first time shall be self reflection.Children lack of family warmth/The school was less attention,Easy to their feelings on transferred to their peers,Formation of the same or the opposite sex"Highly emotional rely on".Family education and school education combined,Help your child is beneficial to the healthy development of the emotion.


(For the protection of minors,The pupils are alias)
