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“牛奶健骨”再起争议 美医生要求取消午餐奶--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  最近,一个由美国外科医生组成的团体表示,是时候从孩子的学校午餐计划中剔除牛奶这个食物。“关于牛奶有助于强健儿童骨骼的宣传语,事实上是无效的安慰剂。”他们在给美国政府的请愿书中这样写道。美国的专家认为,尽管“牛奶战争”暂没有定论,但已有研究提醒人们,对待习以为常的营养品,要有更谨慎的态度。 recently,A by the American surgeons groups said,Is the time from child's school lunch program to eliminate milk this food."About milk helps bones of children strong publicity language,In fact, it is invalid placebo."They are to the United States government petition it said.American experts say,although"Milk war"Temporary have not yet,But some research remind people,Treat habitual nourishment,To have a more cautious attitude.


Nanjing orthopedic and nutrition department experts say,Chinese and foreign food habits are different,The Chinese diet calcium generally,The effect of calcium milk is other food irreplaceable,It is suggested that children drink whole milk,The elderly or cholesterol is on the high side people drink defatted milk.


来自美国的建议 Suggestions from the United States


牛奶无助于孩子的骨骼成长与发育 Milk does not help children's bone growth and development


According to the global times reported previously,recently,A by the American surgeons groups said,Is the time from child's"School lunch program"Eliminating the milk the food.The school lunch program,Is funded by the federal government plan,It begin from 1946 to the hundreds of millions of public school provide children with lunch,But milk is among them a will choose food.The doctor this petition reason is:Milk not to help the children's bone growth and development.


"About milk helps bones of children strong publicity language,In fact, it is invalid placebo,"The United States conscience medical surgeon committee(PCRM)In their petition the book wrote.In the milk sugar/Fat and animal protein content is very high,Committee think,All these just to help to bone health constitute the claim retort.


PCRM mentioned,Including milk, dairy products in the U.S. diet is the primary source of saturated fat,so,Longs for calcium and drink milk,A failure is the strategy.


相关佐证 Relevant evidence

  这是真的吗?今年3月,《儿童与青少年医学档案》(the Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine)刊登了一项最新研究。该研究历时7年跟踪了6712名女孩,记录她们的饮食,评估她们的应力性骨折的可能性。研究人员发现,不论是钙,还是乳制品摄取量,都与降低应力性骨折的发生率无关。

Is it true??In march this year,[Archives of pediatrics &adolescent medicine](The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine)A new study published.The study lasted seven years followed 6712 girl,Record their diet,Evaluate their stress fracture of possibility.The researchers found that,Both calcium,Or dairy intake,All and reduce the incidence of stress fracture has nothing to do.


similarly,In 2003,,"The nurses' health study"(note:Harvard nurses health study is frank spencer created in 1976,The national institutes of health funding for the United States.The team not regularly issue about memory loss/Breast cancer/osteoporosis/Diabetes health research results,Often have a lot of overturning the diet)A study in the followed more than 72000 postmenopausal women found 18 years later,Long-term drinking milk person suffering from hip fracture chance,And don't drink milk as the crowd.They think,Drinking milk in the long run and can't stop osteoporosis.


我国专家的看法 Expert opinion in our country


中国人饮食中缺钙,牛奶不可替代 The Chinese diet calcium deficiency,Milk irreplaceable


每天需要300克的奶制品,日饮约1-2杯的牛奶足矣 Every need 300 grams of milk products,Day drink about 1-2 cups of milk is enough


Yangzi evening news reporter learned,In our country,Milk calcium is still"mainstream".[Chinese residents dietary guidelines(2007)](The latest edition)Clearly pointed out that,Chinese people should eat every day is equivalent to 300 grams of milk(6 two)The dairy and dairy products.Dairy products in addition to the milk,Include yogurt/cheese/Milk powder, etc.Milk contains rich except of high quality protein and vitamin outside,High calcium content in the,And utilization rate is also very high,Is a good source of natural calcium.


Nanjing medical university nutrition department of nutrition and food hygiene professional MoBaoQing associate professor said,Chinese residents in common dietary calcium,Milk should be preferred filling calcium food,It is difficult to use other kind of food instead.Many foreign countries and people will milk substitute drinking water,Every 1000 ml,This is contrary to conventional.Actually ate 300 grams of milk and dairy products is more appropriate,Equivalent to 1 ~ 2 cups of the amount of milk.Have lactose intolerance crowd can use instead of yogurt,Also can drink soybean milk.MoBaoQing said,Milk and can promote calcium absorption factor,Such as lactose.therefore,According to the normal amount drink milk,General won't appear to reduce calcium absorption of the situation.


如何补钙效果好? How to repair calcium effect good?


喝奶+维生素D,还要加强负重运动 Drink milk + vitamin D,To strengthen the weight-bearing exercise


The drum tower hospital osteoporosis clinic director professor Lin emphasized,Strong bones,In addition to calcium supplement,Vitamin D and movement is also very important.Vitamin D can promote the intestinal calcium absorption and utilization,And that calcium deposit to the bone,Help skeleton development.It is important to note that,The elderly due to liver and kidney function abate,It will be difficult for ordinary vitamin D"activation",Thus cause body calcium is difficult to be absorbed by the body,So take has the activity of vitamin D effect better.


And in the sun for production of vitamin D and calcium absorption transformation,Can play a key role.Vitamin D also known as"Sunshine vitamin".Vitamin D most safety/effective/Economic method is to lie in the sun.For normal diet for the crowd,Accept every 30 minutes of outdoor lighting,Can generate a moderate amount of vitamin D reserves.American researchers suggest,In clear weather,Seasons and temperature permission,At noon every day before and after two hours in the sun 515 minutes,And want to expose more than 40% of the skin,And don't put on some sunscreen,Otherwise you will prevent vitamin D synthesis.


The other is to increase the amount of exercise,To get the biggest bone strength.Professor Lin stressed,Bones need to moderate mechanical load,It mainly from the contraction of muscle and gravity.So some"Weight-bearing exercise"Such as walking/Running can play the role of improving bone strength,Non load sports such as swimming and riding a bicycle,Can improve muscle strength,But to improve the effect of bone strength no weight-bearing exercise so good.


牛奶能否被代替? Milk can be replaced?


多吃蔬菜并不能替代牛奶给身体补钙 Eat more vegetables and cannot replace milk calcium to the body


In previous reports of,The United States conscience medical surgeon committee PCRM think,Milk is flawed calcium transmission media,People should from other sources for source of nutrition,Such as beans/tofu/broccoli/cabbage/Cabbage vegetables, such as,Such as cereal grain,And other solid calcium drink,Such as orange juice/Soy milk.but,People also have noticed,Meal pan,Cabbage the frequency of the occurrence is not high.


Have nutrition experts say,Vegetables not only contains a lot of potassium/Magnesium element,Can help maintain acid-base balance,To reduce the loss of calcium,Itself also contain a lot of calcium.Green leafy vegetables are mostly calcium secondary sources,Such as small rape/pakchoi/broccoli/Celery, etc,Is nonnegligible filling calcium vegetables.


Then eat more vegetables can replace milk filling calcium?MoBaoQing associate professor told reporters,Has not read related contrast experiment data,Also difficult to comment."But in terms of theory,Vegetables in the uptake of calcium may not higher than milk."MoBaoQing associate professor said,After all the vegetables oxalic acid/Phytic acid/Dietary fiber is also reduce calcium absorption factor."The word can not only understand calcium,Should talk about the real physiological effect,Namely into the body of calcium,The absorption and use but also by many factors.Such as vitamin D/protein,The use of bone by the influence of vitamin A, etc.Vegetables in the beneficial factor is relatively less."


中国人怎么喝奶? Why do Chinese people to drink milk?


青少年宜喝全脂奶,中老年推荐脱脂奶 Teenagers should drink whole milk,Old recommend skimmed milk


Jiangsu province osteoporosis committee the chairman of the committee/The drum tower hospital osteoporosis clinic director professor Lin told reporters,Some old people in the existence of dyslipidemia situation,So the elderly suits to choose fat content low low fat milk or skim milk.Professor Lin said,On the one hand and factors,The whole milk fat content is on the high side,This may affect the absorption of calcium.And milk fat just let dairy more fragrant,So drink low-fat or when skimmed milk,Will feel a dilute/Don't sweet alcohol,The palate has definitely not whole milk is good.


this,Nanjing medical university nutrition and food hygiene professional MoBaoQing associate professor said,Is milk for,Fat content is high,But the absorption rate is also high(Normally fat absorption rate of more than 98%),The general circumstances,Won't appear in the milk calcium milk fat by the influence and reduce absorption.In the milk,Calcium is combined with proteins exist,Instead of directly with fat combined forms,The whole milk contain fat will not affect the human body for the absorption of calcium."Recommended intake skimmed milk,Main is to limit their intake of energy."Don't associate professor said,Because many foreign countries and people to drink milk when like drinking,Can lead to excessive intake of milk,So that the fat intake increases,Lead to excess energy.therefore,To need to restrict fat or fat malabsorption crowd,Drinking skimmed milk should be a good choice.

  但是莫宝庆副教授指出,对于处于生长发育期的儿童青少年,应饮用全脂奶较好,因为脂肪是有一定生理作用的,如提供能量、有助于脂溶性维生素的提供与吸收等。(扬子晚报记者 于丹丹)

But MoBaoQing associate professor pointed out,For in the growth development period of the children,Should be drinking whole milk is good,Because fat is a certain physiological effect,Such as provide energy/Help fat-soluble vitamins provide and absorption, etc.(Yangzi evening news reporter YuDanDan)
