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According to BBC English reported,Thousands of foreign students in accordance with the provisions for complete immigration registration,Forced to queue overnight in the open air.


The latest reports,At the beginning of the new school year,Thousands of students from many countries in order to catch in the entry for seven days to register formalities to complete the police station,Have to overnight in the provisions of the police station in front of the queue.


In accordance with the provisions,From 42 countries foreign students if the greater London urban district education and living must be in the entry for seven days in southeast of London to a police office registration.


Chronaxie student entry peak,And plus London metropolitan police department layoffs and other reasons,Lead to handle affairs the police station in front of the row of the long dragon,And the students have to queue all night.


London metropolitan police department person in charge said,In order to cope with the peak condition,They have extended the office time.


The London police overseas visitors record office's web site information display,Many need entry registration of overseas students from midnight began to queue.


Although London police called on students to safety and health in the morning before 0630 reason don't line up,But a lot of students for fear of exceed the time limit not register and still continue to line up overnight.

  英国大学组织(Universities UK)的发言人表示,他们已经向政府主管高教的部长就此问题提出了严重关注。

British university organization(Universities UK)Spokesman said,They have to competent government higher education ministers put forward this serious attention.


It is reported,Although each school year started will appear similar situation,But this year the London situation seems to be particularly bad.


To study in the UK each year 100000 in foreign students,A third to greater London city for destination.

  全英学联(NUS)负责国际学生事务的丹尼尔·斯蒂文斯(Daniel Stevens)专程拍摄下外国学生彻夜排队的照片和录像,并提供给BBC新闻网。

All the stable(NUS)Responsible for international student affairs Daniel · Stevens(Daniel Stevens)Filming foreign students came under all night queue pictures and video,And to provide BBC news.


According to the Stevens said,Overnight queue students cry to heaven at the same time also feel angry and helpless.

  伦敦大都会警部的发言人表示,为了应付在伦敦桥(London Bridge)车站附近的海外访问者记录办公室门前排长队的问题,警部已经决定提前到早上0730开门办公。

London metropolitan police department spokesman said,In order to deal with in the London bridge(London Bridge)Near the station of overseas visitors record in front of the office of long queues of problem,Police department has decided to early in the morning to open 0730 office.


Spokesman said,Every September/October because of the influx of foreign student entry,So the police station in front of long queues of phenomenon should belong to normal.


Representatives of British university who is pointed out,Britain recently appeared in quick succession to overseas students news events,Has started to influence to the reputation of the study in Britain.


Many of the overseas students is an important source of income of the university.
