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EF EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1"> T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">编者按: Editor's note:昨日(7日)独立学者,社会评论家,中国反伪科学代表人物司马南在海南大学发表演讲,题目为一个理想主义者的理性与情怀。在提问环节遭遇学生提问并扔鞋。以下是流行于网络上的事件始末。 yesterday(7)Independent scholars,Social critics,China against pseudoscience representative figure in hainan university SiMaNa speech,Topic for an idealist reason and feelings.The questions link encounter questioning and throws the shoes.The following is popular in the network of the whole event.更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>> More exciting news please enter sohu education>> 学生扔鞋 Students throw shoe 演讲现场 Speech field


yesterday(7)Independent scholars,Social critics,China against pseudoscience representative figure in hainan university SiMaNa speech,Topic for an idealist reason and feelings.The questions link encounter questioning and throws the shoes.The following is popular in the network of the whole event.


9:00 PM,When questions link,A total of three students ask questions.The other two for a skip,The second such students' questions.The way:I heard that Socrates speech"Personal freedom shall be inviolable",And you thought of to toxic and youth,Be guilty of the most heinous crimes;I want to throw shoes and shame you.say,Then take off shoe thrown at Mr. SiMaNa.The atmosphere at one fell swoop nervous,I am in the back row elongation neck child,See LiJianBao President immediately grabbed the microphone,Station HuangHaiNing division chief scored aggro students,Just look at the students were then rack walk,Few seconds then gone figure;Here LiJianBao principal hopping mad the time to ask questions:"What's your college,Which class students?"Soon seriously and talk about"Such rude students section not out of my hainan university."


网友“凡人颂”博客:司马南海大被扔鞋事件始末 Net friend"Mortal to praise"blog:SiMaNa head thrown shoes history events


The final high tide to very suddenly,SiMaNa about an hour and a half,Finally stop.Question session began to,Sitting in front of me a wear orange soccer uniform buddy stand up and make a speech,He first quoted the ancient Greek philosopher sentence,Specific what I forgot,After all, when some of the excitement.The speech of the general connotation and it is free,Equality and so on.He said,“今天在这里,我与你的言论权利是不平等的,我是极其不自由的,你讲的都是正确的政治理论,你讲完能住大宾馆,我要是反驳了却要进小黑屋” "Here today,I and your right to freedom of expression is not equal,I am extremely not free,You speak of is all correct political theory,You finished can live hotel,If I retort that you into the little black house"(我只记了个大概,见谅)。然后,司马南说这不是问题。接着他就说,“我的问题来了,我能丢鞋么?”

(I only remember a probably,Excuse me).then,SiMaNa say it is not a problem.Then he said,"My question,I can throw shoes??"接着他果断地丢了一只运动鞋上去,我下意识地拍手叫好了。 Then he decidedly lost a sports shoes up,I clap the subconsciously.然后有人过来拿这哥们儿的话筒,要把他请出去。我扑上去想抢过话筒讲几句,可惜没抢到 诚然,丢鞋并不是一个文明的行为,但是我觉得这至少比那些一味鼓掌叫好以支持司马南好些。

Then someone came to get this dude microphone,He should be put please go out.I jump up to grabbed the microphone speak a few words,But I didn't get the true,Throw shoes is not a civilized behavior,But I think that at least than those who blindly applaud to support SiMaNa better.


回应:司马南连发24条微博回应此事 称有人恶意组织 response:Article 24 SiMaNa volleying micro bo respond to the matter say some malicious organization


"Throw shoe incident"After the occurrence of,In the network immediately caused a storm in a teacup.A number of students are present published articles recall the site condition,And SiMaNa is from 23 points last night to this morning 8 points 3 point 5 points volleying article 24 micro bo to this matter to respond.Accuse someone malicious organization external hun hun to hit field,Throw shoes that was not head students.And mapping said,Before the speech and someone in the network manufacturing NaoChang threatened to public opinion.


网友直播:司马南被学生扔鞋子! 扔鞋全过程曝光 Net friend live:SiMaNa students have been thrown shoes! Throw shoe whole process exposure

  网友评论: The net friend comment on:


A tail LiuYing 831018:Not that contemporary China and so in order to ideals and free,Willing to do with his future at the cost of the youth(Must face expelled from school),State the beams,Nationalities have hope!


yaohuan2966:Not can't throw,But you must express ideas is what,These thing is introduced,Even if learn also just as well,But the somebody else is first to express our two bifurcation,You didn't say anything,And then throw shoe,It only means that education has a problem.


Time easy to break 613091:A lot of students do not know the connotation of freedom,Talk free.Freedom is not free throw shoes,Also not free live hotel,More not free spend a lot of money.Without the understand freedom is what the thing,Demand freedom is terrible.Just as some people believe a Christian,A lot of people in that statue placed before GongGuo,During the,Every kowtow and bless.


Elves angel 630783:I hate SiMaNa,To is covered with reverse pseudoscience coat up since the goods,Have HeDe can give students teaching.Who does not know him ah,Through some political need a whirlwind,Their drag on the day of the position,keck!
