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  1949年初,全国解放在即,革命事业急需大批知识分子干部以开展新解放区的各项工作。经陶铸同志倡议,有关方面招收了近万名大、中学生,成立了中国人民解放军第四野战军南下工作团。总团部驻扎在北平东四头条的华文学校内,我和几名男同志从分团调到了总团部宣传科。 At the beginning of 1949,National liberation in sight,The revolutionary cause in urgent need of a large number of intellectuals in the new liberated areas cadres to carry out the work.The comrade zhu initiative,The recruit nearly large/Middle school students,Established the Chinese people's liberation army (PLA) south fourth field army corps.Total regimental headquarters stationed in Peiping grabbing headlines on the Chinese literature,I and several gay from major transferred to total XuanChuanKe regimental headquarters.


Chinese language and culture school is a garden style garden,A few building 2 small building stands among them.Here originally is the back garden of the palace,Later the foreigner here built building,Do the Chinese language and culture school.On the eve of liberation in 1949 to Peiping,Is the the bird had flown.The garden a few big tree tall and strong,Crown as an umbrella,LuRongRong grass like a blanket as tidy.


XuanChuanKe only me a female comrade,So give me alone arranged for building a cottage.Although the house narrow,Nor bed,Can only on the floor,However the window shade,The breeze is blowing,Cool and comfortable.


Now south working group is each brigade to establish youth league,Several male comrade to the company to participate in building group work,I was responsible for the distribution of interior secretary job.This thought secretary job but is taking write about,To write point"DengYinFengCi"papers,So inwardly rejoice,Have time to read some I like the literature books.however,Work began after that many chores,Phone constantly,To answer various questions,Still need to record,Not like I expected easily.In the evening,We have to report at the meeting,Finishing record,Gay also for check printed materials,Everyone is busy.Remember that year"1"eve,Chairman MAO zedong published[On the people's democratic dictatorship]are,We want to print into tabloids to students.This task is very important,Have to carefully check,Not a misprint,Finally also calculate successfully completed the task.now,For more than half a century has passed,I have kept this piece of paper,The handwriting is still clear.


Rest time,Total regimental headquarters every department of the comrades like to walk in the yard/chat.There are dozens of people from each brigade tuning up of college students,Apart from Peking University/tsinghua/chaoyang/Method in/The and so on various university,And northeast university,And the female comrade only me and ZuZhiKe LiShuQiong of two people.then,We bloom of youth,To participate in the liberation of south work full of novelty,Often gathered in the courts chit chat,The mood was very happy.


On July 18th, 1949,In XianNongTan stadium held Peiping from all walks of life attended by 15000 people sendoff south working group meeting south,Party secretary and mayor of ye jianying addressed to sendoff speech,Encourage everyone after south to serve the people wholeheartedly,modesty,With an open mind to labor people's learning,Diligently complete the task,Unswervingly carry the revolution through to the end.We always regimental headquarters in south the end of July,I be reluctant to leave the beautiful quiet Chinese language and culture school.

  光阴似箭,日月如梭,弹指一挥间,60多年过去了,当年我们南工团那些意气风发的学生小兵,如今已是两鬓挂霜、满头银丝的老者了。我们其中许多同志为中国的革命和建设作出了不可忽略的贡献,成为我党我军肩负重任的中高级领导干部。而那所华文学校,那片庭院,相信是我们南工团人永远无法抹去的记忆。(杨芹 作者为北京市委党校离休干部)

How time flies,Time elapse quickly,A moment,More than 60 years past,When we south working group those yunnan.at the students dogface,Now is your hang cream/His silver of the old man.We many comrades for China's revolution and construction has made important contributions,Be our party and army has shouldered the senior leadership cadres.And the Chinese language and culture school,The area garden,Believe that we south working group people can never erase memory.(The author YangQin for the Beijing municipal party committee party school cadre retires)
