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英国中文教师紧缺 将培养大批本土汉语教师--亲稳网络舆情监测室

英国中文教师紧缺 将培养大批本土汉语教师英国将外语作为英国小学三年级开始的必修课,越来越多的学生选择学习中文。侯清源摄 Britain will foreign language as the primary school is grade three British began a required course,More and more students choose to study Chinese.HouQingYuan perturbation


London on October 12, according to[European times]British edition reported,In June this year,British ministry of education plans to change teaching syllabus,Will foreign language as the primary school is grade three British began a required course,Optional languages including Chinese/Latin/Greek/German/Spanish etc.The plan announced in the UK Chinese education circle caused a strong reaction,Many people look forward to this policy will provide Chinese teacher opened a door to the mainstream school.


Many Chinese education workers and immigrants are experts said,Even if the policy implementation,Chinese teachers to enter the mainstream school also is not easy.They will face a visa policy tightening/Education qualifications not enough/Personal experience and many obstacles.


汉语热升温 中文教师需求增加 Chinese heat warming Chinese teachers increased demand


Last December,British ministry of education issued the national curriculum framework reform Suggestions,In the audit process with 82% of group experts agree that will foreign language as a second stage education(Is seven years old to 11 years old,The primary school is grade three start)compulsory.


In June this year,British education secretary mike.gough(MichaelGove)Said since 2014 as a British foreign language will be the primary school is grade three began a required course.At present,The policy of public opinion request for stage has on September 28 end,Specific education outline are not yet available.If the project had been expected to carry out,Since September 2014,The all England about 4000 primary school will be a gradual open Chinese courses.


Despite the education outline reform don't say,Along with the Sino-British trade cooperation,Plus the UK economy second recession,Many young people the chance to work aimed at China,It also makes the British young people the favour of Chinese increases year by year.At present,In Britain most of the private school has been connected to Chinese class.


According to the British qualification authentication committee(JCQ)The newest data display,British school will select the total number of foreign language in the 2000 to 2011 dropped by half,However Chinese but in such cases different armed forces is prominent,Choose increased by 13.7%.But the future,More and more school opened Chinese class is an inevitable trend.


In the famous British girls' middle school wake mu abbe school office director of the department of Chinese literature, the teacher is also ZhangXiaoMing British Chinese examination committee member of examiners.The school Chinese curriculum at present, only seven grade and 13 grade is required,Other grade are elective.But already determined in September 2013 set Chinese as foreign language a required course.


"The school to make such a decision is also saw the student to the needs of the Chinese course.Although private school elective course price expensive,A quarter of the half an hour course students will need to pay for 36 pounds."ZhangXiaoMing said:"But the number of students who choose Chinese or more and more,And it has been beyond the German language, such as the number of the students in several years,Only this semester elective class has more than 70 people."


On the other hand,In order to sustain the anglo-chinese economic and trade relations,With the global economy market,British ministry of education also hopes to increase the number of putonghua teachers.In 2010,,mike.Gough and China education minister yuan guiren indicated in Beijing signed in English to promote Chinese teaching framework agreement,Provisions in five years,The Chinese side to help British culture 1000 native Chinese teacher.


进主流学校需过33道关卡 Into the mainstream school should be a 33 catch


In Britain,For primary and secondary school teachers full-time job is not easy,The first Chinese teacher in Chinese before the first of the threshold is teachers' profession qualification of the problem.The more teach young children,To teacher's eligibility requirements more value.Primary and secondary school teachers are mostly master's degree,And get the teacher certificate should through layer upon layer toll-gate,Finally a open class comprehensive evaluation results of accumulated to judge.The requirement for qualification in Britain to want to teach Chinese primary and middle school Chinese teacher is no exception.


It is understood,Britain's teachers' professional qualification certificate shall be divided into PGCE(PostgraduateCertificateinEducation)GTP and(GraduateTeacherProgramme)Two kinds of.PGCE is a kind of similar to the professional teachers degree certificate.In England no similar in normal college class university,If teachers engaged in industry,Must read undergraduate or graduate certificate after PGCE pass.And to have been in a school has the position of people,The school should be considered for the British government's GTP project,This is a kind of on-the-job training with salary,After a year training can get British teacher certificate QTS(QualifiedTeacherStatus).


In Britain to enter public school as full-time teachers,Must have at least one of the above two kinds of certificate.For private schools speaking,Although in recruitment has more autonomy,But in recent years, more and more tend to recruit qualified teachers.


Already in a mainstream schools when full-time Chinese teacher's ZhangJie,Experienced British GTP training primary and middle school Chinese teacher selection process of she,That which is not easy.She thinks:"On the surface Chinese become a compulsory course optional course is a good news,But this does not mean that Chinese teacher can have more chances of employment."


She added,"To obtain a GTP training certificate is extremely difficult,Especially for English is not their mother tongue is Chinese people more.The whole training process to through the 33 items of performance standard,Covers all aspects of teaching content,Also in three test,English(Literacy),mathematics(Numeracy),Computer and communication technology(ICT),In addition to finish the paper,Such as how to teach Chinese grammar,hearing,Oral English, etc,To get the so-called QTS."


To enter this industry in the future,ZhangJie to know a lot of school Chinese department person in charge are native English,They Chinese is very good,And itself is a teacher."You must not,As nativespeaker mandarin(language),And we need English competition,But the British advantage lies in their English better than us,Understand British children suitable teaching methods,Are also more likely to become one with the students,They lecture students more can accept."ZhangJie told reporters.


ZhangXiaoMing think,At present the actual sense of shortage is good Chinese teacher.For this"excellent"explanation,She thinks:"Will Chinese people are not necessarily Chinese teacher,And will the Chinese teacher is not necessarily in Britain received qualifications for teachers training,In Britain trained teacher and not necessarily will be Chinese.The ideal situation is the Chinese teacher not only understand Chinese,And know the teaching English primary and secondary schools.And such people in Britain now relatively less,Also are more school recruitment of favour."


中文教师技术移民仍不现实 Chinese teachers skilled immigrants is still not reality


In the face of the Chinese in Britain is warming trend,Have many Chinese students in the UK and body in China's foreign Chinese professional students and practitioners have focused on Britain's Chinese teacher's position.However before them maximum levels is Britain's visa policy.


Immigration experts say,Although in recent years, British Chinese teachers increased demand,But it was not in short supply professional,Haven't reached the government to relax to the extent of the policy.At present,Britain's economic recession,Education fund shortage,Outside the European Union countries want to get a work visa opportunity less and less.


In addition as Britain internal unemployment pressure also let the government to tighten immigration policy year by year,International students specializing in the PSW visa in April to cancel.For Britain's schools speaking,They are more willing to recruiting local teachers,No need to solve the problem of visa.So to body in China or just graduated student is the odds.


Even as a result of the cooperation between the British,Hanban for each year will be part of the public school teachers sent to Britain,And help them solve visa problems,But can get quota is few.And the public school teachers' liquidity big,In Britain and the time is limited a year or two,And in the income is not superior.


According to the international council of teachers of Chinese(ICT)2011 survey,China nearly 300 colleges and universities in the foreign Chinese major,An enrollment of about 15000 people,Finally is only about ten percent of graduates to the teaching post,And ten percent of the students,Is only a few people have the public school to overseas teaching opportunity.


ZhangXiaoMing also said to reporters:"relatively,British school more likely for experienced native teacher,In addition to the visa,They also can better the western teaching way and combining Chinese education,Can quickly to fit in.And the public school teachers liquidity is too big,And most need to have a suit period,May be just adapt to will be returned,That will also have certain effect."


A public school over Chinese teacher also said:"My monthly salary of about 800 pounds or so,Although the domestic high wages than before,But in Britain life consumption high,This also is only can maintain basic life.But the chance is also don't come easy,Can run up to a rare experience,In an English environment and can improve myself,So I in the domestic colleagues or all envy me such a chance."


多门外语及个人特长可助一臂之力 Many foreign language and personal skills can lend a helping hand


In the primary and middle school foreign language teacher recruitment process,Have professional skill or professor can many foreign language are often also easy to opportunity.In addition,Has the rich Chinese education experience,And there is a counseling students to participate in the college entrance examination(A - level)Or tests(GCSE)Experience of Chinese teachers,Is primary and secondary school teachers recruitment when the object of favour.


In Britain malvern st James' private girls' school RenZhongWen teacher's WuYunGong says:"In Britain in the primary and secondary schools,European languages of foreign language teachers,Usually at the same time professor two foreign languages.Because of the special Chinese languages,The teacher can only at present professor a foreign language.therefore,If the Chinese teacher can teach except outside Chinese language,Or maybe there is and China related specialty,Such as Chinese kung fu/Chinese ink painting or calligraphy and so on,Also will be affected by the school welcome."


WuYunGong also said,Chinese teacher in the school to a single,For years Chinese education in the development of private schools are affected."Although British students interest in Chinese is more and more big,But if the Chinese set to school compulsory course often will be affected by foreign language teacher's opposition.Because choose Chinese were many,Choose other teacher class is relative will reduce.The school in order to safeguard the interests of European teacher or to ensure the stability of the management,The Chinese often only for elective."


In addition,ZhangXiaoMing the teacher also interested in Britain to engaged in Chinese education students and Chinese Suggestions,In the study at the same time should pay attention to accumulate experience,Timely attention to the mainstream school Chinese teachers for the news of the volunteers,Actively strive for teaching experience,Keep and some schools to establish contact.If there are private teaching experience,If the private teaching object in ZhongGaoKao has obtained good results,Can be when sending your resume,For these experience more concrete,In order to attract the attention of the school.(HouQingYuan)
