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大数据时代的思考与探索 Large data age thinking and exploration人民日报校园行”北京师范大学站侧记 "People's Daily campus line"Beijing normal university station sidelights


"This is a challenge and opportunities of The Times on,To adapt to the entire media era of rapid reaction,Just need to learn."

  “应该承认,现实中的确存在着‘两个舆论场’,如何打通这两个舆论场,求得最大公约数,这值得我们认真思考,也是我们这次来到北京师范大学和同学们共同探讨的一个新的课题。”10月10日,“人民日报校园行”系列活动第十场在北京师范大学举行,人民日报社副总编辑马利做了题为《大数据时代 人民日报的全媒体方阵》的主题演讲,同北京师范大学的数百名学子进行了一场近距离的沟通与对话。

"Should admit,In reality there does exist‘Two public opinion field’,How to get through the two public opinion field,For maximum common divisor,It is worth our serious thinking,Also we this time came to Beijing normal university students and to explore a new topic."On October 10,,"People's Daily campus line"Series of activities the first 10 games held at Beijing normal university,The People's Daily vice chief editor marley do the topic[Large data age People's Daily all media phalanx]Theme speech,Beijing normal university with hundreds of students conducted a field close communication and dialogue.


This is a history and sense of The Times concurrent communication.


This is a relevant responsibility and bear communication.


This is a full of wisdom and sincere communication.


communication,The People's Daily sense of history and present The Times by one by one.Marley vice chief editor and students share the entire media age,The People's Daily do thinking and exploration,Systematically introduces the People's Daily/we/People's search/People's Daily corporate micro bo history/Development and current situation."People's Daily from 4 tablets to eight tablets to 16 tablets to 24 tablets,The circulation of day of 2.8 million,We average click rate of 2-300 million,People's Daily corporate micro bo fan volume has reached 2.1 million.We have people's search/People's Daily overseas edition/Global times/Universal characters 26 club of newspapers and enterprise and electronic YueBaoLan/Mobile phone newspaper/Mobile phone TV/IPad/iPhone client terminal and other kinds of news products."Hear marley deputy editor in chief introduction,Many students say,Like the People's Daily thick,Also like the People's Daily micro bo this close to the reader/Close to the youth an innovation.


communication,The sense of responsibility and the sense of mission is transfer."The students,In your high confidence/Sprinkle the youth at the same time,Heart must have the overall situation.Now in the society appear all kinds of noise/noise,Is in the development of pain,All this is unavoidable.But our country to develop,Our nation must promote the,As a Beijing normal university students,We are more than a composed/To a more solid."When marley vice chief editor talked about here,Beijing normal university YingDong academic synagogue in silent,The classmates to hold one's breath attentively,Carefully taste and thinking.Some of my classmates said:"We moved and will remember news predecessor put this on the tiptoe of expectation."


communication,He was filled with wisdom and sincerity.After the lecture the exchange interaction link,Beijing normal university students learned tuk thought and People's Daily the people's sincere wisdom in photograph echo,Unusually brilliant.


"How to deal with the news reports timeliness and the relationship between the depth?""How to make comments on behalf of both the party and country's voice,And can say the people's aspirations?""Excuse me, you why want to do a reporter?In the work,You feel happy?""Excuse me, how do you evaluate the whole nation system gold medal culture and Olympic spirit?"...The students all the problems with thinking,With elan.


"We in the media of competition grasp depth,Catch is the depth of the first time,The catch is the fastest depth.""As a professional journalist,The most important thing is to have a builder mentality.""Some media/Some countries to borrow some international events bring shame on China,As the People's Daily reporter,It is necessary to use the fact to refute,At the same time around the world to promote China's claims."...The People's Daily news department director CaoHuanRong/The People's Daily PingLunBu LuXinNing director/PRC President and chief editor 玒 liao/The People's Daily digital transmission of YuJiJun office director/The People's Daily, deputy director of the sports WangDaZhao/The People's Daily reporter JiaoXiang international division to the students' questions gives good answer.


Wisdom in collision,Continuous applause/Laughter constantly."I to the People's Daily has the brand-new understanding!""I hope that the future can also become a full media age person the People's Daily!"The students also through the micro bo/SMS way of expressing.Marley vice chief editor also came to the students of,And the students close interaction/communication.


"Standing at a new historical starting point,Beijing normal university and People's Daily's decision to sign a comprehensive cooperation agreement,Give full play to their advantages,In the public opinion propaganda/Teaching and scientific research/Personnel training/Employment guide/Brand promotion in full/further/Long-term cooperation,This to further enhance the influence of the People's Daily/Ascension Beijing normal university service level and ability of the national strategy/Enhance the education of the propagation force,Has an important role in promoting."Beijing normal university secretary of the party committee LiuChuanSheng puts forward the People's Daily and the Beijing normal university the future prospect of cooperation.The strategic cooperation agreement signed by both parties and the establishment of the cooperation of both sides"Education news and media research center"Also open the future depth cooperation may.

  活动持续了近三个小时。活动结束后,北京师范大学党委书记刘川生和人民日报社马利副总编辑久久握手,近百位意气风发的青年学子在他们的身边,簇拥着、期盼着,思考着。期盼人民日报一直贴近青年,思考着青年人身上肩负的责任与担当……(本报记者 赵婀娜)

Activity lasted for nearly three hours.After completion of the activity,Beijing normal university LiuChuanSheng secretary of the party committee and the People's Daily marley vice chief editor long shake hands,Nearly bit yunnan.at the youth students in their side,Surrounded by/Looking forward to,thinking.Looking forward to the People's Daily has been close to youth,Thinking about young people shoulder the responsibility and bear...(Our reporter zhao graceful)

