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柴静清华演讲部分内容公布 曾遭媒体不全面报道--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


编者按: Editor's note:


10月9日晚,央视《看见》栏目记者、主持人柴静受邀在清华大学做了一场题为“采访是一场抵达”的演讲。演讲的部分内容在微博上公开后,引起反响。同时,由于之前媒体报道不全面,很多人期待较完整的内容。现摘要编发部分演讲内容,呈现其演讲原貌。 October 9,,CCTV[saw]Column reporter/The host ChaiJing invited in tsinghua university made a titled"The interview was a arrived"speech.Part of speech in micro bo after on the public,reaction.At the same time,Before due to media reports is not comprehensive,Many people look forward to a complete content.Now has the part of speech,Present the original speech.


没有夯实的报道,评论只是沙中筑塔 No tamp reports,Review of the sand just build tower


We for one thing the less you know,The easier it is to form judgment,And it is more easy to form strong simple judgment.


People in mind the root of prejudice,Is often comes from ignorance,We for one thing the less you know,The easier it is to form judgment,And it is more easy to form strong simple judgment.


Like I'm going to put a bottle of water,Take it to his chest,This is a very simple action,But I want to take a bottle of water very accurately move one millimeter,This need to spend a lot of time to calculate,You muscle ache degree will also increase.


Accurate is a need to take more complex mental activity of one thing.Report requires accurate,Requirements for facts and causal comb,Without the base,Review is often talk about/imagine,And is not the fact.


I myself in 2034 years old,Become a national television host,Do a 16 minutes of news depth reports.I think this situation in the world on the history is also very rare,A young man was in do depth review host seat,This is we just start to TV news is a kind of special requirements,Later also won't appear more.In fact the media has its rules,Like a existing plants,It must be in accordance with the law of its growth,If you want to become stout/fortitude,Must go to land is to accept being exposed to the elements,Then a piece of a leaf long out,If there is no very compacted reports as the foundation,Then review can only be built the sand tower.So I turned to the reporter,To now for ten years.


采访是呈现,不是评判 Interview is to present,Judge not


Interview is not used to judge,The interview was used to understand;Interview is not used to transform the world,Interview just came to know the world.


I think for me,Interview the biggest obstacle is a word,"I think I was right".This sentence doesn't look too humble,But it creates disorder could be far greater than we can imagine,Gu originally said a word,He said what call despotism,Autocracy is think you never wrong idea,If a the interviewer with change,It is difficult to understand the complex world.


Some time ago I interview WeiDeSheng,He shot the film["Dirk and lai],Is that occurred in Taiwan"WuShe events",Primitive tribe to between Japanese a war.


WeiDeSheng said,In Taiwan's history about the events of only two words,Once upon a time many people against the Japanese army;Look at Japan's textbook is two words,Is the hour and day and month and year Taiwan a primitive tribe a riot.Resistance and riots,It is one thing for the two kinds of explanation.There are only two words,Are simple,But WeiDeSheng said reporters type social thinking to answer is:"Why are they in this incident made that choice?"


WeiDeSheng said,He entered the chief heart,With a lot of impact,In the beginning he will blood excitation boiling,Feel very cow,More than three hundred people took three thousand days himself killed.But the deeper understanding,He began to find yourself spirit appeared on the sway of the danger,For example he went to contact the know this tribal chief mo that lu way,The man to speak to him,He's not a hero,He is a rascal,Every one after his tribal people he can play,He control manipulative.Then WeiDeSheng and to think,What this man will be prior to the war that their children with your family hanged?Sometimes he will be too afraid to can't write down,Because in constantly to overthrow their views,He broke the concept,Want to arrive in a real person.


A man in another personal mind process is a terrible process,Terrible where?Terrible is the thought itself,The risk of thought itself is thought itself is uneasy.It refused to accept has been formed certainly see,He needs from their own thinking and feeling set out to meet people,It means that unrest/uneasy/dangerous,And progress.In the process you will find that you have not rely on,You originally thought may have a crutch,But you have to throw it away,The crutch is human custom has been formed/concept.Like a man on the water,You have to bury my head in the water inside,Learn to choke water can learn to think.


So I want to say a word is under,Interview is not used to judge,The interview was used to understand,Interview is not used to transform the world,Interview just came to know the world.I am very young did the reporter,Young people are the most warmly,But also the most easy to make a mistake,Is what we really want to through the report to the world a better place.


I first the two years to speak in public or accept the time will always said,I hope I do this program,Once make the world a better place.These words are very beautiful!,Sounds add some music can credits on it?But this enticing words and not professional reporter mission,This is I slowly realize.


If you have such a strong the goal of reforming society,You will be easy to form your mind of prejudice,Do you think that the world is a perfect paradigm,It should to the aspect development,If it is not like that,You will not accept the,You will contravene,You'll want to change him,So there are two consequences,One is you never change,The other party found that you want to affect his time he will not accept you,Will run in the opposite direction;The second result is when you can't change the time,May be because of frustration or despair,Before you give up all the efforts.


媒体要提供光亮,照向黑暗未知之处 The media to provide light,As to the dark unknown place


Some students asked,That our media morality is what,I now think that reporter's moral just two words,Very simple,is"understand":Let people understand,Let people understand the world true colors are,This is our professional ethic.You put it well can the,Even if I don't able to clean up their own an emotion judgment,Also want to have a alert,Sutra says"Read since that sleep,Sleep that is not as",This idea will rise up you need to be able to perceive,After perceive you will follow it,To have this consciousness.


Media duty is not to provide"heat"But provide"light",Do not need to incite the enthusiasm of the society,Media is in providing bright,As to the dark unknown place.


Face by social dispute object,He has brought all the armor to face interview,You have to feel his,Imagine if you are he,This time is a what kind of state,Is a what kind of feeling,Do what kind of ready.and,He will because had met hostility and attack,Shrinkage more nervous,He is always well either counterattack or evade.


People were subjected to the threat only such mode.


Then interview to reach?An interview is information,You must ask opinion looking forward to know,No one can avoid.But to provide a let you understand all this cause causal and background,The reporter is not able to constitute the relationship between his fight.I now have a principle,Is the hard things,To forgive.


You can look at me to LiYongBo of this period of interview,fun.He said the lindane and LiZongWei two people in Shanghai have a game,In the local operations,And it is lindane lead,Shanghai audience shouted a throat"LiZongWei refueling",Host: welcome,Lin Dan a listen to even lost four ball,The game is lost.


LiYongBo bent out of shape,In the press conference after the game said,The Shanghai audience quality is too low,How can so no patriotism,Later we game are in Shanghai did.I was interview badminton athletes negative game,Think it about his win the heart,Or for sports spirit and connotation understanding,So I asked him,The beginning of his is very tough,He said how could you"To foreigners come on",Audience how to how to,The results lead to lindane lost what,So we go about three rounds,He has worked very hard.


Then I put the question a little change once,Mean standing in a coach's Angle,People can understand you will have such a mood,But in the Chinese athletes have been developed to the stage,People may have a higher expectations,Is to hope to be able to advocate sports civilization.He suddenly changed speaking,to,I also feel,shout"refueling"Also quite good,So to players psychological quality is also an exercise.


This change looks very abrupt,Is a sharp turn,But is not,He in the face of a large number of against the sound,Has in the heart to digest and feel these sound,But he does not like to admit,If you use the hostility of the way to query,He will be out of defence put their position on that as cement for breaking dormancy.


But if you can understand why he has so,Again he stand on the land FangSong a pine,Air in,Water in,The soil becomes moist,Become loose slippery,His two feet of the time will not cementation among them,He will swing around.I just said,Thought that is the essence of unrest,Unease is the unrest,Once a person produce the unrest,New ideas have produced,Bud had appeared,People only need to give the sprout a stripping away soil,Let it come to light opportunity.


A young age interview,Sometimes like to put each other forced into a corner,Against him,Anyway, your hand no weapons,Anyway, you will fall to the ground,That look better.But the adult,I think need a kind of generous,The generous not hypocrite,Is a kind of knowledge,Is you can realize that the human mind and heart is flowing,You don't be so ready to take a dam put his heart stopped up,Will not let him in,Don't let him out,In fact people are can flow.


Favor and dislike is you observe the person was the most harmful a state of mind,You want to interview before in a personal formed a favor or dislike,You have no way to honesty and objectively observe him.


- ChaiJing(CCTV[saw]Column reporter/The host)
