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老师规定学生上厕所不超三次 家长无奈重选学校--亲稳网络舆情监控室

老师规定学生上厕所不超三次 家长无奈重选学校全班学生写作业必须用某一品牌的可擦拭水笔 The whole class the students to write a work must use a brand can wipe pen


3分钟内完成100道口算题 3 minutes finished 100 crossing computational problem


Class is over in addition to go to the toilet,Not walk out of the classroom.One day the toilet,No more than three times.


所有书皮都一模一样 All book cover are as like as two peas


所有的铅笔笔尖都一样粗细 All of the pencil pen are all the same weight

  晚报记者 钱钰 肖波 杨玉红 报道 晚报制图 邬思蓓

Evening news reporter QianYu XiaoBo YangYuGong reports evening drawing WuSiBei

  “开学一月摧毁六年教育观”,近日,一位家长在《中国青年报》上发表的自述文章在微博上引爆热议“你担心孩子被学校教坏吗? ”其中控诉的一条“学校整齐划一的要求摧垮个性化教育”在沪上家长中引发共鸣,有家长爆料,有老师规定小学生上厕所不超过三次,孩子只好借上厕所的机会玩抽水马桶,如此缺乏人性的规定令家长费解,部分家长为保护孩子个性只好选择国际学校。

"On January destroyed six years of education",recently,A parents[The China youth daily]The article published by in micro bo detonated on hot debate"You worry about the children be school bad? "The accused of a"The school uniform requirements destroy individualized education"In the Shanghai parents by resonance,Parents had kept,The teacher made it a rule to have students go to the toilet not more than three times,The children had to borrow the toilet opportunities to play toilet bowl,So the lack of the provisions of the human nature to understand parents,Some parents to protect the child personality had to choose international school.


为买规定品牌水笔家长跑断腿 Provisions to buy brand pen home run your leg


Parents Yao Lin in the article says,Now some primary schools for students' requirements nearly acme.The class are the small cross on the desk;Answer the questions were put your hands as high;Open the bag all cover are as like as two peas;All of the pencil pen are all the same weight...The parents worry,This will destroy to the child's individualized education,Curb child growing creative.

  这个观点在家长中引发共鸣,沪上一所小学的学生家长吴瑜女士(化名)深有同感,她的孩子今年上五年级,老师规定全班学生写作业必须用某一品牌的可擦拭水笔,擦后一点痕迹都看不出,这样的作业看起来干净整洁。 “这种品牌的水笔一支20多元,一根笔芯10多元。不仅价格贵,而且只有梅龙镇伊势丹才有卖,为找到这种笔我差点跑断腿。 ”吴瑜说,她偶尔一次在网上买过,发现质量有问题,擦得不干净,只好每次跑到南京西路上去买。在她看来,如此“整齐划一”实在没必要,人为给家长制造麻烦。

This view in the parents by resonance,Shanghai a primary school student's parents WuYu lady(alias)sympathetically,Her children this year in grade five,The teacher made it a rule to the class the students to write a work must use a brand can wipe pen,After wipe not a trace of them can't see,This homework looks clean and tidy. "This brand of pen a 20 multivariate,A piece of cartridge 10 multivariate.Not only the price is expensive,And only nestled ise Dan to sell,In order to find out the pen I almost ran his leg. "WuYu said,Occasionally she once had bought on the net,Find quality to have a problem,Wipe not clean,Had to every time run to nanjing west road up to buy.In her eyes,so"uniform"There is no necessary,People give parents make trouble.

  除了可擦拭水笔的规定外,课本上的名字贴也曾让吴女士非常伤脑筋。老师要求在课本上贴上名字贴,她之前买的粘性不牢,孩子回来说被老师批评了。后来,她特地挑选质量好、彩色的名字贴,又被老师判为“不合格”。 “我原本心想,彩色的更好看啊,没想到还是被要求重买。 ”吴女士叹气说,老师规定名字贴必须是白色的、统一的大小尺寸、一定要贴在固定的位置。

Besides can wipe pen of the specified,The name of the textbook stick had let ms wu very nerve-racking.The teacher asked in the textbook to stick up name stick,She bought before the viscous not firm,The child back to say was the teacher criticized.later,She specially selected are of good quality/Color name stick,Was the teacher found for"The unqualified". "I had thought,Color better look,Didn't expect or are required to heavy buy. "Ms wu said sigh,The teacher made it a rule to stick name must be white/Uniform size/Must be posted in a fixed position.

  经历了几次三番的折腾,吴女士彻底学“乖”了,对于老师的要求再也不敢有任何发挥,一律严格遵照执行。 “有些划一可能还有道理,如对作业格式的统一要求,回答问题时坐姿的规定,对使用铅笔型号的规定等,可有些规定确实过于死板,也不够人性化,影响了孩子创造性发展。 ”吴女士说。

Experienced repeatedly the flounder,Ms wu learn thoroughly"good"the,For the requirements of the teacher won't have any play,All strictly comply with them. "Some uniform may have a reason,As to the unity of the homework format requirements,Answer the questions in the provisions of the sitting position,To use pencil types of regulations, etc,But some provisions do too rigid,Also not enough human,Influence the child creative development. "Ms wu said.


限制上厕所导致孩子玩马桶 Limit the toilet closestool in children play

  Alex(化名)是今年9月进入某公办小学的一名男生,开学一个多月以来,他对新校园没什么好感,主要原因用他的话说就是“老师管得太严”。昨晚,Alex一边吃饭一边向记者讲述令他不满的小学规定:“下课除了上厕所,不准走出教室。一天上厕所,不准超过3次。 ”

Alex(alias)Is September this year into a public elementary school a boy,School since more than a month,He to the new campus a ociatio,The main reason is in his words"The teacher is in charge of too strict".Last night,Alex side to eat side tells reporters that he resents primary school regulations:"Class is over in addition to go to the toilet,Not walk out of the classroom.One day the toilet,No more than three times. "

  “为什么不让你们走出教室? ”

"Why don't you walk out of the classroom? "

  “老师说我们调皮,容易发生意外。听说一至四年级下课都不可以离开教室。 ”

"The teacher said we are naughty,Easy accident.Heard that one to grade four class is over all may not to leave the classroom. "

  “那下课时你们在教室里干什么? ”

"The class you doing in the classroom? "

  “大闹天宫呀! ”

"Make welkin ah! "

  Alex的妈妈在一旁说:“老师也不会那么不近人情,一天只上3次厕所应该不可能吧,如果有人要上第4次厕所老师还是会让他们去的吧。 ”

Alex's mother on one side said:"The teacher also won't be unreasonable,One day the only three toilet should not probably,If someone was going to the toilet on the fourth time teacher will let them go to it. "

  Alex默认地点点头,他的奶奶也表达对这两条规定的不满:“我现在每天接他放学后不敢逼着他先做功课,在学校里关了一整天,只能先放到小区里让他玩一会儿再回家做作业。男孩子呀,总让他坐在教室里不要难受的啊?没地方玩,他就借着上厕所的机会玩抽水马桶,结果几个男孩子一起玩,一个个子矮的,都一脚踩到沟里去了。 ”

Alex default nod,His grandma also expressed to the two regulations dissatisfaction:"Now I catch him every day after school can't force him to do his homework,In school all day off,Can only be on the village let him play a little while longer to go home to do homework.Boys ah,Always let him sitting in the classroom don't uncomfortable ah?No place to play,He will take up the toilet opportunities to play toilet bowl,Results some boys to play together,A short,All stepped into the ditch. "

  Alex的奶奶认为,老师对文具的规定也是无比的细致,H铅笔6支、比4A纸大一点的垫板两块,同样尺寸的文件袋分别放置不同科目的课本……连橡皮的品牌也规定。Alex的妈妈笑着对记者说:“对这些文具,我们倒是没有太大意见,孩子应该根据老师的要求养成良好的学习习惯,就是前面两条规定,让孩子对学校没有太大的好感,这样的做法是不是会压抑孩子的心理? ”

Alex grandmother thought,The teacher to stationery provisions are also very meticulous,H pencil with 6/More than 4 a paper a larger plate two block,The same size file packet respectively different subjects placed books...Even the rubber brand have rules.Alex's mother is laughing to say to the reporter:"For these stationery,We do not too big opinion,Children should be according to the requirements of the teachers develop good study habits,In front of the provisions of article is two,Let the children to school without too much favor,This practice is depressed child's psychological? "


小一生三分钟要完成百道口算题 Small life three minutes to complete the crossing computational problem

  除了学校整齐划一的规定外,家长林爻还自述,自己“三分教七分等”的教育观一开学就碰了壁。因为明白学龄前孩子应以游戏为主,她一直坚持没让孩子上能学更多知识的学前班。上学了,写字成了必须的一课。因为缺少这方面训练,她格外用心,虽然每一个笔道歪歪斜斜,用力很猛,页面看起来不干净,但“看着她这么认真,我知道她一定能顺利度过这一关。但是没过两天就收到老师的信息:‘孩子书写很不好,家长监督孩子把每个字写好。 "这令家长很迷茫,“我所学会的‘等待’到底对不对? ”

In addition to the school neat and tidy specified,Parents Yao Lin also complain,oneself"Three points to teach seven classification"A primary school will touch the wall.Because understand preschool children should give priority to with the game,She has been insisting didn't let the children can learn more knowledge of preschool.school,Write be a lesson.Because of the lack of this training,Her heart all the,Although each BiDao meanwhile,Force is very fierce,The page doesn't look clean,but"Look at her so seriously,I know she must be able to smooth over such a close.But after a two day receive the teacher's information:‘The child writing is very bad,Parents supervision and children write each word. "This makes parents was very confused,"I have learned‘Waiting for’Exactly right? "


This confusion in many primary school lower grade parents are very common,In elementary school before,Xu jing(alias)Has been insisting"Let nature take its course/Happy learning"Educational concept,Son read into Shanghai city center before a school is almost"A blank sheet".But after a semester of study,Always told myself to learn to wait no longer xu jing to sit,In the summer,Began to add advanced study of the fast lane,Seek to second grade materials for children preview/adds.

  “上小学后,老师根本不允许你有等待的时间。上小学前,我认为阅读、孩子纯真很重要,现实告诉我,这些都不重要,速度最重要。 ”这让许静内心产生了极大落差,一年级开学一个月后,就要求孩子3分钟内完成100道口算题,每天100题周而复始地“魔鬼训练”,就连暑假也不放过。

"Elementary school after,The teacher doesn't allow you to have waiting time.Elementary school before,I think reading/Children pure is very important,Reality told me,These are not important,Speed is the most important. "This lets xu jing heart made a great head,A grade school after a month,Requires the child 3 minutes finished 100 crossing computational problem,Every 100 questions repeatedly"The devil training",Even the summer were not spared.

  “为什么要这么快,慢一点又怎么样呢?每个孩子入学前的程度不一样,为什么要用最好学生的标准来要求每一个孩子? ”在许静看来,老师拔高速度和难度,给孩子造成很大的心理压力,一味强调快,导致孩子一碰到计时口算题,会急得浑身发抖。 “每天进行这种重复、低效率、枯燥的训练,不仅影响视力,还容易让孩子对计算产生抵触情绪,甚至是心理阴影,这是最让我担心的。”许静说,至今,孩子最爱的是自然、美术和信息课,但他全部的精力都放在语数外等科目反复、枯燥的训练中,不断地做题、考试,学习怎么会快乐呢?

"Why so fast,Slowly it?Each child before admission rate is different,Why want to use the best students standard for every child? "In xu jing seems,The teacher high speed and difficulty,Give children caused great psychological pressure,Blindly emphasize fast,Cause the child to have touched the timing mouth computational problem,Would the nasty shaking and trembling. "Every day the repetition/Low efficiency/Boring training,Not only affect vision,It is easier to let the child calculation produce outlaw motion,And even psychological shadow,This is the most let me worry about."Xu jing said,So far,Children love is natural/Art and information class,But all his energy on the language of the number of subjects such as repeated/Boring training,Constantly do topic/examination,Learn how happy?

  在许静看来,现在的老师普遍焦虑,一碰到孩子不能适应,就直接找家长,请家长给孩子“加压”。一年级刚开学一段时间,她一直被班主任盯牢,不断批评孩子计算速度慢、上课开小差,还隔三差五把她召到学校敲木鱼:“你做家长的怎么不急? ”“在家要给孩子多练习,速度一定要赶上去!”……“老师把焦虑情绪传染给我了,弄得我压力山大,只好硬着头皮给孩子加码,每天陪读上演‘河东狮吼’。 ”

In xu jing seems,Now the teacher common anxiety,A child can not adapt to meet,Directly find parents,Please parents give children"pressure".A grade school just a period of time,She has always been the teacher in charge to sit tight,Constant criticism children computation speed slow/Class desert,I also called her to school qiaomuyu:"You do the parents how to don't hurry? ""At home to give children more practice,Speed must catch up with to!"..."The teacher put the anxiety to infect me,I make a pressure,Had to bite the bullet and give the child pyramid,Or relatives can apply for every day on‘Have a shrewish wife’. "

  不少家长还反映,小学生学写字,开始写得东扭西歪很正常,但一些老师不能容忍,不是怪小孩笨,就是埋怨家长不负责任。其实孩子在这个阶段,手指还没有长到完全成熟的程度。 “在孩子的教育上一味求快,缺乏耐心,确实是目前不少家长和老师身上共同存在的问题。 ”许静说,她希望老师多给家长和孩子一些时间,毕竟习惯的养成需要一个过程。除了求快外,一些老师对低年级孩子实行“打压式”教育,哪怕字写得有一点点瑕疵就全部判错,“上学前,我对孩子的教育一直以鼓励为主,老师对孩子严格固然是好,但也该因人而异,长期的打压我担心影响孩子的自信心。 ”许静说。

Many parents also reflect,Pupils learn to write,Began to write east torsional west slanting is very normal,But some teachers can't tolerate,Not blame kids stupid,Is to blame parents irresponsible.In fact the child at this stage,Fingers are still not long to full maturity degree. "In the child's education on blindly for fast,Lack of patience,It is at present a lot of parents and teachers, common problems. "Xu jing said,She hope the teacher give parents and children some time,After all habits need a process.Except for the fast,Some teachers to a lower grade children"Press type"education,Even if the word write a little defects were found wrong,"Before school,I have been to the child's education to encourage primarily,The teacher is strict to the child is good,But this is different from person to person,Long-term hold me down worry affect a child's confidence. "Xu jing said.


你得先入格,然后再出格 You have to first in case,Then revolutionary


For parents in question,Teachers also is plenty to bitter.

  “家长面对的是自己一个孩子,可老师面对的却是一个班级三四十个孩子,没有规矩不成方圆,没有整齐划一的要求,老师根本没法开展工作。”全国劳模、虹口区第三中心小学一年级李莉老师认为,老师规定的绝大多数要求并不是凭空想象出来为难家长的,这是老师多年带班经验的总结,说到底还是为了帮助孩子养成一个良好的习惯,更快地适应小学生活,是一种高效、有序的班级管理法则,与人方便,与己方便。 “孩子既然生活在集体中,就需要有一种团队观念和一定的游戏规则,在守规则的前提下再去发展个性,否则整个班级就要乱套了。 ”

"Parents face is a child,But the teacher face is a class SanSiShiGe children,Can be accomplished without norms or standards,No uniform requirements,The teacher couldn't work."The national labor model/The third center hongkou district primary school grade one teacher to think lily,The teacher made it a rule to most of the requirements and does not just imagine a parent,This is the teacher summed up the experience of a survey for many years,In the final analysis is to help children to develop a good habit,To adapt to the primary school life more quickly,Is a kind of high/Orderly classroom management rule,And convenient,And has convenient. "Since children living in the collective,It is necessary to have a team concept and some rules of the game,In the premise of rules to the development of personality,Otherwise the whole class will be what a mess. "

  李老师举例说,为何要求统一使用2H铅笔,因为多年实践下来发现,2H铅笔的硬度和浓淡程度刚刚好,擦起来也方便,作业本看起来很清爽。 2B铅笔写出来的字又浓又粗,小朋友不容易擦干净,作业本容易变很脏。另外,要求名字写在包书皮的右下角,这是一个规范的格式,就好比考卷的姓名写在规定位置一样。另外,这样做方便学生查找,万一把书弄丢弄混了,也不用翻遍书的犄角旮旯找主人。 “当然,在右下角写好名字的前提下,你也可以自主发挥,随便写在哪里都可以。 ”

Miss li, for example,Why requirements unified use 2 h pencil,For many years of practice and down found,2 h pencil hardness and shade degree just right,Wipe up also convenient,Exercise book looks very relaxed. 2 b pencils to write word thick,Children don't easy to clean,Exercise book easy to become very dirty.In addition,Requirements in the package name written in the right lower corner of cover,This is a standard format,Like the name of the examination papers written in the same location regulations.In addition,Do students find convenient,One thousand the book lost mixed up,Also need not went through the book every nook and find master. "Of course,Write the name in the lower right corner of the premise,You can also play independently,Literally written in where can be. "

  另外在回复短信的问题上,在开学前,李老师也与家长达成共识,并写在了发给家长的《学前准备的友情提醒》中,“飞信的通知收到后没有要求回复的不要回复,不要总回复‘谢谢老师,知道了! ’浪费信息费,这样做没有意义。 ”李老师说,有些家长可能认为回复短信是对人起码的尊重,但老师这样做也是希望为家长 “减负”,家长每天可能会收到各科老师的短信通知,有些重要内容需要立即回复的老师会做说明,有些只是告知短信,一一回复不仅浪费手机费,也是一种负担。 “一旦达成共识,家长也不必在这个问题上多虑了。 ”

In reply messages on the problem,Before the start of the,Mr Li also agreed with the parents,And write on the issue of the parents[Preschool ready to friendship remind]in,"Fetion notice received no reply after requirements of don't reply,Don't reply‘Thank you teacher,know! ’Waste costs,It doesn't make sense. "Mr Li said,Some parents might think reply message is for people at least respect,But the teacher did it also hope for parents "Alleviate the burden on",Parents may be received every day all the teacher's message notice,Some important content need immediate reply teacher will do that,Some just inform messages,Reply one not only waste mobile phone fee,Is also a kind of burden. "Once reached an agreement,Parents also need not on this issue overrated. "

  不过,在卢湾第一中心小学一年级教师周浩文看来,家长对某些整齐划一有看法,完全可以通过沟通来解决或作出调整。 “我们校长和老师会将自己的育儿体会提前与家长分享,告诉他们老师这样规定的目的是什么,这样一来,效果可能会好一些。 ”周老师告诉记者,孩子刚入学,在行为习惯和自理能力方面都比较弱,需要老师规范的指导,你得先入格,然后再出格。 “我们希望家长能理解,不能只站在自己角度,而是用长远的、全局的眼光看待问题。 ”

but,In LuWan first center primary school grade one teacher ZhouHaoWen looks,Parents for some neat and uniform have views,Can through the communication to solve or make adjustment. "Our headmaster and teacher will own parenting experience with parents share in advance,Tell them the teacher what is the purpose of such regulations,so,The effect can be better. "Miss zhou told reporters,The child just entrance,In the behavior habits and self-care ability is weak,Need the teacher standard guidance,You have to first in case,Then revolutionary. "We hope that parents can understand,Can't just stood in their Angle,But with the long term/Global look at problems. "


“国际部”同样有严格规定 "International department"Also have strict rules

  “规定是与人性的弱点作斗争,每个人身上都有惰性,每个人生活在不同背景的家庭中,来到学校这个大家庭,就要遵守这里的规定。国际部和国内部没有区别。 ”针对很多家长关于“国际部很自由”的观点,上海市宋庆龄学校的袁老师表达了她的看法。

"Regulation is human weaknesses and struggle,Each person have inert,Everyone living in different background family,Come to school this big family,Shall abide by the provisions of here.International department and no difference between inland. "For many parents about"International department is free"Point of view,Shanghai song ching ling school yuen teacher to express her opinions.

  从学习习惯到待人接物,刚进国际部的孩子一样会感觉到 “规则”二字。经过“操练”,学生们才会见人主动说“嗨”,对人随时说“谢谢”,自己的物品自己管理。袁老师表示,我们都喜欢有教养的人,因为他们的背后是有规矩的家庭。中小学的教育并不是要培养伟大的文学家、数学家,而是按照规律办事,让孩子爱上学习,做好规矩,养成良好的学习和生活习惯,今后走进社会成为拥有良好素质的成年人。

From learning habit to treat people,Just entered international department children feel "rules"Two words.after"practice",The students didn't meet people active said"hi",To a person at any time said"thank you",Their own goods their management.Yuen teacher said,We all like gentlemen,Because they are behind presentable family.The primary and secondary school education and is not to develop great writer/mathematician,But according to laws,Let children love learning,Completes the rules,Develop good study and living habits,The future into the society into a good quality of adults.

  因为封丽蓉校长的努力,宋庆龄学校有一条雷打不动的校规:只要不下雨,每隔两节课,所有年级的所有学生必须走出教室,到操场上去运动锻炼20-30分钟。如果有人不出教室,老师会一个一个去询问原因,如果没有特殊情况,还是会把他们“赶”到户外去活动。袁老师说:“学龄期的孩子正在长身体,需要经常晒晒太阳锻炼体格。 ”

Because seal li rong the headmaster's efforts,Soong ching ling school has a unshakable the school rules:As long as it doesn't rain,Every two classes,All grade all students must walk out of the classroom,To the playground sports exercise 20-30 minutes.If anyone does not out of the classroom,The teacher will be a reason to ask,If there are no special circumstances,Or will put them"cast"To go out to activities.Yuen teacher said:"School-age children are long body,Often need the sun in physical exercise. "

  和上操场运动的“死规定”相比,宋庆龄学校有一条关于小便的“活规定”。虽然老师一直提醒学生下课第一件事是去洗手间,但是从一至五年级,万一上课想上洗手间,老师还是会给学生放行。袁老师讲述原因:“这个年龄的孩子有部分人括约肌还没有发育完全,要尊重孩子的生理成长规律。 ”

On the playground and the sports"Die provisions"Compared with,Soong ching ling school has a about the urine"Live provisions".Although the teacher always remind students class is over the first thing is to go to the bathroom,But from one to five grade,One thousand the class want to go to the bathroom,The teacher will give students release.Yuen teacher tells reason:"The child of this age have some sphincter has not fully grown,To respect children's physiological growth rule. "


In addition,About stationery,Yuen teacher told reporters,Their school had a student,Pen bag light rubber have WuLiuKuai,All is all sorts of figure graphics,This will affect the child's attention in class.so,The school rules,Students only take all necessary and simplicity of stationery.The same,Have students because there is no organized,Often leave about things,A term to light an exercise book will be in four or five times already,The school is also not allowed soong ching ling.Often these students also throw things at home,Without good habit,While in school,The student to study arrangement and management their stationery,To manage his own life.


"Strict and reasonable"The rules do not affect personality development

  很多学生从华育中学、上海中学毕业多年后,想起自己的中学时代,感慨最深的就是学校给了他们一笔不可多得的财富良好的学习习惯。 “个性的发展养成与良好习惯的培养是不矛盾的。 ”宋庆龄学校的袁老师接受采访时说。 “华罗庚在数学界作出了那么多富有创意的成就,可他在很多方面有从小养成的好习惯,比如他的等号,上下两横永远写得一样长,所有的字母数字抒写非常端正,这些都是童年时期严格遵守书写规定的结果。 ”

Many students from China middle school education/Shanghai middle school years after graduation,Think of his high school days,The deepest feeling is the school gave them a rare wealth good study habits. "The development of personality development, and the cultivation of good habit is not contradictory. "Soong ching ling school yuen teacher an interview. "Hua luogeng in known as made so many creative achievements,But he in many ways have formed in the childhood good habits,Such as his equal sign,Fluctuation two cross forever as long as written,All the alphanumeric express very correct,These are all childhood strictly abide by the provisions of the writing results. "


Someone once interviewed 56 Nobel Prize winner,In the life the most important stage is a,Almost all the people answered"Kindergarten or school".They in kindergarten and elementary school learn to bedtime shoes put in order/His things and friends share/Before the rice then empress to wash your hands,This is not only a habit,Is the quality of the last a lifetime.These regulations and creativity development does not conflict.

  在袁老师看来,在孩子小的时候,既要狠狠地抓学习习惯,还要鼓励孩子个性的发展。预习、上课专心听、做整齐的笔记、功课认真、订正错题、考前复习是宋庆龄学校每个孩子都必须熟悉的规定。在做好订正之后,每个学生必须讲出自己错在哪里,然后牢牢记住。袁老师说:“按照这样的学习规律做事,哪个孩子不进步? ”

In yuen teacher looks,In the little child,Should ruthlessly grasp learning habits,Also be encouraged the development of child's personality.preview/Class to listen to/Do tidy notes/Homework seriously/Correction the wrong topic/Before review is song ching ling school every child must be familiar with the regulations.In well after correction,Each student must tell the oneself is wrong where,And then remember.Yuen teacher said:"According to this learning laws work,What child does not progress? "


学校教育受到限制太多 School education is restricted too much


For the parents of the students for the Yao spit tank,Only in experimental primary school principals ZhaoGuoDi said,This is also very helpless.Education faces the biggest problem is,The original school can do is limited,Is now demand a ban on do,Only by parents make arrangements.

  “学校的责任是有限的,公办的学校是面向所有的学生,完成最基本的教学任务。部分教师提出的建议、要求也是她个性化工作的组成部分,如果不违反教学规律和学生的身心发展,建议家长尽量配合。 ”赵国弟补充道,教师的工作有一定的特殊性,需要站在一个合乎规范的前提下进行操作。如果老师的工作方式或建议确实违背教学规律、孩子身心发展规律,家长可以通过学校的家委会等组织,和老师进一步沟通、协商。

"The school's responsibility is limited,Is business school is for all the students,Complete the most basic teaching task.Part of the teachers' suggestion/Requirements also her part of the personalized work,If do not violate the law of teaching and students' physical and mental development,Suggested that parents try to fit. "ZhaoGuoDi added,Teacher's work has certain particularity,Need to stand in a orthodox the premise of operation.If the teacher works or Suggestions do against the teaching rules/Child body and mind development law,Parents can through the school organization GuWeiHui, etc,And the teacher further communication/consultation.

  “从一位普通的教育者的角度来说,面对这么多学生,没有一定的规范和要求,肯定会影响教学效果。在公办中小学,教师的教学行为和安排,都符合《教师法》的规定。 ”赵国弟说,近年来,小学又将迎来入学高峰,一个班级的学生人数为40人左右。为了更好地规范学生的言行举止,在中小学校园里,部分老师确实对学生的学习用品、着装等方面提出一些建议,这是学校和教师的无奈,也都是为了更好的教学、培养孩子的生活和学习习惯,大部分都呵护教学规律和学生的身心发展规律。

"From an ordinary educators point of view,In the face of so many students,No certain standards and requirements,Must have an effect on the teaching effect.In the public primary and secondary schools,The teacher's teaching behavior and arrangement,Conform to[law]regulations. "ZhaoGuoDi said,In recent years,Primary school and will have entrance peak,The number of students in a class for 40 people.In order to better regulate student behavior,In the primary and middle school campus,Part of the teachers do on students' learning products/Dressing puts forward some Suggestions,This is the school and teacher's helpless,Also is in order to better teaching/Develop the child's life and study habits,Most are care teaching regularity and student's body and mind development law.

  “发帖的家长是一位新生家长,可能还没有适应做一位小学家长,需要调整一下自己的心态。 ”赵国弟提醒道,对于学校、老师的规范和建议,如果大部分学生和家长都可以做到,少数的家长需要调整自己的心态,尽力配合学校、教师,帮孩子养成遵守规范的意识。将来,以后,学生毕业走上工作岗位后,也要遵守企业的规范。

"No parents is a new parents,May have not adapted to be a primary school parents,Need to adjust their own state of mind. "ZhaoGuoDi warns,For the school/The teacher's standard and the suggestion,If the majority of students and parents can do it,A few parents need to adjust their own state of mind,Try our best to cooperate with the school/The teacher,Help children to develop comply with standard consciousness.future,later,Students graduate after going to work,They will also keep enterprise standard.

  在21世纪教育研究院副院长熊丙奇看来,文章所写的问题是很多家长的共同感受,如今不少小学都要求一致,千校一面,没有个性和特色。在孩子上学前,希望孩子能快乐、健康成长,可进校之后,在日复一日的作业、考试、要求之下,家长也被应试教育裹挟进去,刚开始时还有些抵抗,但过一段时间后,就习惯了。以至于到了后来,家长也成了学校的课外教师。 “不改变现在的评价体系,就不可能把学校、老师、学生和家长解放出来。 ”熊教授表示,单一的评价体系扼杀学生的创造力和想象力,目的是为了升学,把他们变为升学的工具。

In the 21st century education institute, vice President of the XiongBingJi looks,What this article wrote a lot of parents is the common feeling,Now a lot of primary school are required,Thousand school side,No individual character and characteristic.In the children before they go to school,Hope children can be happy/Healthy growth,But after school,In day after day work/examination/Requirements under,Parents have also been exam-oriented education raged in,The beginning and some resistance,But after a period of time,Get used to.That later,Parents also became the school extracurricular teachers. "Don't change the present evaluation system,It is not possible to assign the school/The teacher/Free for students and parents. "Bear professor said,Single evaluation system kill students' creativity and imagination,The purpose is to study,Put them into bound tools.


部分家长无奈选择国际学校 Some parents but choose international school

  “听了一些已经上小学的孩子的家长讲各种严格的规定,感觉很多体制内的学校对孩子个性的扼杀让我难以接受,可能会考虑让Anna去民办学校的国际部学习。 ”家住徐汇区的一名大班女孩的妈妈接受采访时说。

"Listened to some have elementary school children of parents speak all kinds of strict rules,Feeling a lot of system inside the school to the child personality stifle let me hard to accept,May consider let Anna to private school international department study. "Xuhui district in a class the girl's mother an interview.

  由于女儿明年就要上小学,但一直奉行快乐教育、自由发展的妈妈非常担心女儿无法适应体制内一些学校死板、严格的规定。从几个月前,她就开始四处打听,首先了解徐汇区有没有体制内的 “快乐小学”,作业少、老师爱孩子是她的重要参考指标;其次,了解附近民办学校的国际部情况。

Since my daughter going to primary school next year,But pursues happiness education/Free development mother very worried about my daughter can't adapt to the system in some schools rigid/Strict rules.From a few months ago,She began to ask around,First of all know xuhui district have within the system "Happy primary school",Less homework/The teacher love child is her important reference index;secondly,Understand the international department situation near school of run by the local people.

  在黄陂路某写字楼工作的一位妈妈说:“我好纠结,我曾参观过一个学校的国际部,真心羡慕那些孩子,作为工薪家庭,我们是不可能让孩子去读国际部,只能适应国内教育。 ”而家住闵行区的李小姐则已经在今年的九月,用重金把女儿送入了某名校的国际部。在接触英语、多元文化的同时,个性得到保护和发展是她选择的主要原因。事实上,已经有越来越多的家长开始考虑让孩子进入不需要外籍证的小学国际部学习,这些家庭往往经济条件较好,家长已经做好让孩子出国的准备,他们知道,一旦开始跨入“国际部”的大门,哪天想回到普通高中去参加高考,太难了,在相对自由放松的学习环境中成长的学生,很难和国内部要大量做题训练的学生比拼。

HuangBei address in office work of a mother said:"I good ravel,I CengCan GuanGuo one school's international department,Really envy those children,As a working families,We are impossible to let the children to read the international department,Can adapt to domestic education. "And live in minhang district of miss li is already in September of this year,With the daughter out into a school of international department.In the contact English/Multicultural and at the same time,Personality is protected and development is the main cause of her choice.In fact,Already more and more parents began to consider getting children into don't need foreign card primary school international department study,These families are often economic conditions are good,Parents have to let children abroad for preparation,They know,Once you begin into the"International department"door,Which day want to return to the ordinary high school to attend the university entrance exam,Too difficult,In the relatively free relaxed learning environment where there are many students,It is difficult to house to want a large number of training students to question competition.
