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幼儿园取消兴趣班 孩子放学不知咋办--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

多数家长孩子报读兴趣班,只是为了让孩子多参加集体活动,培养点爱好。丁玎 摄 Most of the parents for the children to read the cake course,Just to let the children to take part in collective activity,Training point hobby.DingDing perturbation


In primary and secondary schools in the kindergarten"Alleviate the burden on"today,And parents called on schools to open interest,This is how to return a responsibility?The reporter understands,Earlier this year guangzhou issued a notice,For the kindergarten charge interest expense,After this fall semester,Many kindergartens direct cancelled the cake course,Some parents this unprepared,In succession in the children's palace or external training institutions to read all kinds of interest,And the tianhe district recently in a kindergarten there is even more than parents spontaneous group open interest.


幼儿园 kindergarten


现象 phenomenon


兴趣班因禁费纷纷取消 Because of the interest cost have been cancelled


Since the beginning of guangzhou regulations prohibit interest after kindergarten fee,Many kindergartens made clear,In the only religion fee income difficult to fill under the condition of teachers' salary,Interest will close down.so,Hope children can have a TuoShen in their spare of,Best can also learn one or two door"craft"Parents hopes and ideal,Increased interest in stratified training call also increasingly high.


In fact,The early years of the middle and primary school in guangzhou city and has appeared.In 2007,,Guangzhou bureau issued a"A fee system"notice,Clear the primary and secondary schools in the city shall not be introducing social education institution holding training,Not to the training institutions rent compulsory education is business school building on the activity.meanwhile,Shall not hold extracurricular activities make up a missed lesson,"Culture difference superiorly"All expenses shall not collect students.so,After school in the past by the school the teacher began to all kinds of interest,Also because the fee and are cancelled.


Reporters in the city has several kindergarten interview to understand,Since the beginning of the year the city issued documents,Do some kindergartens have cancelled the cake course,In September, the fall semester,But also have a large number of kindergarten decided to cancel interest.To the tianhe district as an example,Reporters visited five home since kindergarten this fall semester shall not set up charge of the cake course,Individual kindergarten has retained a dance/Martial arts, and so a small number of interest course,But a week to two classes into their daily way of teaching,No extra charge.Tianhe district bureau of the relevant person in charge said,Will be in strict accordance with the provisions of the city,Whether public or private kindergarten that are allowed to set up charge of the cake course.


Ban interest charges meant well,Cancel programmes will nature also can make children"Alleviate the burden on",But reporter interviews have discovered another problem,Many parents reflect:"Have no interest,Children don't know what to do after school".Jojo in the days hebei a private kindergarten classes to read,After school was treated with dance/English programmes will,But in the last month began to the kindergarten provisions afternoon 4 when 15 points from school on time,No longer open interest,Parents and children shall be before will take him away."Her father and me to get off work around at 6 PM,To go to school at least half an hour,In traffic harder about,How can the evening before 5 on time to pick go?!"Jojo mother helplessly said.


Similar worries parents is not a few.Although some families please pick-up the nanny,Or a grandpa's grandmother in to help the children,But parents or hope that their children can participate in collective activity,Programmes will naturally become parents first consider choice.


对策 countermeasures


部分家长组团开设兴趣班 Some parents open interest group


In September this year after school,Sports east address kindergarten a paper notice sent to the parents hand,Cancel all interest after class,Cause many parents comment in succession.the,The parents of the most discussed topics of the each other is"Your children called the where"/"Today to experience what course"/"Where and what the new open interest"...But the reporter discovers,These parents ultimate goal still want to give the child to read interest.


After two weeks after out and contrast,Doug mom decided to give son to read a training institutions to children's English and pearl mental arithmetic two interest,Respectively on Monday/Thursday night and class on Saturday morning,Costs about 140 yuan per class.The reporter understands,Doug mom is more conservative,The class is not much,Course fee also not very expensive.Interview famous parents revealed,Their house in children to read four interest,On a week 6 sessions,One month down light interest costs will be 3000 yuan.


And these separately to find interest than parents,There is a group of parents but also for all one's pains.It is understood,Since sports road the kindergarten cancel interested in the work,Have the parents found out about the class a kid's mother was open kindergarten,With the city some training institutions is ripe,She was joined more than parents,The name has the resources together invite parents as a colonel,To open interest group.After several rounds of consultation and feasibility research,They finally set up a art interest,In the near future and officially begin our class."In fact also not children become a great painter,Main is to let them after class can have a place to get together,Training point hobby,Don't like that every day, the only waste!"Participate in group a parents said.


For this kind of practice,Many parents do not feel antipathy.Daughter in the other a kindergarten in Mr. Yang even jokingly said:"If they are willing to recruit teachets children,I want to give my daughter also send the past,Let her point of intersection friend,This class time will also have a fuller point."


少年宫 Children's palace


现象 phenomenon


招生季爆发“抢位大战” Admissions season outbreak"Rob a war"


Kindergarten is cancelled interest,Children's palace is not there are many?interview,Some people put forward such doubts.The reporter understands,Guangzhou and the children's palace although every year early began to recruit students,And there is little criterion, hundreds of thousands of degrees,But relative to the huge children for group,These degree can be in the ocean.Tianhe district in children's palace, for example,This fall semester enrollment in the second stage of the end of September 16,,Reporters on September 12, login network application system found,Most of the class have to full,Without newspaper full is usually only very few places,But also the age limit.Jojo mama also said,She on September 12, afternoon login tianhe district in children's palace site going to sign up,Clearly see language arts class and the empty places,But fill material submitted a find"Recruit students has full"."This shows that there must be many people sign up at the same time well!"Jojo mama said.


The reporter understands,Guangzhou major children's palace,Every season to recruit students will experience a"Rob a war".Guangzhou children's palace, for example,The second semester freshman forecast first name,5 hours received more than 15000 for the course.By last term and a big increase in the number of students with high back to read this semester the influence of rate,The new term guangzhou children's palace a palace and two palace semester class degree more than ever before in short supply,Term class can only provide nearly 7000 degree,And the application form the great divide.


对策 countermeasures


优质教育资源引进社区 High quality education resources introduce community


Children serious interest degree of demand exceeding supply contradictions also makes the education department is very concern.It is understood,Guangzhou children's palace this year has been education resources will introduce the city each big community,Open community children's palace.And the first including shahe street community children's palace/Friendship theatre community children's palace and 10 children's palace has set up a file in the recently ushered in the first batch of students,The new semester to provide a total of 2799 degree.


In the Beijing creek community children's palace,Parents Mr. Ma through online registration/The computer the way be the lucky number,As a son to have got a fine degree,The family was happy."Previous lives in us,Want to let the child to the children's palace is too difficult,Even if can the fortune to less than ten percent of online be the lucky number,And in every weekend across half city send children to learn the city children's palace,Now at home can on children's palace,Really convenient many."Many parents said,Compared with the private training institutions,Children's palace of the cake course teaching quality let them more rest assured.And the "children's palace into the community,In order to alleviate the degree programmes will lack brought a"Timely rain".


According to the children's palace chief introduction,Community children's palace after running,In addition to the community to provide children's palace with the same level of the teachers,Every year will face special group recruit students.In the first 10 community children's palace in the first semester degree,There is a 5% degree is to provide exceptional child/Migrant children and destitute family welfare degree,Part of the special children need not draw,Can enjoy the convenience of government equal public services.meanwhile,Community children's palace will also in view of the partial difficult family a tuition waiver.


It is reported,The second group of overseas Chinese communities in children's palace/This column music community children's palace, eight community children's palace has finished gave nameboards,Is expected to start in the near future.According to the planning,By the beginning of 2013,Guangzhou city will build 30 community children's palace,This group of children's palace region covers the guangzhou daxin old town.


but,Experts say,To increase the supply of extracurricular interest,Also need to encourage the growth of the private school counseling agencies."Guangzhou 940000 teenagers,At present in the city two stage children's palace studying children only more than 20,There are more than 70 children can't accept the high quality external education."Experts say,To solve these problems is the key to private education institutions should also extends to the community,Especially to do a few small but better run by the local people counselling organizations outside,In order to meet the needs of the students, parents.

  南方日报记者 刘静 毕嘉琪

Southern daily reporter BiJiaQi eppinger s. sourcing by design


(Sources: southern daily)
