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  新华网记者 姜春媛

Xinhuanet reporter JiangChunYuan


In 2013 the national civil servant exam 15 to begin to sign up,After the first day"calm"after,16,Countries sign up usher in a test"Small high tide",According to the public education in the national civil servant exam data research center data display,As of October 16, when 16,Audit through the number for more than 73322 people,Compared with 15, 16 when the data of 6299 people,Up 67023,One day,Audit through the rise of nearly 70000.For this year's kingdom exam,Net friend attention what problem,Industry experts is how to analysis?Xinhuanet reporter recently interviewed in the public education/Guanghua education and long-term focus on civil service examination research guidance institutions and nanjing university education policies and leadership institute of experts.


【网友“聚”点】部分职位“仅限本科生”,研究生机会变少了? [Net friend"together"point]Part position"Only for undergraduate",Graduate students have less chance?


"Three years ago,When I graduate,Enter oneself for an examination officeholder,A lot of post requirement is a master,Now master graduated from fast,To enter oneself for an examination officeholder,But tell me some post master cannot enter oneself for an examination the,As long as the undergraduate course.ah,Don't let me‘through’Back to undergraduate course??"A BBS on,Net friend"Only the lonely"A complain that caused many users to concern and discussion.


This kingdom exceeded otherregions,There are many position regulation"Only for undergraduate student registration",Reporter found that roughly,The recruitment of the position,About 20% or more of the position is clear about the request"Only for undergraduate",And according to the requirements,Graduate students may not"Humbled himself"Enter oneself for an examination,This caused many prepared to graduate student degree participate in the civil service exam net friend big call"Sad reminder":"Is it"discrimination"educated?Or give bachelor's degree candidates more opportunities to it?"


【专家解析】拒绝高学历是个“伪”命题 [Expert analysis]Refuse to highly educated is a"pseudo"proposition


Part of the position is clear about the request"Only for undergraduate",Does that mean the master degrees enter oneself for an examination opportunity less now?


this,Public education in the civil service exam chief research and counseling experts LiYongXin is introduced,for"Only for undergraduate"The provisions,In previous years is described"undergraduate",In fact the two are equivalent.only"Bachelor degree or above"Position just said graduate student can enter oneself for an examination."This year is put forward‘Only for’The two words,But ever actually also have this requirement,So that there are no big changes,Also cannot simply said the graduate student's opportunity will become less."

  根据中公教育国家公务员考试数据研究中心从具体的职位分析情况看,硕士研究生能报考的职位主要包括:“本科或研究生(硕士)”、“本科及以上”、“研究生(硕士)、研究生(硕士)及以上”这几类,这几部分三年来的招考职位数据总和分别为:2011年6132个 、2012年6426个、2013年8446个。

According to the public education in the national civil servant exam data center from the specific job analysis case,Master graduate student can enter oneself for an examination position mainly includes:"Undergraduate or graduate(master)"/"Bachelor degree or above"/"Graduate student(master)/Graduate student(master)And above"This a few kinds,This a few part three years admit by examination position data respectively sum:In 2011, 6132 /In 2012, 6426/In 2013, 8446.

  “基本都占当年所招录职位总数的30%以上,而且今年还有大幅度增加。” 李永新指出,硕士学历的考生对此其实完全不用担心。尤其是在“本科或研究生”还有“本科及以上”这两类本科生也能报考的职位中,硕士生还有相当大优势存在。

"Basic are accounted for when he ZhaoLu position more than 30% of the total,And this year there are greatly increased." LiYongXin pointed out that,Master degree candidates actually completely don't have to worry about this.Especially in"Undergraduate or graduate"and"Bachelor degree or above"These two types of undergraduates can also enter oneself for an examination in the position,Master is still a big advantage exist.


In addition,LiYongXin think,Although countries the main examination admit by examination group or focused on"Bachelor degree",But actually highly educated talents opportunities are also increase gradually,Especially for doctoral students relaxed age conditions to 40 years old such conditions,Is able to reflect the ZhaoLu organ of highly educated talents attention.


【网友“聚”点】今年为“史上最严”国考? [Net friend"together"point]This year for"The most severe in the history of"Countries take an examination of?


In this year the state civil servant recruitment brochure position in the table,Reporter discovery,The past"united"Type of diploma to enter oneself for an examination conditions post less and less,Some position additional instructions for up to three line;Some require them to understand dialect/Limit local census register;Have English certificate/Specific work experience;A motor vehicle driving license/Literature and art have special provisions, etc;And in some admit by examination posts in the note,Also specially marked"Need regular travel"/"Often night shift"/"State-level counties"Demand such as,this,Have net friend say this is"The most severe in the history of"Of the civil service examination.


Net friend"Kitten for adoption"A company in Beijing for four years,This year she was ready to participate in the civil service examinations,Want to take an examination of hainan province, home of the position,But in access to position after the table,She found,Many job requirements become strict.

  “印象中,国税局应该就是好福利、工作清闲的象征,但本次‘国考’却不是这样,就拿海南省国税局来说,在多个市县的职位中均注明‘省级艰苦边远地区,最低服务年限5年’的要求;又如中国海监南海总队要求‘适应海上和海岛生活’。总之,‘国家级贫困县’、‘欠发达地区’等字眼充斥其中。” 网友“小猫求收养”告诉记者。

"impression,The country tax bureau should be good welfare/Work at leisure of symbol,But the‘Countries take an examination of’Do not,Take the hainan province for the country tax bureau,In many cities and counties in the position are marked‘Provincial arduous remote areas,Minimum 5 years service life’requirements;And as China HaiJian nanhai corps requirements‘To adapt to the sea and island life’.In a word,‘State-level counties’/‘Less developed areas’The word is among them." Net friend"Kitten for adoption"Told reporters.


【专家解析】条件的严格,表明职位对考生的针对性增强 [Expert analysis]Strict conditions,Show that position to the examinee the corresponding enhancement


Countries get really strict examination?It makes many accustomed to"A diploma can take an exam"Candidates at heart feeling"Pull pull cool cool"of.


this,Guanghua education civil service examination research and training center director of the research WangFeng pointed out,Admit by examination condition is strict,Reflects the recruitment work is mature day after day,Show that position to the examinee conditions required increasingly clear and specific strengthened gradually.


"From the civil service examination for the particularity of,Once the examinee to pass the exam,Will become state personnel,This kind of work status on the social effects of major,Assume social responsibility is more important,therefore,Requirements through the candidates must be able to shoulder responsibilities."WangFeng pointed out that,So the position requires strict more conducive to select outstanding/Applicable talents full office team,Better play to the government to serve the society/Convenient public work purposes.


Nanjing university education institute professor/Education policy and leadership institute director operation too holy think,From the point of view of human resources management,Post set to work is very important,It needs from the organization or the point of view of system for overall planning,Need to work from the concrete demand for job description,therefore,It needs to the requirements of the job specific into some specific conditions."For that matter,This year some of the so-called position table‘The most severe in the history of’regulations,It is the work of the staff recruitment basic work,Is the position analysis and setting up the work necessary for."


【网友“聚”点】为啥要对现役公务员限制服务期2年? [Net friend"together"point]Why to active civil servant limit service period 2 years?


Net friend"No activity"Beijing is a work a year of grass-roots civil servants,This year he wanted to participate in the national civil servant exam,Target is the central party and the central administrative authority unit,But see this year's recruitment but general rules"Silly eye",The specified"From this year,Length of service with 2 years(Contain the probation period)The civil servants must not enter oneself for an examination".


"Do this restriction is to reduce the number of enter oneself for an examination?This year's recruitment of civil servants what change?"Net friend"Born melon seeds"Problem represents many netizens inner doubt.


【专家解析】体现了对个人负责和对社会负责的平衡与统一 [Expert analysis]Embodies the individual responsible and be responsible for the society's balanced and unified


LiYongXin analysis,This year the whole situation of civil servant recruitment to see,Have such a few changes:


First of all,In ZhaoLu plan,Post out of 12% at or above the provincial level,The following post cities took 10% of the position directional ZhaoLu"Village official""Three helped up"And so on four project personnel,Last year compared to only 10% at or above the provincial level emphasizes the out of position,Expanded significantly;secondly,Very attention is a problem:This appointment with 2 years of on-the-job officeholder cannot enter oneself for an examination,Also last year compared to the time limit increased,More strict requirements;again,This year the increase in ZhaoLu position and number of the,The vast majority of cities is the following basic position.

  整体来说,李永新认为,这样一些变化,折射出国家公务员招考越来越科学。 “引导考生,尤其是应届毕业生群体深入基层,一直都是招考部门的工作重点。经过几年的发展,这方面的政策和举措,已日渐科学规范。”

overall,LiYongXin think,So some changes,Reflects the national civil servant recruitment more and more scientific. "Guide the examinee,Especially the graduating student group goes down to the basic unit,Has been the focal point of work of the department admit by examination.After years of development,The policies and measures,Already more scientific and standardized."


WangFeng pointed out that,These changes reflect the ZhaoLu policy on the one hand to grass-roots work experience requirements reinforcement,On the other hand also reflected the grass-roots staff to service the tilt,Reflect national guide and encourage young talents to exercise at the grass-roots level,Accumulate social experience and work experience,Then by the better condition to serve the society."Policy fundamental key of further clear and stable,Also for the vast number of young people how to tread the first step towards good society gives clear orientation and guide."


for"On-the-job officeholder enter oneself for an examination conditions limit",WangFeng think,Although set restrictive conditions,But did not ban,Namely full two years later can also enter oneself for an examination.On the one hand show that country or encourage young people the pursuit of progress,Continuously improve their;On the other hand also encouraged young people take root as far as possible at the grass-roots level,With more stable state service grass-roots society and people,Accumulate more social experience and grass-roots experience,To flow up."This embodies the individual responsible and be responsible for the society's balanced and unified."


finally,Fuck too holy remind candidates,Want to know"Civil servants"'s essence lies in social services,Not indulge in pleasure"Privilege class",To correct himself to enter oneself for an examination the motivation of civil servants."Hold your position and completes the labor of duty is when the basic condition of civil servants,Reflects a person's work ethics and the basic integrity problem."


(Sources: xinhua)
