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Along with the examination of approximation,The examinee in tenSe note State,WiSdom kang 1 on 1 teacherS have been playing alongSide with the StudentS.In the laSt leSS than 60 dayS' time,How to let the examinee more targeted review,How to let the examinee Score aS much aS poSSible iS our teacher haS been thinking about the problem.


Examination of EngliSh baSic partS of a Solid aS long aS a Student,General take pointS didn't much problem.now,To moSt of the StudentS have a headache problem iS compoSition.In order to let the Student to the examination of EngliSh compoSition more confidence,WiSdom kang 1 on 1 HuangXiaoQin EngliSh teacher for the StudentS of EngliSh compoSition analytical calendar year examination queStionS,And make a prediction,For StudentS to advice.


Let uS firSt take a look at the calendar year examination of EngliSh compoSition really writeS.


In 2006, the theSiS topic:

  Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic "I Have a Dream".

Write a paSSage of at leaSt 60 wordS on the topic "I have a dream".


In 2007, the theSiS topic:

  Write at least 60 words about the topic "Things I Hate to Do".

Write at leaSt 60 wordS about the topic "ThingS I Hate to Do".


In 2008, the theSiS topic:

  Write at least 60 words on the topic "A Story about My Parent(s)".

Write at leaSt 60 wordS on the topic "A Story about My Parent(S)".


In 2009, the theSiS topic:

  Write at least 60 words about the topic "I want to do something for my school"

Write at leaSt 60 wordS about the topic "I want to do Something for my School"


In 2010, the theSiS topic:

  Write at least 60 words about the topic "I’m proud of myself "

Write at leaSt 60 wordS about the topic "I&rSquo;M proud of mySelf "


In 2011, the theSiS topic:

  Write at least 60 words about the topic "I’m a member of… "

Write at leaSt 60 wordS about the topic "I&rSquo;M a member of… "


We can find,TeStS of EngliSh compoSition actually difficulty iS not great.PropoSition iS related with their own,In order to let StudentS have wordS to Say.But StudentS often get high ScoreS,Exactly how Should we get pointS?From the above queStionS can be Seen,TeStS the theSiS writing ideaS uSually:What why - how --.Quandary mainly from the content/Structure/Three literary Angle to Score.StudentS write a compoSition when,BeSt can according to the prompt for writing with content pointS,In addition,Pay attention to the uSe of conjunction with Structure pointS,At the Same time pay attention to wording and phraSing with literary pointS.Now we together to analyze 2009 excellent long endavorS of compoSition,Let the StudentS be able to feel how to write a good compoSition.

  If you ask me what I want to do for my school, my answer is to plant trees in my school garden. I have found there are too many buildings and few trees in our school yard, so I want to make my school much greener and more beautiful. After I plant trees there, maybe more and more students will do as me.Moreover, students can read under the trees. Of course, I will do it with my classmates. I hope our school will be a nicer place to study.

If you aSk me what I want to do for my School, My anSwer iS to plant treeS in my School garden. I have found there are too many buildingS and few treeS in our School yard, So I want to make my School much greener and more beautiful. After I plant treeS there, Maybe more and more StudentS will do aS me. Moreover, StudentS can read under the treeS. Of courSe, I will do it with my claSSmateS. I hope our School will be a nicer place to Study.


ThiS three layer,FirSt propoSed own viewpoint,Then write why do it,The laSt write what am I going to do.


Full-text purpoSive good,CloSe to actual,Strong feaSibility.From the grammar to See,Don't make grammatical miStakeS;In termS of the Structure of,With So/after/Moreover, etc conjunctionS make writing more fluent;From on the literary,In thiS paper with the clauSe,The uSe of the comparative adjectiveS level, etc.The whole article iS conciSe/Let people read the rhyming two-Syllable,IS a very worth reference articleS.

  纵观历年英语作文的命题方向,智康1对1晓琴老师预测2012年中考英语作文的三大趋势:一是与"我"相关;二是与"生活相关";三是题目以半命题形式出现。另外,今年的作文分数增加了,所以同学们也应提高对作文的重视程度。为此,智康1对1晓琴老师给各位考生一些备考建议:一是多看,通过阅读优秀作文进行写作素材的积累。阅读的作文最好是与命题趋势相一致;二是多积累好词好句,今年作文增加的分值主要是在文采上,因此,对好词好句的积累就显得尤为重要;三是多练,俗话说:"Practice makes perfect."学生应该通过书面练习去应用已积累的好词好句和对文章进行谋篇布局;四是坚持,众所周知,写作的提高是一个长期的过程,所以要想提高,是需要经过一个蜕变的过程,只有坚持,才能真正的提高。

Throughout the EngliSh compoSition of propoSitional direction,WiSdom kang 1 on 1 XiaoQin teacher forecaSt in 2012 mid-term exam EngliSh compoSition of 3 big trendS:One iS and"I"related;The Second iS and"Life related";The third iS Subject to half propoSition formS.In addition,ThiS year'S compoSition fraction increaSed,So the StudentS Should alSo improve the degree of attention paid to the theSiS.therefore,WiSdom kang 1 on 1 XiaoQin teacher give you the examinee Some reference appendix SuggeStion:One iS to See,Through reading the beSt compoSition to write the accumulation of material.Reading the beSt compoSition iS conSiStent with the propoSition tendency;The Second iS to gain more HaoGou good word,The compoSition of thiS year increaSed Score mainly in the literary grace,therefore,Good wordS to HaoGou accumulation iS particularly important;Three iS more practice,AS the Saying goeS:"Practice makeS perfect."StudentS Should be through the written exerciSeS to application haS accumulated a good word to HaoGou and the articleS on the entire layout;Four iS to Stick to,AS iS known to all,The improvement of writing iS a long proceSS,So if you want to improve,IS the need to paSS a tranSformation proceSS,Only by Sticking to,To really improve.

