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调查称:大学一个班1/4学生同居 性开放弥漫校园--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  二十多年前,象牙塔里的学生们“谈性色变”,恋爱要悄悄地谈,同居更如同洪水猛兽;如今,性话题成了学生间公开的谈资,不少学校设有安全套自动售卖机,甚至学校周边的“日租房”、“钟点房”应运而生。更有调查显示,近半大学生赞成婚前性行为。前不久,国家人口计生委发布的一组数据显示,中国每年人工流产多达1300万人次,位居世界第一。其中25岁以下女性占一半以上,大学生成为人流“主力军”。 Twenty years ago,In the ivory tower of the college students"Talk about sex colour change",Love to talk quietly,Co-habitation is more like a great disaster;now,Sex between college students became the talk of the public,Many schools have condom automatic vending machine,Even the school surrounding"Day rent a house"/"The hour room"Arises at the historic moment.More survey,Nearly half college students in favor of premarital sexual behavior.Not long ago,The national population state family planning commission issued a set of data display,Every year China artificial abortion as many as 13 million people,Up to the top of the world.Among them 25 years old the following women accounted for more than half,College students become people"Main force".


The college students' idea more and more open,This is the inevitable result of social development.but,Sexual idea over open,Not only existing health concerns,Can also affect the stability of marriage and family,Even a lack of social responsibility.Sexual idea change a series of social problems,A deep concern,Worth caused extensive concern of the whole society and thinking.


一个班就有1/4学生同居 A class has 1/4 students live together


Contemporary college students more and more open,It's become basically the social"consensus".recently,A survey of guangdong province,48% of college students agree with"Occur between lovers premarital sex".A few university in south China a college students' concept sampling survey,Nearly 40% of college students don't mind his partner is a virgin(Or a virgin).


recently,[Life times]Reporter found that visit,The college students increasingly open concept,Through the school surrounding"facilities"Immigrants are.East lake, wuhan saemaul undong is a considerable size of the villages,The village a entrance and a famous wuhan university campus completely through.The villagers built height differ self-built buildings,Not only is the villagers living,They also carrying another important"function"Whenever night comes,Many college students are lovers in after class in crowds to east lake of saemaul undong,They are generally in the village of small restaurant for dinner,Then side by side into the simple and easy let overnight.Also reading a junior David(alias)Is external to rent a member of the group,She is the first to one's deceased father grind,Think of yourself rent a house to live convenient review late at night.And then put forward her boyfriend live together,Say not only can look out for each other can also share the rent,She also approval.this"cohabitation"David did not tell his parents."Our class is about a quarter of the students live in the outside."David said,They don't think cohabitation is a wonder,Many people are used to.


In shenyang, liaoning province shen north university town,Is located the four or five large colleges and universities,roadside"Day rent a house"/"Month rent a house"Signs became a marked"scenery".Campus surrounding facilities is not perfect,But a small hotel and day rent a house is quite prosperous,The service object is mainly university students.In the evening and weekend,The hotel is hilarious,Student lovers hand in hand and easy to access,As people even booked in advance.One of the hotel boss said:"A summer and winter vacation to,We here also rested from,The main thing is to give students open,There are few others to live."


On October 10,,Reporters came to Beijing foreign language school/Beijing normal university,For more than 20 students the random interviews,Most of the students said they can accept premarital sexual behavior,And college students to the hotel check in behavior understands that.A classmate is call a spade a spade:"College students can get married,We now have the power to choose."Reporter in the two schools survey found,Notice bar are stuck on the day rent a house/Month rent information.Near the school a real estate agent,Intermediary personnel said,Near the school district to rent is more than half are students,The lovers to rent is in the majority.In a certain university BBS BBS,Special opened a rent information plate,Reporter found that it has a lot of friends is men and women for renting a house or shares information.


Such a sight,ChenNan(alias)In more than a decade ago don't imagine.In 1990,,ChenNan graduated from the university.She recalls said,At that time of college students,Even talk about a love are so hard to say."We had to sexual knowledge basic is zero,Students love is ashamed to let others know,Not to mention premarital sex in order to."According to the state population and family planning commission a survey,Nearly 70% of Chinese people have sex before marriage,But in the 1980 s,This figure is only 16%.ChenNan heard,She learn elder sister also has the extremely individual premarital pregnancy,Some even jumped off a building suicide."Which be like now children,The study on it began to cohabitation."


Not long ago,The national population state family planning commission issued a set of data caused wide attention of all social sectors,Data display,Every year China artificial abortion as many as 13 million people,Up to the top of the world,Among them 25 years old the following women accounted for more than half,Is also more than 600 ten thousand people,College students become the main force of people.Even in the department of obstetrics and gynecology doctors regrets,Every year during winter and summer vacation,Hospital department of gynaecology and obstetrics to flee the surgical extent will jumps,There is even said August is"Summer students on people".


性观念开放背后的隐忧 Open concept in sex behind the malaises


so,What are the reason led to the changes in the concept of the college students?Shanghai academy of youth institute director YangXiong tell[Life times]reporter,The reason is various.First of all,Is the change of social environment.With the development of economy,Society as a whole morality then gradually free,divorce/cohabitation/One night stand things no longer let a person"It is the colour change",Even is commonplace.Social tolerance lead to people's values also is in produce change,In the ideological change period of college students are more likely to accept these views,treat"sex"Formed a kind of indifferent attitude.The second,Is subject to the influence of network development.Research has shown that,The network is teenagers the first channel of the sexual knowledge,The network also speeded up the development of such as virtual love and so on the many kinds of with strong sex product.thirdly,Is the youth common physiological precocity.The improvement of living conditions,Reflected in the child nutrition rich,Physiological development period in advance,Body development maturity and legal marriageable age among this for more than ten years of time,Called sexual blank period,On the one hand is needed to release channels physiological needs,Another negative is marry at a mature age spring intensified,College students are in among them,Therefore gave birth to the concept of open sex.


When more and more college students go with the stream,Accept open sex too,But few people pay attention to the potential behind this.


Sexual safety consciousness.China sexology will adolescent sexual health education professional committee director XuZhenLei said,Due to the lack of regular sexual knowledge and correct values,Lead to college students sexual safety consciousness.According to[In 2010, guangdong university by nature and reproductive health research report]display,University students in all kinds of sexual behavior,Every time the proportion of wearing condoms is only 34.30%.And not safe sex behavior has many health concerns,The surveyed students there should be 16.96%"Genital once sicken",Including inflammation/Venereal disease,There is even individual was diagnosed with AIDS.


Lack of social responsibility.Beijing university professor of sociology XiaXueLuan told reporters,"sex"This is a pure and beautiful,And can say is a serious matter,But there are some students but its as a kind of entertainment, or even the game behavior.College students are social talent reserve,Once the"The game of life"Attitude to work and future social life,It will be bound to cause they lack history sense of responsibility and the sense of social responsibility,To the social life the important events of indifference,Go against the development of the society.


Marriage loyalty to reduce.Open concept in sex,For individuals seeking marriage and marriage stability will have a great influence.If the sex as easy thing,The marriage of the sacredness/The dignity and commitment will reduce the will,Subsequent marriage loyalty collapse/Problems such as marital conflict will outbreak.


Cause psychological anxiety.Some women and her boyfriend broke up,Not only it is difficult to accept the fact that lose chastity,May also appear depression, mood disorders,And even suicide;The same,A lot of boys in after having sex,To the woman is responsible for,But the current individual condition also can not reach,Also appeared different degree of psychological anxiety.


People easy cause of female infertility.If the sexual with do not pay attention to safety,Is likely to produce premarital pregnancy/abortion/Infect venereal diseases, and dangerous.The expert reminds,Artificial abortion for female reproductive health effects exist in many aspects,Especially repeat abortion more serious harm.In the short term there may be some complications,Such as bleeding/Infection menstruation to be not moved/Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, etc,In the long term may be more harmful,Repeat abortion 4 times above 92% will lead to secondary infertility.


Bandwagon common practice,But parents by bill.And experts say,Now many students fall in love,"Keep up with the joneses" and show off psychological serious,The love consumption greatly beyond their capacity,Basic are made by parents buried single.According to a survey,Nearly 75% of college students love funds from the parents to the living expenses,Only 25% said to himself through part-time etc meet love spending.


中国大学缺乏系统性教育 The Chinese university lack of systematic education


In the information open and butt globalization context,China is in the social transition period,The same face to the s the United States"Sexual liberation"Of malaises bud.How to guide students to establish a good sex idea,Is a provocative question.


YangXiong think,for"Premarital sexual behavior",Should dredge shunt,Guide the young people to protect themselves,Reasonable catharsis desire.In addition to the classroom education,In the school management and family life there are many ways to permeability education concept/knowledge/The correct methods.


XuZhenLei emphasize:"Adolescent sexual health education must pay attention to the cultural sensitivity,Because Chinese culture and society and other countries is not the same.We shall, in combination with the needs of the different stages of teenagers,To formulate relevant content of sexual health,From the emotion/physiological/Sexual knowledge and guided Angle,Let them learn for themselves/For others/For love is responsible for.In this process,We have to study abroad to pay attention to the cultivation of ability decision,Including interpersonal skills/Love skills/Life skills, etc,Let students learn to love knowledge and skills,After having sex in the ability to deal with."


therefore,The experts urged,Colleges and universities in sex educational curricula is imperative,This way can make college students accept the science and the system of sex education.Participated in host university by nature idea survey of south China normal university psychological consulting research center director li j snow is introduced,The purpose of sex education,Is not only to teach teenagers sexual knowledge,More important is to let them to establish a correct sexual attitude and form good sexual morality.
