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男孩上学途中遭精神病人杀害 父母索赔116万--亲稳舆论引导监测室

原标题 Original title [  [上学路上 男孩命丧精神病人手 The way to school boy hit with mental illness] ]男孩上学途中遭精神病人杀害 父母索赔116万保存到相册 因情绪激动被搀出法庭的小鹏父亲(右二)在庭审中进入法庭。 Save to photo album With emotion mixed by the court XiaoPeng father(Second right)In front courtyard careful into court.男孩上学途中遭精神病人杀害 父母索赔116万


In may this year 10,,Huairou area huairou town WangHuaCun 11 years old boy XiaoPeng on his way to school,Being with blunt struck the head to craniocerebral injury death,The murderer wang mou the day he was arrested,Because of its people with schizophrenia have thrown into a mental hospital.Learned that only son from the world,Has been BuHuoZhiNian parents be overwhelmed with sorrow,Hence will wang mou's brother and village committee to the court,Claim of more than 1.16 million yuan.Huairou court recently open a court session to hear a case.

  法庭聚焦 The court focusing

  弟弟拒赔自称非监护人 Brother claims rejected claims to the guardian


Opening day,XiaoPeng parents/Grandpa, etc more than relatives into court,And agent sitting side by side on the plaintiff.For XiaoPeng father rage,Can't be calm,Prior to trial is one hand out.


In the face of more than 1.16 million yuan XiaoPeng relatives claim,Wang mou younger brother argued that,You are not wang mou's guardian,Don't agree to compensate."I usually just give brother send rice,Life to take care of some,Do some brothers obligation."Wang mou younger brother also said,Since his father died in 2007,He had found police station and the village committee,Explain themselves unable to regulatory brother,Hope it to a mental hospital,This matter has been had received no reply."I'm not earning much,Could not afford to send him to a mental hospital.My brother 1987 diagnosed with schizophrenia,Because of brokenhearted take things too hard is disease,Can a few words,Take the knife chop down a person,I have been he overtake,The police came for him several times.Father left,He and I are more unable to communicate,And as the XiaoPeng said much,I didn't know that XiaoPeng will be beat him to death."


村委会称此案与己无关 The village committee said the case has nothing to do with himself


"Don't say anything!Also my son".At this time,XiaoPeng father come to court,Shouting at the,The judge had to maintain order.After a few minutes,XiaoPeng father calmed down,Face but much two lines of tears.


ZhiBao village committee director said,Wang mou is 5 protect door,People with schizophrenia,Its enjoy national treatment were made by brother generation,Wang mou's guardian is the younger brother,So the case has nothing to do with the village committee,The village committee not bear any responsibility.As for wang mou younger brother said asked the brother to a mental hospital,Village ZhiBao director said he took over security in the village more than two years,Do not understand the situation,"I know that wang mou spirit not so good,But I didn't know he will put other people's house children killed.Before he moved many times 110,I don't know."This case at court not sentence.

  记者回访 Reporters return visit

  “大人小孩都不敢搭理他” "Adult child all dare not to talk to him"


After court,XiaoPeng father to tell reporter,He and his wife after the divorce,The child has been to bring their own,On weekdays to live a.Accident on the day,With his son just for two dollars money say buy ice lolly,He went to school,Results never to come back,"I hear people say,He was associated with several children together,All the other children ran,He fell behind be pulled……"


In order to understand the incident,Reporters out many,Finally in the WangHuaCun south to find the place.Here the west side a piece of green fields,East is a kindergarten,The afternoon sun sprinkled on the stone road,Make sure that the school to XiaoPeng the way quite quiet and peaceful,But in a few months a day before noon,11 years old XiaoPeng hit the side of the road.


Now the day of horror,The villagers or near a face of panic.Villager Mr Yang recalled,"When the accident,I was watching TV at home,Also didn't hear what action,Then heard the siren,Go out to see a just know is a child was down on the side of the road,When the face of the child is full of blood.Her father came,See the child at a glance to a pulp……"


Then in several villagers' guidance,Reporter found 200 meters outside the place wang mou(the).This place has the worsening,Hospital is full of weeds and garbage,Leaves covering most of the sunlight,The window without a complete glass.The villagers said,All the people near the door were"madman"Once hit wang mou,"All day long he is dressed in a quilted jacket,Picking up litter everywhere to eat,You gave him to eat he also don't,Said fear of toxic.Don't know that he met what matter,His father at better,Now the old man a walk,His illness was more serious.We here adult child all dare not to talk to him,For fear that he get ill……"For the village whether or not there will be someone to look after him,The villagers said,"Who CARES! He,2008 years have been sent to a mental hospital,But after a few months and back."

  晨报记者 李庭煊 文并摄

The morning paper reporter LiTingXuan wen and disturbing
