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教师之子跑车撞死人后逃逸 自称出生在高官家庭--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Original title:The man driving vehicle killed women escape was arrested,Confirm system driving without license nanning police:Its related micro bo speech is not necessarily true


新闻追踪 News tracking

  南都讯 记者张书舟 实习生张伟伟昨日,南宁警方向南方都市报记者证实,10月18日晚在南宁驾驶改装车撞死一名妇女并逃逸的周斌已被拘留(南都10月20日A 13版曾报道)。在周斌的微博中,他曾多次提到其出身高官家庭,对此警方称,他这么说是出于虚荣心,“和现实情况不一定吻合”。有警方人士透露,周父在教育系统工作,母亲在一所小学工作,“可以算公务员家庭”。

SMW reporter ZhangShuZhou interns ZhangWeiWei yesterday,Nanning p direction southern metropolis daily reporter confirmed,On October 18 late in nanning vehicle driving killed a woman and escape b. has been detained(SMW on October 20, A 13 edition has been reported).B. in the micro in bo,He has repeatedly mentioned the born official family,Police say this,He said so out of vanity,"And the reality does not necessarily anastomosis".Have the police sources,ZhouFu in education system work,Mother was in a primary school work,"Can calculate civil servants family".


事发时无证驾驶 The driving without license


Nanning city traffic police detachment XuanChuanKe officer yesterday told SMW reporter,B. 19 already entry of appearance,And in the acceptance after interrogation limit,As for he is surrender or was captured,That need to be further.


At present,Case is still under further investigation.At the same time the police confirmed,B. no license,Of driving without license.

  10月18日晚,周斌驾驶一辆改装车在南宁市五一南建路口公交车站旁将一名妇女撞死,随后驾车离开,并在离现场约200米的地方弃车逃逸。周斌为广西理工职业技术学校建艺系大二学生,其驾驶的“桂A A Q 010”黄色G T R跑车由一辆白色东南小汽车改装而成。知情人士告诉南都记者,“他玩的那台车在南宁玩车圈都认识”,并且该车不在周斌名下,因为周斌无驾照,买车过不了户。

On October 18 late,B. vehicle driving a car in nanning may build crossing south bus station next to a woman killed,Then drive away,And about 200 meters away from the scene of the local abandoned car escape.B. for guangxi institute of technology vocational technical school building art system sophomore,The driving"Guangxi A A Q 010"Yellow G T R sports car is pulled by a white southeast car modification and become.People familiar with the matter told SMW reporter,"He had the car in nanning play rim know",And the car is not b. name,B. because without a driver's license,Not a car door.


19 morning,B. in micro bo said,The eent when he didn't driving,Escape is afraid of being WeiOu passers-by,He also said it will to JiaoJingDui surrendered.In the afternoon,Guangxi media sources said,B. has"Surrendered,",But the traffic police detachment in nanning five brigade accept SMW reporter to interview, said,B. have indeed entry of appearance,But not surrender to,But those arrested.


政府大院通行证有待调查 The government yard pass to survey


In the net friend"Human flesh"The b. in micro bo,Weeks has repeatedly said was born in official family,is"Officer the second generation",And is being dealt with Hong Kong residence,His small bo also show off too much famous car,After modification of the car accident,Also have a"Guangxi the district government institution yard pass".


this,Nanning city traffic police detachment five brigade accident treatment room police officer told SMW reporter,This pass is not all b.,As for b. is how to get the pass,This will be the next step of the investigation content.


For b. claims to born official family,Nanning traffic police five brigade officers refused to disclose their family,But he said,B. it's fair to say that out of vanity,And the reality is not necessarily anastomosis."His car is a tens of thousands of pieces of vehicle,If it is officer the second generation,Will use tens of block car?"


The traffic police detachment XuanChuanKe nanning the police official said,B. father in guangxi longzhou county bureau of education work,Mother was in a primary school work,But did not disclose the specific position,"Can calculate civil servants family".B. for micro bo sun on the more famous car,The police officer to SMW reporters,"He say that,Who knows if it was his".Police say,A lot of the situation does not qualitative,Temporary inconvenience reveal more.
