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  有调查显示,近半大学生赞成婚前性行为。前不久,国家人口计生委发布的一组数据显示,中国每年人工流产多达1300万人次,位居世界第一。其中25岁以下女性占一半以上,大学生成为人流"主力军"。大学生性观念越来越开放会引发的一系列社会问题,令人深深地担忧。(10月21日 《生命时报》)  大学校园里的"性生态"时常成为被再三议论的"炙热"话题。灯红酒绿的世俗生活,"天上人间"的现实讽喻,及物质欲望扑腾的时代写照之外,有"知识圣殿"之誉的象牙塔便不经意地成了人们寄托"道德理想"的抒情对象。愈是大幕之下嘈杂扰攘、理义浇漓,大学似便愈应成为"一尘不染""圣洁邈远"的"彼岸"。

Research has shown that,Nearly half college students in favor of premarital sexual behavior.Not long ago,The national population state family planning commission issued a set of data display,Every year China artificial abortion as many as 13 million people,Up to the top of the world.Among them 25 years old the following women accounted for more than half,College students become people"Main force".The college students' idea more and more open can cause a series of social problems,A deep concern.(On October 21, [Life times])University campus"Sex ecological"Often become were repeatedly thoughts"hot"topic.Neon of secular life,"Heaven on earth"Reality of allegorical,And the era of material desires move up and down outside portraiture,have"Knowledge temple"The reputation of the ivory tower and unwittingly become on people"Moral ideal"Lyrical object.The more is under the noisy hustle and bustle/Reason JiaoLi righteousness,Like the university and should be"spotless""Holy MiaoYuan"of"shore".


The more symbolic significance to pull away"Objective intact"Based on the Confucian orthodoxy daydream university image,In a wave after wave of similar to"University clock around hot room""Nearly five into college students in favor of premarital sexual behavior"In the curious onlookers,Finally because"Cruel real",And more intensified the diffuse from the social moral sentimental and nostalgia emotions.As news headlines in the dazzling"Sex open"Behind a word,Be vividly portrayed stray/Anxiety and pressing.


however,Various careless/Skim the surface type of so-called research,And many milli can't afford to scrutiny"Pheasant data"Have come out of the"University nightlife"Is credible??Or said,Even if it is faithful,Really have again so unbearable yao?These may have to be in frequently talk a lot of nonsense/Sighing loudly of"Moral condemn and reflection"before,To play a big question mark.


At least,From some pursuit"Language not astonishing die endlessly"University sexual idea report to see,The sampling range/quantity/Program has quite a lot worth deliberate place.According to many only hearsay,Or immediately interview several students,Then open hole scanning a,Just a joke of the line written,And released to.By common sense can determine not rigorous data with the media and apparatus are spread/focusing,Also produced three people into the dislocation of the tiger impression,For college students last fair itself.


By the investigators are popular"cohabitation"Issues for,This phenomenon itself need to head-up's point of view,Always in a few decades ago campus landscape and cheap inundant"Moral concern"To not allow one to speak down now college students,It is not enough to rational."cohabitation"And not in addition to narrow the moral dimension outside,It is empty,It also with individual responsibility/Self cognitive and emotional life is closely related to the necessary experience.


Modern society's marriage custom and style and the past is different,The young men and women need to be in after free love to marriage,Rather than such as ancient"The orders of their father and mother by matchmakers' help",Miles away two strangers wedding night was first"Known as".so,Love and marriage in the transitional period,By giving strong men and women are not clear for men and women"Since the phase isolation"Rather pedantry,The modern marriage and family harmony between men and women cannot leave before every along break-in.This point of view,"Premarital cohabitation"Is not the universal condemnation,But modern romantic life a natural normal prelude first sound.


Free multivariate society,More emphasis on and respect individual choice,And to esteem the self should be believe that individual decided to self emotional rational instinct.Mixed with heavy or even despair moral aria campus sexual ecological observation,Sometimes more like meet the hidden in the society in the peer"The group"The moral life of partiality,And in the take it for granted"Moral hopes"under,Catharsis the moral/Market collapse from syndrome problems of trepidation/uneasy.


In acknowledging life rhythm and world under the premise of evolution,Society should be slowly tolerance and adapt to the new marriage,Get rid of one-track moral general all value shackles,so,From time to time can really relieve the onset of social moral anxiety.For young people at will rectify part too/The anomie marriage behavior,Is in the moral indoctrination and run just egg out rebel flighty"Negative mentality",Won't stand in the other side Angle,Discover new consensus,Equal communication to let them in have the passion of love and later,Also learn to love the ability and the responsibility to reason.


