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主持人: The host:我们看到现在的中学生都是90后,他们思维很活跃,而且都特别有个性,有个性不单单是指他们在穿着打扮以及思想上,包括行为方式和语言表达都非常有个性,别说是您,在我上中学的年代都达不到这样有个性的程度。面对这样一些有个性的学生群体,怎么样搭建一个很好的平台让他们能够发挥个性?

We see now of the middle school students are after 90,They thinking is very active,And it has a special personality,A personality not only refers to them in dress and thought,Including behavior and language are a personality,Don't say is your,In my secondary school s won't achieve such a character level.In the face of such a personality student group,How to build a good platform for them to play a character?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我们是基础教育,中学阶段有它的任务,有普世性的东西,有个性的东西,也有选择性的东西。我们应该注意到这样一种提法,我们原来比较强调学生的发展,但是最近在搞纲要时,温家宝总理和这个纲要都提出来要适应社会,就是还要有社会的责任感,我觉得这是一个相辅相成,并不是对立的关系。作为基础教育,基础教育的基础性就是表现在他的基本知识、基本素养和身体基本情况,我们要把他培养好。个性这块,我觉得跟创新人才的培养相关。不张扬他的个性,全部是大一统,将来很难培养出创新人才。

We are the basic education,Middle school stage has its task,Things have universality,A personality things,Also have selective things.We should pay attention to such a formulation,We were comparative emphasize the development of students,But recently in make the outline,Wen jiabao, the prime minister and the outline are out to adapt to the society,Is also have a social sense of responsibility,I think this is a supplement each other,And is not the opposite relationship.As a basic education,Basic education is the basic performance in his basic knowledge/Basic literacy and body basic situation,We need to train him good.Personality the,I think with the cultivation of innovation talents related.Not make public his personality,All is the united,In the future it is difficult to develop and cultivate the innovative talents.


Will tell from the school,We first in the course to they built a show individual character of the platform,A required course has high requirements,But in the required course,From the curriculum reform start we will pay attention to some teaching mode reform,For example to explore/discuss/mutual/cooperation,In this respect can put personal views out.Such as history/Political discipline,We speak a social phenomenon,Now is a more open democracy,Everybody can speak a different point of view,On social phenomenon don't understand and so on,Does not necessarily truth are in the teacher this place,But high school have such a task,Especially the socialist classroom,But at the same time also must he into the brain into the heart,His own ideas and arguments are out,But not simple will accept the teacher's things,In this respect the discussion was very much,This is a required course content.At the same time, we have a large number of elective course,We design the eight series 100 many elective course,Students' interest is not the same,Each subject has many own elective course,He likes what we will provide a platform.


have,Some things are reflected in students' literacy aspects,People there are eight kinds of intelligence,Different to literacy/Potential students of different platform structures also,Let them develop.Last year we approved by Beijing,Humanistic quality education experimental class,What is in high school aspects,The cultivation of the students' literacy has not found a very good channel,And we these students are not mathematical chemical not go down to learn arts,It is love to these things,So we set up such a class.Only the time of half an year,I think they write of thing,Social investigation report,Some interviews,Really is very profound,Really more than we know level,If there is no such a platform,It is difficult for him to realize his ideal.


主持人: The host:这样一个平台,如果仅仅是平台,那学生不可能在这中间发挥自己的优势,发挥自己的爱好来进行提高,我们在平台上都搭建了哪些设施,也就是说教学方法,包括跟老师的一些互动?

Such a platform,If is only platform,The students can't be in this intermediate play to its advantages,Exert oneself interest to improve,We are all built on the platform of what facilities,That is the teaching method,Include some of the interaction with the teacher?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我们的社团非常活跃,我们学校有40多个社团,现在还没有做到百分之百的参与,但是我们的目标是百分之百的学生要参与到社团活动当中来。这个社团都有自己的研究性选题,有的学生就喜欢动漫游戏,有的社团就喜欢联系社会。还有的社团非常关注学校的方方面面,然后他们把这些东西变成研究性的选题,比如食堂的浪费问题,比如学校水资源使用的不合理问题,等等,所以在这些方面都给他们一种探究的机会,这个过程是要由老师来进行指导。所以高中课改,一个是选修课,虽然只有6个学分,虽然空间不是很大,但是内容相当丰富,这些选修课给学生一个发展的机会。再有就是研究性学习。在这个过程中,他开始关注社会、关注身边的事情,学会自己去承担责任,也发展了自己的兴趣和爱好。我们有的学生非常喜欢音乐,就搞迷你性的什么小制作,然后展示给大家。

Our club is very active,Our school has more than 40 community,There is no do one hundred percent of participation,But our goal is one hundred percent of students to participate in community activities to of.This community has its own research topics,Some students like cartoon game,Some communities like social contact.And community is very concerned about all aspects of the school,Then they put these things into a research subject,Such as canteen waste problem,Such as water resources use school unreasonable problems,, etc,So in these aspects are to give them a chance to explore,This process is the teacher for guidance.So high school curriculum reform,One is elective course,Although only 6 credits,Although the space is not very big,But it is rather rich,These elective courses give students a development opportunity.Another is the research-oriented learning.In this process,He began to pay attention to the social/Pay attention to things around,Learn to take responsibility,Also developed their own interests and hobbies.We some students is very fond of music,Just make mini sex what small production,And show everybody.


主持人: The host:是不是通过多种多样的渠道教学方法,就能培养出来能够适应社会的创新人才呢?

Whether through various channels teaching methods,Can cultivate out can adapt to society? Innovative talents?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:这个是我们努力的方向。创新是这样,中学阶段的创新我觉得首先是一种意识,中学有这样的责任。第二,你要培养他质疑的能力、探索的能力,这是中学阶段要做的任务。就是打一个基础,另外要发现苗子。还有就是我们要创新,肯定要合作,还有就是情绪管理的问题,过了这个阶段就很难再培养,所以中学阶段对于培养创新人才的责任是相当重的。

This is our direction.Innovation is such,The innovation of the high school I think first of all is a kind of consciousness,Middle school have such responsibility.The second,You have to develop his ability to question/Exploring ability,This is the middle school to do the task.Is playing a foundation,Another found that young plant.Also, we want to innovation,Are sure to have cooperation,There is the problem of emotional management,After this stage, it is very hard to cultivate,So high school to cultivate innovative talents responsibility is quite heavy.


主持人: The host:您刚才说到了过了这个阶段很难培养,就是我们要发现适合这样的苗子。

You just said to the after this stage it is difficult to develop and cultivate,Is that we want to find suitable for such a young plant.


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:比如他本人创新的潜质非常强,好奇心、精力非常旺盛等等,除此之外就是要和别人合作,还有就是要能够接受别人的意见和批评,特别是未成年人很难接受,但是你要告诉他,将来走向社会会是一种什么样的情况。

Such as he himself innovation potential is very strong,curiosity/Energy is very strong and so on,In addition is to working with someone else,There is to be able to accept other people's opinions and criticisms,Especially the minors, it is difficult to accept,But you have to tell him,The future to society will be a kind of what kind of situation.


主持人: The host:发现这样的好苗子,那我们怎么来培养,怎么面对高考?

Found that such good young plant,Then we how to develop,How to face the university entrance exam?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我们要办人民满意的教育。这个“人民”是由很多人组成,学生、家长、社会和政府。那满意的内容也非常多,高考可能是最满意的内容之一。高考这个事情,我们一定不要对立,现在高考内容变化非常大,特别重视能力。特别是去年北京市第一轮课程改革之后,我们学生的成绩提高非常快,我觉得高考变化非常大的,高考肯定是要保证的,这个并不影响,而且相辅相成,研究性学习帮助他对事物的理解能力,在高考中,这种潜在素质就能体现出来。我们非常重视高端讲座,礼拜六刚刚请了国防大学金一南教授给学生们讲苦难与辉煌。像这样的讲座,虽然是给老师讲,但是我们每次都是带着学生一块听的。像去年我们讲国家安全、社会风险等等,对高考都是很有帮助的。

We want to do the people's satisfactory education.this"People's"By a lot of people is composed,students/parents/Society and government.The satisfaction of the content is also very much,The university entrance exam is probably one of the most satisfied with the content.The university entrance exam this thing,We must not opposition,Now the university entrance exam content change is very large,Pay special attention to ability.Especially in Beijing last year after the first round curriculum reform,We students grades improve very fast,I think the university entrance exam change very large,The university entrance exam is bound to guarantee,This does not affect,And supplement each other,Research learning to help him to the thing understanding,In the entrance examination of,This potential quality can be reflected.We pay much attention to high-end lecture,Saturday just please the JinYiNa national defense university professor gave the students speak suffering and brilliant.Like this lecture,Although is to give teacher speak,But every time we are with the students a to hear.Like last year, we speak the state security/Social risks, etc.,To the university entrance exam is very helpful.


主持人: The host:说完了正课,包括一些社团,那在体育、艺术、科技方面都有哪些比较好的教学经验?

Had said ZhengKe,Including some community,In the sports/art/Science and technology have what good teaching experience?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我觉得首先是认识,经验倒在其次。

I think the first is known,Experience fall in second.


主持人: The host:您说的这些方面是“副课”,到了高三都是数理化,数理化,现在怎么样?

You say of these aspects is"Vice class",The three are science,science,What about now?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:现在国家非常重视,比如体育,提出每天阳光一小时,必须保证锻炼的时间,体育是教育方针很重要的一个方面,体育不是体育组的事,因为你是为一个城市奠基,这些孩子要在这个城市生活。这次规划纲要讲,一切工作的落脚点和出发点都是为了学生的身心健康。所以体育是非常重要的,我们也是很重视的。

Now countries attach great importance to,Such as sports,Every day the sun put forward an hour,Must ensure that exercise time,Physical education policy is a very important aspect,Sports not sports group of things,Because you are for a city lay a foundation,These children have in this city life.The plan for speaking,All the works of the foothold and starting point is to students' physical and mental health.So the sports is very important,We are also very important.


Our school is pervasive and improve the win-win.Popular this I can for example,Beijing every year make primary and secondary school physical demand,Choose our student representative haidian district,The 18 districts and counties to the child,We last year was there,Their demand,Beijing day run the marathon,Our demand is the first.It is four days ago to tell you,You make false is impossible,And four days you never too late to exercise,Students are random.101 attaches great importance to sports,Our women's volleyball team is one of the country's runner-up,And we to various transport team.In order to guarantee the students' physical health,Carry out an hour every day,In addition to required physical education/Exercise between classes,Plus is elective course,Each student has his own a project,You are martial arts all right,Or tai chi chuan, etc,At least you after go out to play,Next you need to be able to dispel his difficulties.


artistic,The national medium and long-term reform and development outline of education policy aspects with the past have some change,Mention is virtue, wisdom, body, beauty.We are the first to be the best class,We have a very good symphony orchestra,In the international won the gold medal,It is a school a brand,The Beijing municipal education commission art education to create world brand,So is equal to win glory for our motherland.Recently we have hobbies opera school and teacher,And we put them to organize.Technology this,Some students,We entered the national key laboratory,We are the Chinese association for backup talent cultivation base,Beijing has a hover plan,We have to go in,Every year youth national innovation contest.from"11th five-year plan"This five years,China association for equal to three times was chosen to take part in the contest of Intel,Now the stars in the sky,There are four asteroid is with our students' name.I am really happy for them.


主持人: The host:您说了这么多各种各样的比赛、社团、选修课,包括一些竞赛,我们的学生还有时间吗?他们有没有说跟您抱怨说我的时间太紧了,晚上都没法复习了,我们家还指望我考清华北大呢。

You say so many various kinds of game/community/Elective course,Including some competition,Our students have time?Did they say with you complain that my time is too tight,Night can't reviewed,Our house is counting on me to take an examination of tsinghua Beijing university?.


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:首先他是特长生,我们要搭平台,让每种潜质的孩子都有发展。我们还有一个钱学森理科实验班,首先是选拔进来,进来以后我们给他们搭建了很好的平台,进行了很好的培养,首先是他爱好,有这方面的兴趣。第二,我们合理,他们都是跟其他学生在一个班级正常学习,他们所有活动都是业余时间,利用假期。比如说冬天到海南,水稻育种基地,和农科院的专家一起做。夏天可能到北极,看冰盖的融化程度。同时,学业成绩还得合格,应该说是能做到的。

First of all he is especially immortal,We'll take a platform,Let each child has development potential.We have a qian xuesen science experimental class,The first is the selection to come in,Come in later we give them build a good platform,A very good training,The first is his hobby,Have the interest.The second,We reasonable,They are all with other students in a class normal learning,They all activities are the spare time,Use holiday.For example to hainan in winter,Rice breeding base,And academy of experts do together.Summer may to the North Pole,Look at the ice caps melt degree.At the same time,Academic achievement also qualified,It should be said that can do it.


主持人: The host:那家长方面呢?

The parents? Aspects?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我认为我们的家长是非常支持的,要不然我们也坚持不下去,要想这些项目、科目坚持下去,首先要有好的老师,当然讲大一点是学校的理念,但是首先要有一个好的老师。比如科技这块,我们有一个老师,他一个人带着一个领域,这个我真的是非常感动。比如我们这个乐团,乐团八几年成立到现在二十多年了,最开始是中央音乐学院指挥系的教授。就是一定要利用社会资源,各界都非常支持。

I think our parents is very support,Otherwise we also hold up,To these projects/Subject insist on,First of all to have a good teacher,Of course speak a bit bigger is the concept of school,But first of all to have a good teacher.Such as the science and technology,We have a teacher,He is a man with a field,This I really very touched.For example we this band,The orchestra was founded in BaJi until now for more than twenty years,In the beginning was the central music college professor of yancheng.Is must use of social resources,From all walks of life are very support.


主持人: The host:我相信网友和我有同样的感觉,郭校长这个人可能在平常对待学生和老师的时候是比较严厉的,有没有人这么说你?

I believe that the net friend and I have the same feeling,Guo President this person may be in common with students and teacher is more severe,Have the person so you?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:表面的,其实接触长了以后,他们会觉得,我最大的优点就是我能听,当然我可能不容易,另外我能比较抓住本质,就是我说的你是什么意思,其实这里面就涉及到当校长的问题。

surface,In fact contact long later,They will feel,My biggest advantages is that I can hear,Of course I may not easily,In addition I can compare seize the essence,Is what I say what do you mean,In fact there is involved when the headmaster's problem.


主持人: The host:我想问您的就是您作为一个校长,怎么来评价什么样才是一个好的校长?好校长需要什么样的素质?

I want to ask you is you as a principal,How to evaluate what's a good President?Good headmaster need what kind of quality?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:首先是一种刻苦前辈的学习态度,学习太重要了。我到今年,我在101中12年,我自己觉得比较从容了,但是经常发现我们在陌生水域中航行,政策的不确定性,但是我们一定要理解政府,政府在政策背后的考虑我们应该知道是什么。现在讲公平、讲均衡,就是和民生结合在一块的,是和社会结合在一起的,所以一种刻苦谦卑的学习态度是非常重要的。第二要懂规律,一定要懂得教育的规律,不能太功利。所谓规律,一是周期长,要跨行业的想一些问题,有一些前瞻仪式。二是为成长。对未成年人要包容、要宽容、要理解、要引导。

The first is a hard learning attitude of the predecessors,Learning is too important.This year I,I am in 101 for 12 years,I think the easy,But often find ourselves in a strange waters navigation,The uncertainty of the policy,But we must understand the government,The government in the policy behind consider we should know what it is.Now speak fair/Speak equilibrium,And the people's livelihood is combined in a piece,Is and society together,So a hard humble attitude is very important.The second to understand rules,Must know the law of education,Cannot too utilitarian.The so-called law,A long life cycle is,To cross-industry want to some problems,There are some prospective ceremony.The second is for growth.For minors to inclusive/To forgive/To understand/Will guide.


The third is the law of teaching.Primary and middle school education threshold low,Who can blame,But it is really a regular one thing.So the teacher be of two minds/Utilitarianism is of so,To solidly complete every step,The result must be good.So it is very important to understand the law.The third to be responsible.We love old speak,But you will find some phenomenon,Sometimes the more you expression comes out of that kind of love,Seem to be nice to him,But the opposition.So responsible is also very important,Want to know what your negative responsibility,How to responsible for.The fourth should attach great importance to the team.Teachers are the backbone of the school and the heart,How to speak too much,So we attach great importance to the construction of the teachers,The construction includes teacher's morality/Specialization and ability structure, etc,This article a few is very important,Have to worry about,Will be in your heart.


主持人: The host:我们事实上要面对每一个家长,但您是最大的家长。

We in fact to face every parent,But you are the biggest parents.


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:我不能说是家长,但是他们的朋友,我负有引导的责任。

I can't say parents,But their friends,I have the responsibility of the guide.


主持人: The host:您觉得什么样一所学校才能算好的中学?

What do you think a school can calculate the good school?


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:那要看谁来评价了。学校是为学生服务,主要是看学生和教师的反映,学生背后就是家长。要说几条,教科书里都有答案,但是我自己喜欢比较感性的东西。我们学校非常美,从马路边到里面有一条林荫道,我经常喜欢到那儿看学生来上学,他们是很高兴的来、很愉快的来,还是垂头丧气、很勉强,你从他的表情上是能够看出来的。所以这是非常重要的指标。我们有些家长跟我讲,小孩特爱上学,特别是新生,早早校服就穿好,周末也不愿意脱,有一种期望和向往,内心就非常高兴。为什么?因为他到了学校可以获得一种尊重,在一种非常民主、宽松的气氛当中和老师和同学交流,他可以健康的成长。

It depends on who to evaluate the.The school is for student services,Basically be to see the reflection of students and teachers,Students' parents is behind.To say a few,The textbooks have the answer,But I prefer more perceptual things.Our school is very beautiful,From the street there is a mall,I always like to go there to see students to go to school,They are glad to/Very happy to,Or depressed/Very reluctantly,You from his expression is able to see it.So it is very important index.We have some parents told me,Children's love to go to school,Especially the new,Early school uniforms will wear,The weekend is not willing to take off,Have a kind of expectations and yearning,The heart is very happy.why?Because he came to school can get a kind of respect,In a very democratic/A relaxed atmosphere and among teachers and students exchange,He can healthy growth.


I have done a statistical,Month after new came in,We put all the cadres,Weekend four unit of time,Three units all outside class,Use a unit to complete their work.I said what time do you play?He said "we play at the school.Listen to the later I really glad,Is he in the school relative ease,To ensure that they exercise time,They say we play at the school.There is the students after graduation,Teacher's day each year and two base games,All came back to see the teacher,Special make the person touched.At the time I tell them,I envy you the teacher in charge,Your hands were students,I have no students,No one came to see me.


In a large side,What school is a good school?I think the teacher/To the student,As a school is very important,The teacher to be able to feel your value in schools can value-added,I am in you this place,Not put it as a career,But a career,I have a future,You can give him to provide all kinds of growth opportunities.As a student is in this place can healthy growth.So as a school,Simply said,The first to the outstanding students.The second to the excellent teacher.The third to to meet the education law/Can let a person the advanced experience for reference.Such a school is a good school.


主持人: The host:您最后对网络上的所有基础教育工作者,包括学生以及家长们讲几句。

You finally in the network based education workers of all,Including the students and their parents speak a few words.


郭涵【北京一零一中学校长】: GuoHan[Beijing the 101 high school principal]:这个责任太大了。今天有这样一个机会,通过网络这种形式和大家交流,我们面临着一个改革的时代,现在改革进入了深水区,都是一些非常不好做的事情,像中学,在初中阶段更多的考虑是均衡优质,在高中阶段更多是考虑特色和创新人才的培养,我们应该坚持自己的办学理念,通过日积月累能够形成新的风格,形成我们新的特点,为自主创新的国家作出新的贡献。

This responsibility is too big.Today we have such a chance,Through the network this form to communicate with everybody,We are faced with a reform era,Now the reform is in the deep water area,Are some very bad things to do,Like a high school,In the junior middle school stage more consideration is balanced quality,In high school is to consider more characteristics and the cultivation of innovation talents,We should insist on his own teaching ideas,Through the accumulate over a long period can form a new style,Form our new features,For independent innovation country to make the new contribution.
