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广州多个幼儿园被曝霸王收费 园方称另有苦衷--亲稳舆论引导监测室


For the last few days,The yangcheng evening news received many parents writer says,Since the beginning of the new term,Kindergarten have to adjust their charge system,Parents think new kindergarten formulated in charge system"Overlord clause",But there are kindergarten has said he has bitter could not say,Because if they don't adjust the system,It would be very difficult to continue to survive.According to the problems reflected by the parents,Reporter had a survey,And consulting the education bureau and the bureau of commodity price of relevant opinions.The personage inside course of study points out,To break the kindergarten"Survival anxiety",Must first solve system embarrassed.


家长投诉 Parents complained


海珠区:调整收费却拒绝公开信息 hai:Adjust the refused to open information


On October 12,,The parents little brilliant(alias)Suddenly received your children in a kindergarten run by the local people of hai message from her:Kindergarten new charge system is fixed,Parents please by 20 October Monday to Friday morning to the accounting office to deal with capture to expend formalities,Article tuition has on the children in the school bag.15,Small brilliant go to kindergarten accounting office ask a clear,Results the kindergarten refused to open information to her.


According to small colourful introduced,At that time the kindergarten presented three pages concerning the adjustment of the charge"guidelines"Showed her,Ask her to look after signature must be.Small colourful asking whether can let her put the three pages"guidelines"Copy or bring home to discuss with her husband, then decide,But the other party does not agree with,And explained"guidelines"Belongs to the internal data.


Small colourful feel very angry,So again to kindergarten adjustment charge system have through the relevant departments by the examination and approval of questioning,Each other says"have",But made it clear that won't provide audit instrument of ratification to small brilliant to see,The reason is those who belong to the kindergarten more internal material.Small colourful think,The kindergarten is certainly secretly to raise prices,Because have a guilty conscience would not dare ask the public information.


天河区:自行制定托管费收费标准 Tianhe district:On its own, formulate trustee fee charging standard


Parents XiaoHe(alias)Told reporters,Her daughter in the tianhe district of a private kindergarten school time is 4 PM,In October this year before,As long as the parents before five children can take back,Also have parents tried in a hurry at 6 o 'clock to pick up the child back,But never be charged a delay trustee fee.however,This kindergarten after mid-september active contribution back again after announced,From October start,Kindergarten will be to more than half past four in the afternoon to pick up the child's parents collect trustee fee.Because do not want to hand in trustee fee,XiaoHe had to give up his 5 p.m. to work off.


Have parents said,A kindergarten for collection trustee fee understands that,But now charge standard is uneven,The first of the quota and the different fines,Second after the child's term is also different,This virtually will be some kindergarten fees excuse.Parents are generally 5 o 'clock in the afternoon had to work,If the provisions of the kindergarten parents in picked before children,It is very not enough human nature.


白云区:不交赞助费就不留学位 Baiyun area:Don't pay sponsor fee won't keep degree


According to the parents little sincere(alias)reflect,He is a child of baiyun area public kindergarten in multiple under the ban still against the wind commits the crime,Verbally notify the parents must be in cash pay kindergarten as sponsor fee,Otherwise the child's degree will be difficult to.


According to introducing,In National Day before,This kindergarten called all parents in the hospital hall at the meeting,Is the collection of contribution to your parents stated.After the meeting,Kindergarten let parents carefully fill in the form,Show your hand in a few years to sponsor fee.Did not fill in the parents,The future child degree problem will not be able to obtain the safeguard.If a small child,Is expected to attend three years words,Will a one-time pay 18000 yuan sponsor fee.


Small honesty said,His child had into the garden,The zoo verbal acceptance may be installment into sponsor fee,But now suddenly change his mind,Tell parents must be one-time after paying contribution,Parents think are suffering.


记者调查 Reporter investigation


幼儿园称自己有苦衷 Kindergarten says you have difficulties


According to each area parents reflects the problem,This reporter recently had a survey.Most kindergartens to reporter reflects its fund shortage awkward situation,It is necessary adjustment charge system.


Small brilliant children in kindergarten told reporters,Their new charges system has passed the relevant departments for approval,Text messages inform parents just to advance told parents.As for the parents had reflect kindergarten material"Can only see,Can't take away"about,Staff is strongly denies,Say parents may have misunderstood.


About the trustee fee,Reporter through the survey found several kindergarten,Public kindergarten haven't implement collection trustee fee system,But most private kindergarten has started in the new semester offering charge trustee fee.Reporters from hai a private kindergarten to know,They charge a month trustee fee capped for 200 yuan,If not by the month every day at ordinary times is 15 yuan/hour.The rules from this year on September 1st,The fees charged will be as a teacher subsidies overtime pay.Every day the kindergarten will arrange the teacher look after not within the prescribed time picked by parents of the children,Since the new term,Only two or three children's parents more than 5 point to meet the children,But the kindergarten has not started immediately for due trustee fee.This kindergarten said,The teacher is also ordinary people,Have their own family,Work overtime should calculate work overtime,Add charge is justified."


Baiyun area a public kindergarten officials say,Although they before really have moved to collect all the idea of contribution,But haven't received parents a penny.This person in charge said,Kindergarten only by each month to each child charge 220 yuan teaching fee,It is difficult to survive,And the relevant departments about raise public kindergarten fees related documents but hesitated batch of down,Kindergarten funds is very limited,If don't offering charge sponsor fee,All don't know how to keep going.


官方回应 The official response


幼儿园必须向家长出示备案表 Kindergarten must show the guardian for the record table


Hai education bureau officials said,Parents can provide for kindergarten with price bureau and the bureau of two stamp prices for the record table,If the kindergarten the cost of collection is more than the record list price range,Parents can to education bureau and the bureau of commodity price complaints.If be the case,Price bureau will be fine for the.


Reporters were trustee fee by consulting the city bureau of commodity price.According to introducing,Guangzhou municipal government executive meeting of this year in the middle of August was passed[Guangzhou deepening preschool education three years action plan work plan]Four supporting documents,[Concerning the adjustment of the zhuhai public kindergarten for the announcement of standard of charges]Is one of the supporting documents,First defined the trustee fee,If after school kindergarten parents not within the prescribed time go pick up the child,Kindergarten will be in accordance with the 10 yuan/human, days of standard collection of fees.


专家说法 Experts said


律师:幼儿园拒绝公开透明实属违规 lawyer:Kindergarten refuses to open transparent is illegal


Guangdong datong law firm ZhuYongPing director lawyer says,If the kindergarten parents don't allow the adjustment charge"guidelines"Out of kindergarten,The guardian and refused to provide relevant departments of audit,That is illegal behavior,Because, in accordance with the law,Kindergarten any charges and the program must do it open to the public/transparent.In addition,If the guardian kindergarten refused to provide relevant departments of audit,Parents have the right to price bureau view the kindergarten fee is illegal.


专家:对民办幼儿园收费要有指导价 experts:For private kindergarten fee to have guided prices

  广州市社会科学院研究员彭澎在接受记者采访时表示,幼儿园收取托管费作为老师的加班费其实也是可以理解的,但有关部门必须对民办幼儿园的收费标准给出一个指导价,以防止乱收费现象。此外,有专家认为,我国当前的幼儿教育仍应以政府投入为主,市场为辅,但目前的幼儿教育市场有些畸形,由于对公办幼儿园的投入越来越少,使公办幼儿园的生存面临困境,所以公共财政应加大对幼儿教育的投入。(记者 郑少玲)

Guangzhou academy of social sciences researcher PengPeng when accepting a reporter to interview said,Kindergarten charge trustee fee as a teacher overtime actually is understandable,But the relevant departments must for private kindergarten fee standard given a guided prices,To prevent chaos phenomenon.In addition,Some experts think the,The present situation of our country's preschool education still should give priority to the government investment,Market an ounce of prevention is worth a,But the current preschool education market some deformity,Because of public kindergarten into less and less,Make public kindergarten survival faced with a difficult situation,So public finance should strengthen children education input.(Reporter ZhengShaoLing)

  (羊城晚报 郑少玲)

(The yangcheng evening news ZhengShaoLing)
