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高校实施座位实名制防逃课 逾7成网友不赞成--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

高校实施座位实名制防逃课 逾7成网友不赞成付业兴 绘 FuYeXing draw


部分高校为避免学生逃课而实施座位实名制,引发争议 Some universities to avoid students skip classes and implementation system seat,controversial


座位实名真能提高学生出勤率? This may not be the seat can really improve the students' attendance?


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According to the report,To correct style of/To reduce the phenomenon of students skip classes,Foshan university of science and technology recently implementation of the fixed seat,Nanjing normal university institute recently bei implementation system seat.Similar measures by the implementation of the hot debate,This reporter interviewed.


初衷:减少大学生逃课 Original intention:Reduce students truancy


"Seat fixed purpose is to catch the student have a class attendance rate,Reduce cut class phenomenon."Foshan university of science and technology of mechanical and electrical engineering college deputy secretary says more than,"See previous years have students skip classes and because they may not graduate industry is sorrowful,So college issued such measures to improve the students' attendance."


In order to prevent students from skipping classes,Many universities to rack one's brains on various measures.Earlier this year,Nanjing normal university college of liberal arts new launch a class call method taking pictures of check.Each class before class,Learning committee filming the classroom teachers and students to class according to the panorama,College according to the pictures"Pulled out"Absence from school students;The zhuhai college of jinlin university computer system teachers developed a set of his mobile phone's wireless call system.


recently,Nanjing normal university college of bei information system level 2011 students each carry a position card,Class rule.Late students' position card is placed on the first two row,this,Late and cut school students is the be clear at a glance.Part of students exclaimed:the"Train ticket system"/"Blog system"after,"Real-name system"The wind blow into the university.so,Not only saves the teacher class roll call time,Also improve the class attendance rate.According to the department introduced counselor,The whole system level 2011 a total of 160 students,The measures from opening to now run a month and a half or so,According to the work place to learn the result of selective examination,Only three people be late,Also does not appear the phenomenon of absence.


质疑:治标不治本 question:Take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure


Foshan university of science and technology in the practice of the fixed seat,A micro bo launched a nearly 1000 people participate in the investigation of voting,Results show that,76% of the net friend hold"Don't approve of,To prevent cut class effect is not big,Damage university atmosphere"attitude."Fixed seat,Is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure"/"This is the embodiment of the exam-oriented thinking in the university"/"Can keep people,But do not leave my heart"...The net friend the sound of questioning by greetings.


"Such practice embodies a kind of backward/Old teaching management concept."Beijing education college associate professor archer j.stressors said,"A lot of the so-called school attendance students/The teacher and student's result was late/The teacher's bonus hook,That introduced some truancy 3 times there is no result/Attendance results contribute 30% of your final course grade of the provisions of the and so on,These are not reasonable,The modern university is not advocated."


China field statistical research recently in wuhan university and other seven universities in a common get 9766 valid samples"University degree classroom teaching status survey"display,"The main reason for the skip classes"Is the student"To one class don't like,Don't want to hear".


And some class than left out,There are some teacher's classroom always"packed"Students to the classroom in advance of the front position,Late no seat can stand on the back of the room to attend a lecture.In recent years very fire ChenGuo fudan university teachers,The thinking course speak lively,Is like a bowl of"Chicken soup".It makes a lot of college students' exclaimed:Originally thought course can so on.


Archer j.stressors pointed out that,Teaching mode single,Classroom lack of new,Is now some university classroom can't attract student's part of the reason,"Now college students obtain knowledge channel very diversified,Accept knowledge way has also been constantly changing,So should be aimed at the characteristics of these students to improve teaching methods".


措施:建立科学评价体系 measures:Establishing scientific evaluation system


In foshan university of science and technology personnel[Professor about declaring/The researchers qualifications main clause assembly]in,The reporter sees,In the declaration the professor's personnel qualification conditions,Article 3 in teaching,Involved in the scientific research is ten.


And research conditions policy is fine:"As the main participants completed or bear province(department)Level scientific research(subject)a"/"Average 240 hours or more teaching plan,The paper/works:Science &engineering five articles(department),Arts class 6 article(department)", etc.


In April this year,Promulgated by the ministry of education[Improve the quality of higher education some opinions]Put forward,The professor for undergraduate class as a basic system,Will undertake undergraduate teaching task as professors hire the basic conditions,Let the most excellent teachers for undergraduate students in class one grade.however,Reporter than the guangdong/guangxi/Yunnan province professor/Associate professor of evaluation criteria found,The relevant provisions of the provisions of the scientific research is widespread in the far more than teaching provisions of.For many universities in China at present existing"Heavy light teaching research"phenomenon,Shandong university higher education research center deputy director of the articles LiuZhiYe had pointed out,A lot of university teachers not to be the main focus to teaching because up,On the one hand,Quantitative research can,The teaching quality are difficult to quantify;On the other hand,Scientific research is professional evaluation of hard Numbers,Famous advantageous,And the teaching quality is good or bad,Lack of incentive mechanism.This will cause many teachers focused mainly on scientific research,But to the teaching emphasis is not enough.

  在迟希新看来,好的大学课堂,能真正吸引学生,留住学生的心。(记者 禹跃昆)

In the archer j.stressors looks,Good university classroom,Can really attract students,Keep students' heart.(Reporter YuYueKun)
