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中国青年报:中国式大学 无比强悍的“关系系”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  在四川省宜宾学院最近举行的副高级 (副教授、副研究员) 职称评定校级评审中,很多学术科研业绩评分在学科组排名靠前,甚至排名第一的教师却意外落选了,一些业绩评分垫底的人却在名单当中。该校多名教师向记者讲述了学校内部职称评定的乱象,学校对不符合条件的“关系户”网开一面,甚至专门出台政策为其大开绿灯。而校级评审委员的投票,则完全不看资质和履历,只看关系到不到位。(《中国青年报》10月29日)

Yibin in sichuan province held recently institute of flows (Associate professor/Associate researcher) Professional title evaluation field rank in the review,A lot of academic scientific research performance rating in the subject group ranked higher,Even ranked the first teacher but accident wasn't in the squad,Some performance rating but the bottom of the list.The school many teachers to the reporters about school internal professional title evaluation of the mess,The school does not meet the conditions"connections"lenient,Even special policy for its the green light.And field rank evaluation committee vote,Is not completely qualifications and record,Only see related to does not reach the designated position.([The China youth daily]On October 29)


In the present of the university of China,Exactly which departments the most sought-after?Is not Chinese/Faculty of law,More is not information department or the department of business administration,But the naked eye hard to see/But everywhere"Relationship system".Although not a university admit to open this system,In fact it is in many school stubborn exist;Although there is no found a man get diploma department,But the department have students all over the country,Belong to the self-taught,Energy each have different didn't bring graduate but it can when tutors,Do not write so personally paper works etc. Body,Even officer doing scholarly research two not mistake,No energy to make scientific research can still top the list of academician.


In fact,Yibin college subtropical high title appraisal the mess,Exposure is"Relationship system"Powerful camera obscura a small part of the operation ability.Want to judge on the subtropical high professional title,Take out more than academic achievement/Research papers useless,Class speak again good also make no sense,Have the right of vote of academic bureaucrats only know"relationship".the"relationship",Academic scientific research performance in the bottom and might as well,Foam papers published in illegal publications on what,Rules can change,Standard can change,Even if is again for academic hun hun tailor a personalized standard also no wonder.


In addition to the increasingly fierce competition in the professional title evaluation,To discipline construction/Subject to declare/Award review/Research budget allocation,To promote the cadres/Time pay raise/Academic access to the outside,Small to the annual assessment PingXian, and many other trivial matters,Spell relationship/Spell and/Spell power latent rules are sensible theurgy,All manner of academic corruption to break out.Seeing the top high corruption,The Chinese university professor quantity/Master of dr quantity and paper quantity blowout and academic quality decline sharply,Many a man of insight how don't sigh)!

  我们的大学为什么只能盖出大楼却难以产生大师?一个关键原因在于,不少大学已沦为权力江湖,学术的官僚化和高校的行政化、衙门化,为校园带去了太多的官场陈腐习气。一线教师和科研人员忍受不了寂寞不愿坐冷板凳,纷纷朝着升官、发财的目标迈进,学术高山上的探索登攀者日少,原本上不得台面的“关系系”却无限膨 胀,在一个人人争当官、个个比关系的变异环境中,除了能产生另类的关系学大师、送礼副教授,还能孵化出多高质量的学术成果?!

Our university why can only cover out of the building is difficult to produce master?A key reason,Many university has a power runescape,Academic bureaucratization and university security administration/Yamen change,For campus away too much officialdom stale bad habit.A line of teachers and researchers can't stand lonely is not willing to bench,Toward promotion in/Rich goal,Academic high mountain exploration scale, the less,Originally not on mesa"Relationship system"But infinite expansion of,In a everyone for officer/Than all the relationship between environment variation,In addition to produce alternative relations master/Gifts, an associate professor at,Still can hatch out many high quality academic achievements?!
