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王石:哈佛这一年我获得新生(图) 王石 Wang shi. 原标题:  王石专访:哈佛这一年,我获得新生 Original title:Wang shi interview:Harvard this year,I get the new

  文/周一妍 编辑/戴敦峰 摄影/覃斯波 图片由受访者提供(文章选自《外滩画报》第473期)

Wen/Monday yan editor/DaiDuiFeng photography/QinSiBo image by respondents provide(This article selected from[The bund]The 473th issue)

  2011 年,王石正值耳顺之年,这位功成名就的中国房地产行业"教父",选择去哈佛大学当清苦的"修道徒"——自己做早餐,步行上学,坐地铁出行,和十几岁的孩子一起学习语言。"我在哈佛这一年,体会到了后进生的滋味。"2011 年的最后一天,回国过新年的王石在万科总部接受了《外滩画报》独家专访。

In 2011,,Wang shi as sixty years of age,The success of China's real estate industry"godfather",Choose to go to Harvard University when the poor"Abbey ACTS"- do breakfast,Walk to school,Take the subway travel,And teenage children with learning a language."I at harvard this year,To realize the underachiever's taste."The last day of 2011,Home to spend the New Year in the wang shi vanke headquarters accepted[The bund]Exclusive interview.


Morning as - 11:00,Harvard listen to main subject;At 1:At 00 -,English elective course;When - 6:00 English grammar lesson.Twice a week late - 9:00 a.m. at 7:30 oral language classes;Every night to see material make notes to 1:00 a.m..


This is wang shi in harvard's schedule.


Wang shi in harvard nearly a year of life studies,Does not like the outside world imagined at ease,but"Always feel that I have not enough time to use."


Every morning,He spends 2.5 minutes of time with microwave oven heat a glass of milk,Baked a loaf of bread,Cut half grapefruit,Flowers 3 minutes time to eat breakfast,Then walk to go to harvard class.Wang shi to rent the apartment is located in Cambridge town garden in the street,The main campus of the harvard farthest buildings or library just walk for 15 minutes.Wang shi in Harvard University period rejected with the company car,Travel mainly by walking and subway.


harvard"Modern monastery"


In February 2011,Wang shi in harvard's first term.Every morning he go to English school with English,Afternoon go to harvard to listen to all kinds of lectures;On September's second term,He chose three lectures:Respectively is a former Harvard University economy, dean of the college of Benjamin - friedman's"Religious affect how capitalist thoughts"/"History of capitalism",and"Urban planning".Because of your time is from,So wang shi will English school classes in the afternoon instead.


In the harvard school,as"market".Wang shi as a day from began in harvard design school to listen to"Urban planning",Come a few minutes before the end,Must quietly put the bag to clear up,At the end of a rub of Dally to run,Run 8 minutes,Climbing again on the third floor,Slowed down,Pushed open the door gently,Sit in,Former Harvard University economy, dean of the college of Benjamin - Milton friedman's religious class already to start.


At noon,Through the harvard square,Walk to the English school.now,Wang shi has set up a file in the study Advance level course,This is the highest level of the school curriculum.Square has several large trees and big grass,Wang shi occasionally find a coffee shop to sit down,Eat a sandwich,More time is walk while eating."I want to take a rest very few opportunities.At harvard,Very at leisure is tourists,Students should much in a hurry."Wang shi said,The only thing he will stop to reason is found the pleasing to the eye leaves,Or in the snow foraging gray squirrel,Then he always"Can't help but stop to take two photos,To micro bo on."


English school after school,He is in harvard square of fast food shop spend a few dollars buy a chicken book home,Eat half,The other half in the fridge when the second day dinner.In the United States day wang shi rarely dinner party,His night life are almost in an apartment WenShu."Because you as long as the evening entertainment arrangements,Your study will have to endure to three and four,Or the second day of the lesson is a bad thing,Completely couldn't keep up with."


Harvard University in the 11 months,He felt in in a"Modern monastery"."Where I live is very simple,Beside a church building construction,Top is cross,Medieval style,Like a monastery.No matter in the school,Or in the starbucks near the,The inside of the students are eating watch operation.This is a reading place of study."Wang shi to[The bund]said.


In the summer of 2011"Irene"The hurricane hit,WangShiFa such a micro bo:Receive advert to hurricane how to severe of SMS,Know one's place cancel the appointment.Back to Cambridge apartment already late.Pages it until the wee hours of the morning.There seems to be a special field,Dispel fickleness,Calm reading.


To English school the first day of the report,60 years old wang shi almost be mistaken for"The teacher".Around him,Are 1056 years old children,After the self-introduction,Find the maximum also is only 25 years old.


In order to overcome"Dumb English",Wang shi force yourself with this group of every day than his daughter, even small children mixed together.American classroom emphasize interactive games,By a student to practise words,WangShiLai guess."Often a word is hanged on the mouth,But how can say".Most of the pressure to several weekly exam,Every 60 minutes,The students answer around 30 minutes papers in succession,60 minutes,The whole classroom become empty,Only the continue wirtting wang shi,And a waiting for the examination papers teacher.


"I have experienced primary school/Middle school/University of the workers and peasants and soldiers,Though not the best,Performance is above the average.This is to experience what call underachiever."Wang shi said,His head for the first time feel tired,Is skull in that kind of tired,Midnight silent very tired,But can't sleep."A bit like some kind of sick,Once worried don't harvard didn't learn anything,Variable nerve,Want to give up.But the next day,The sun also rises,And back schoolbag go to school."


In the first three months of the harvard,He almost couldn't understand the speaker talking about,So pay a translation help make notes,"His pose to listen,Understand a word,Think about,The next,And couldn't understand the".Three months after,He began to make notes,Let translation correct,Four months after,He has to be able to understand into six or seven,He resolutely get rid of the translation this invisible"crutches".now,Wang shi already can freely in English FaWei bo,"Climate organization"Founder WuChangHua delightedly in micro bo on his back:Go abroad after WangZong don't need to do the translation.


Real estate developers in the eyes of the United States


At harvard,Wang shi research direction is"The enterprise ethics and urban community research".He chose two door with religious class:"Religious affect how capitalist thoughts"and"History of capitalism".


"We are now using western.We study the western things,More is the technical level,From the point of view of how ideology to understand/To understand/To absorb.To the last must be religious beliefs."Wang shi such explanations of their choice and religious reasons of the course.


In the harvard period let him most impressive class,Is a harvard professor about after the second world war, the United States religious population change.In the classroom,He realized that after the second world war, the United States, 71% of the people believe in Christianity,80 s dropped 39%,In the early 90 s and have rebounded.He also learned,After the second world war was born americans have two religious,One is born to the family,The second is 20 years after the independent selection.After the course,Wang shi describe their"Be suddenly enlightened".


"When it comes to the western civilization,We cannot evade the Christian.I used to always confused what god does not exist,Now I find,This is not points,Points is religion the culture behind the appeal."Wang shi said,The root of the modern enterprise system is closely related with Christianity,Including modern enterprise management mentioned"Contract spirit",Can be in[The bible]In the old testament to find the first story.


In the harvard travel days,Wang shi all the time to be absent with real estate developers perspective to observe harvard,Observation Boston,Observation the United States.


In the design of the college"Urban planning course"on,Wang shi not forget observation in the building:A transparent"Big glass box",Warm in winter and cool in summer,Can accommodate 400 people.Show originality is,The school classroom and between the classroom without visual obstacle,"terrace"Shape from the first floor to the fifth floor has been,The fifth floor tall high empty,Spatial series as a body,More like an open triangle step library.Junior student on the top floor,Facilitate viewing lower senior design activities,The students with grade rise,The classroom has to move to graduate.


In the design of college,Wang shi understanding to the United States in one hundred, the number of the urban planning history.He took Boston for example,Boston in the process of urbanization,Have a building highways.Didn't expect,The traffic is smooth,But the two sides at the city,Caused the city split.Then the United States government had to spend a lot of money,The Boston to planning."How in the urban development planning to avoid high speed/Subway disadvantage?New York and Chicago is how come,Meet what situation,How to deal with,This can be use for reference."


In the harvard study period,Wang shi also many times out of Boston,From other city to obtain inspiration.In march of 2011,Wang shi was invited to visit to Washington for the world wide fund for nature headquarters.The environmental protection organization headquarters of roof greening into the design of the bees,That left a deep impression on him.He immediately he telephone vanke colleagues,Requirements in shenzhen headquarters at dameisha greening in introducing the bees.Four months after,Vanke headquarters introduced two box the bees began to produce honey,Every time can GeMi 15 jin.Vanke employees to his office roof can produce honey feel very proud.A staff tell[The bund]:"Although honey production is not high,Each share only a small spoon,But really than New Zealand honey and delicious,Contains a stream of natural fragrance."


"Realize gap,Since the study"


On February 23, 2011,Wang shi to harvard just 1 month,Harvard University will accept the invitation of the Chinese students and scholars association,In the harvard made a name"Life's three peaks"speech.He refers to the"Three peaks",The first seat peak refers to vanke founded,The second block refers to two climb mount Everest,The third seat in the harvard refers to studies.


He compared the"mountaineering"and"travel"difference."You ask me that difficult?Climb mount Everest of course difficult,But there is no difficult that I thought.Harvard also difficult to travel,'s more difficult than I thought."Wang shi said,But the most difficult,Is management enterprise.After all,Mount Everest he took five years,Established and management vanke,From 1983 to now already nearly 30 years.


In the vanke shenzhen headquarters office wang shi,Wang shi office back after one delicate Benz car model.Wang shi said,This is in the early 1990 s by vanke a toy factory production,The car with the Japanese imperial design,Can open the door."It's not a toy,But handicraft.It represents the history of vanke."Wang shi holding a model car,Long is not willing to put down.In the 1990 s,Wang shi company business involves the toys/clothing/drinks/printing/K gold chain, etc more than ten industries,In 1993,,He is determined to the company from diversified professional transformation,Had originally planned to five years to complete,Later spend for eleven years.But this transformation is undoubtedly successful.In 2007,,Vanke become the world's largest real estate residential developers.


"Actually travel to the United States,One is to fix for the self,The second is to want to know,The next step in the enterprise how to go."Wang shi said.


Although the body in the United States,With China has 13 hours time difference,But wang shi almost every night vanke headquarters to open video conference.In the annual company internal communication meeting,He returned from the United States video.Video is in the Harvard University school of government JFK outside of the lawn of the shooting,Behind wang shi,Is a group of carefree wild geese.


In a speech at harvard,Wang shi revealed some of the company"The next step"idea.


"In China,The private enterprise to survival,But relatively extensive."Wang shi said,In 2008 the United States financial tsunami,The top three big real estate company annual sales additive haven't vanke big.But the size of the market to see,America's first big real estate company sales accounted for 6% of the total in the United States,But in 2010, vanke sales for 100 billion,Account for only 2% of China."Hold your horses,Cannot finish in a hast.Realize gap,Since the study."


Wang shi as vanke the most core characters to reading,Natural successor topic is the focus of all.WangShiYong a parable:"I have feelings for vanke,But it is one of my work,Not my son."Wang shi explain,He are positioning themselves to have a voice in a piece of work of one of the producers,The works of how to develop in the future,How to more"good-looking",Need a team to create a wave of a wave,Rather than just by a person's strength,Or a successor."In 1999 and 2000,I and he resigned respectively,By taking YuLiang and pursue.Three years ago,Liu be reinstated,ragazzi,Effect good,If you ask me vanke meet similar situation,I'll not out.I'm sure to answer:Won't."


Wang shi told[The bund],At harvard he wants to learn more about western management thinking."In 1983,,I went to shenzhen venture,See first book is Toynbee's[History research].In 2011,,I am in harvard library see two books:Mandeville of[The language of honey bees]And Adam Smith's[Moral sentiment management],Are English,benefit."


60 years of new


In the United States,Wang shi every day, it would take at least 40 minutes FaWei bo,He said,Way is convenient and domestic link exchanges,The second is training text concise expression,Three is to accept all the criticism and the accused.


His small bo with domestic several other than real estate tycoon,Appear very"alternative",Neither RenZhiJiang that"hot"temper,No Mr Pan that love join in the fun.He sent the most photos,His house is about the two cats,1 dog and 1 head small fragrant pig.


In micro bo on,He put forward two"Life parabolic"theory.He said,Life is like a cartridges are ejected from the bullets fly out,My peak has passed,Now in the place down,Should gradually fade out the people line of sight.


His small bo head portrait is a sitting in front of a computer pictures,Belt glasses,Mouth slightly prolapse,Face thin,Law grains deep.A net friend pointed out,This photo"older",Suggested that he change one.He replied that:Change always rule,The next in head portrait will appear more old to.


"60 years old is the old university age,But with 16 people mix together,This is another kind of life ultimate challenge.A more aggressive deadpan expression."Wang shi said,"Harvard this year,I feel like a new man."


He poking fun at his,Just to harvard,"I have is half the disabled".He refers to the established after vanke,A driver/A secretary,Where were shuttle,His in imperceptible degenerated into"City disabled person".


And in harvard,Wang shi with all the joke began his"new".


Go to a bank credit card,Because in the home does not have the experience of the card,Fully ran five times the bank,Spent a month,To be;


Go to the supermarket to buy things,Take the subway,By bus,Often take passing,Lap in the wrong direction;


Every night side, homework side burn blisters coffee,The results that only teakettle burned red for three times,The plastic pot lid are generally……


Wang shi told reporters,his"Three years studying"Plan may be extended,Harvard University year extension to two years,Then go to Europe continue to travel for three years.The next 10 years,His figure was also more appeared in universities at home and abroad.Before go to harvard,He has accepted the Hong Kong university of science and technology(Micro bo)invitation,As visiting professor.The home,He has and Peking University guanghua school of management basic settled,This fall to the class of guanghua school of management college.


A has worked for many years in the vanke staff evaluation said,Wang shi let her association to Japanese architect tadao ando a word:A man's true happiness is not to stay in the light of,But from a distance stares at the light,Towards it ran to,In that try very hard to forget oneself of the time,Is life really full."Wang shi gives person's feeling,Is his front have a beam of light,Guide him forward forever."


B =[The bund]


W = wang shi


"The Chinese most persistent,Not the mind,Is a stomach"


b:You go to Harvard University of what be the reason?Why choose"The enterprise ethics"As a research direction?

  W: 那是2010年初,哈佛的一个中国基金会在北京办一个答谢会,当时执行主任问我有没有兴趣到哈佛游学,半年、一年、三年都可以。我当时就回答"有兴趣,一年"。到了2010年秋天开会了,我却犹豫了,当时就害怕语言不行,过了国庆,没去,过了圣诞,还没去。人家来催,我听了话中有话:我们这儿可是哈佛啊。一咬牙,我就去了。

W: is that at the beginning of 2010,Harvard's a Chinese foundation in Beijing run a DaXieHui,Executive director at that time ask me to have interest in studies to harvard,Half a year/A year/Three years can.I was answered"Interested in,A year".In the autumn of 2010 the meeting,But I hesitated,At that time he was afraid not language,After National Day,Didn't go to,After Christmas,Also didn't go to.Somebody else to push,I heard it:We here but harvard ah.A grind,I went to.


You say blunt??????,Of course is round to study abroad(Micro bo)dream.The reform and open policy the time,I close to 30,Want to go out ideas strongly.In 1983,,32,I am in shenzhen venture,Thinking of transition two years went out.Had wanted to go to Berkeley,Think it is very active school,Haven't thought about it learn what major,Just want to understand western culture.The idea of study,To 50 years old to reassure.


This time went to harvard want to learn?Is not very clear,But one thing is very clear,I won't learn business management.1983 to shenzhen,I have make business,And make management,Self-learning ability is quite strong.I spent three months read the principles of economics/Macroscopic and microcosmic economics/Business management.Every time he went to Hong Kong,I was buying books,Buy Taiwan's traditional edition.For example accounting/Bookkeeping methods,I have taught herself.


b:Why did you choose harvard?


W:Just because harvard to invite.As long as it is a school,Berkeley,MIT,Taipei university……I will go to.


b:Harvard study atmosphere how strong?


W:Harvard is research schools,Lecture communication much more special,Each system/Each college has.For example,I in Asia center,Involves Asia project.Japan tsunami,A month later,Japan's central bank to a vice President,Speaking after the tsunami Japan's financial policy;For example a about Taiwan's 2012 presidential election of the lectures,A look at the speaker:CAI English.Then for example BP gulf of Mexico oil spill events,Accident investigation total inspection people/MIT professor a lecture.Again for instance,I'm on a course called"History of capitalism",The class teacher is[Currency war]Mentioned in the Nobel Prize winner Ross zar DE seed.You will find,Harvard's lecture,Be involved in the whole world hot issues the main parties/Afterwards the main person in charge/Core character.Each week,I feel opened a new land.


b:I heard you in a foreign country only eat western food.why?


W:Eat speaking,Go abroad to eat western food,Not to say that this time went to harvard,All this for more than 20 years,.Reform and development in the 80 s,I like with you,Must eat Chinese food.But soon,I decided to,As long as go abroad,Don't eat Chinese food.Diet culture is an important part of culture,The Chinese thought to accept western western,Diet did not accept.The Chinese most persistent,Not the mind,Is a stomach.


We vanke spread with a joke:Want to punish who,Let him go abroad with the chairman.Za Chinese three days do not eat Chinese food,Afflictive dead.


b:Studying in the United States a year,Feel any change?


W:Last night I also with some entrepreneurs friends to dinner,They say feeling wang shi become more amiable,More forgiving,just.


b:You used to say that if let you choose a religion,You will choose Christianity.This with you this term learning courses relevant?


W:This sentence tell directly bring them here,Must cause misunderstanding.For religious,My attitude is that you can not believe,But you must respect those who believe,Accept monotheism behind the value framework/Value system,What's it to this society plays the role of how.


If you want to say must conformity of god choose a belief,I choose"Christian",More from culture/music/Art consideration.I like Christ church building form,gothic,Sunlight from the window according to come in,Give people actively/warm/Up feeling.And Christian music,painting,I like it very much.


b:You at harvard this year,Is thin or fat?


W:My body changes,In the past two years.2010 your second post mount Everest,Thin 15 kg,Down is 57 kg.At the beginning of 2011 to the United States,Almost back to 70 kilograms.In the first two months of harvard,And dropped to 67 kilograms,The weight,Than I in 1983 just to shenzhen venture,Also 4 jins thin.Very interesting is,A return to the city(Come back to China),Weight quickly risen,I now is 73 kg.


"I have no intention when opinion leaders"


b:You in micro bo said you admire opinion leaders,RenZhiJiang,MAO yushi,,ZhaoXiao,Han han,"In their respective industries have unique insights,Dare to make different voice."Do you think you are opinion leaders?They need what kind of wisdom?


W:I of course not opinion leaders.First of all,Opinion leaders should be public intellectuals,More independent,The second is the public interests look forward to the future,The third is to have the original opinion and influence,In the academic a fix for the.


I am an entrepreneur,Itself to have conflicts of interest.You know RenZhiJiang company call what name?Very simple,Even if is concerned about this done reporter also rarely say up,This shows him more influence from individuals,His comments will not his company have what effect.For me,Any time you mentioned wang shi,Think vanke.Opinion leader apparently doesn't suit me,I also have no intention of becoming opinion leaders.But I am a listed company's public figures,More important is to do,Not said what.


b:You have in micro blog wrote:People are mind their own home,But in fact from the universe to see,Everyone is just a particle,Where life and have what relation?After went to the United States,You begin to more of the universe to look at the world yet?


W:Ha ha,I have no so big Angle of view.I went to the United States has two feeling.The first,Each person's mainstream view:American standard is the world standard.Before go to the United States,I don't have the strong feeling.The United States has LEED building standards,British standard LEED more strict than.But the American people feel,LEED is the best.Went to the United States,But I do not acknowledge this.The second,In the United States environment can you use another Angle,More objective at China's real estate market.For example,From a global perspective,China is developing very fast,China's reform and opening up to need to support economic growth.Is like riding a bicycle,Your speed is slow,Will fall down.Now the global economic integration,The western economic depression,If China fall speed,All the world a problem.


b:Vanke has set up"Children's hospital"plan.You made a survey in the United States and many home children's hospital.What is the reference?


W:American children's hospital of course advanced.But I think that developing countries example,More significance.For example Bangkok,The local medical system is worth reference,As long as it is poor children,Can go to the doctor.The second,The hospital public welfare do very well,Many children from outside to see a doctor to Bangkok,Parents are to accompany,But have no place to live in,Hospital also find a way very well placed patients parents.


Take for example the United States,American children's hospital medical equipment are children of the scale,For example nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR),Is mini version,The doctor's seat is very low,Don't let the children don't feel well.In addition,The advanced nature of the medical technology is not to mention the.


Vanke do children's hospital may go a three kind of route,One is to see a doctor for the poor,The second is to see a doctor to the rich,But the doctor to earn money to support the poor the doctor.The third is not sure to see a doctor who,But only using high advanced technology,To incurable diseases.Rich pay the doctor,We set up a fund for the poor,Look down on disease can apply for the fund.


"The end of life stage is retreated"


b:Do you believe in 2012 the end of the world?If the end of the left three days,What can you do?


W:That's nonsense.Western religion itself to have"Said the end of",Used to have,In the future there will be.The earth have born has ended,But the end is infinite,For us,You can and.But you end is what?The end of your,You can not and,May be tomorrow,Most have 30 years,Will surely come.


You said the end of from three days most want to do?Very simple,Should do what do what,There won't be any significant change.Because this is the end of you,Is not the end of the world,Others are still in the normal life.I think the best way to end,Is not to affect the world.


b:Whether positive or negative?


W:As a life stage,old,Will retreat.Experience at harvard,If I were willing to open to preaching everywhere,Use all sorts of public,Like lang hsien-ping(Micro bo)With television as sign,I believe I still have the influence,Television stations will be interested.But I choose more ways to go to school,Communication with students,Instead of doing a public figure.


B: I see you turned a micro bo,Said is jobs old age lives in a middle-class neighborhood,Pedestrian walk from his home can see him in the light work.Your later life,Would like to live a good neighbor middle class life,Or live deep curtilage courtyard,Isolated life?


W:I think it is the latter.This with personal habits.I am not good at communication,Don't like busy communication places.So I climbing,And dealing with nature.Now don't climb the hill,I prefer and plants/Animals deal with.


b:Have you ever thought of as the same jobs,The legendary life experiences,Write an autobiography?


W:How can I and he is?I think jobs is the world class character after Einstein.He belongs to the premature death,Left so much wealth,Let others miss him.And we more time,Is to enjoy life,There is no need to write the last such things.You are to give others to look it,Still want to sum up your?I feel more jobs is to let the other people see,He himself very low-key,Do now,This is really famous five years time,In the end of his life,He get someone to write an autobiography,More is as a kind of wealth,Let others know him,Rather than the product itself.


b:This is the world of four apples.The first tempted eve,The second ZaXing Newton,The third is in the hand of jobs.The fourth in where?

  W:不知道啊,一定会有第四个。 W:I don't know,There must be a fourth.
