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  [ [导读 introduction]长期以来,我们一直认为,我国人口基数大、增长快。但是,2010年的第六次人口普查显示,中国人口领域发生了重大变化。人口走向负增长、生育率水平偏低、年龄结构不合理、老龄化进程加速。 ] for a long time,We always think that,Our country large population base/Growing faster.but,In 2010, the sixth census shows,China's population, great changes take place in the field.Population to negative growth/The low fertility level/Age structure is not reasonable/Accelerated aging process.


visit[The population situation changes and population policy adjustment]General coordinator/The China development research foundation secretary general LuMai


Population policy is related to the national long-term development and national future event.For a long time,We always think that,Our country large population base/Growing faster.but,In 2010, the sixth census shows,China's population, great changes take place in the field.Population to negative growth/The low fertility level/Age structure is not reasonable/Aging process accelerated, etc,This a problem for China's future economic and social development to receive up one layer shadow.

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recently,The China development research foundation released in Beijing[The population situation changes and population policy adjustment]Large study report.[Economic reference to]Reporters were will change with the change of the population situation for China's economic and social causes which influence,Whether we can resolve these adverse effect on safety,And future population policy problems such as: where to go to the big project general coordinator/The China development research foundation secretary general LuMai.


我国人口结构发生重要变化 China's population structure has important changes


[Economic reference to]:In recent years China's population are what are the changes?

  卢迈:2010年第六次全国人口普查结果显示,2000年至2010年期间,中国人口年均增长率为0.57%,远远低于上一个10年的1.07%,增长速度明显放缓;与此同时,人口结构发生了巨大变化:2010年,中国60岁以上的老龄人口达到1.78亿,所占比例从1982年的7.62%增至13.26%,0-14岁人口所 占 的 比 重 则 由3 3 .5 9 %减 至16.60%。据预测,65岁及以上老年人口比例,将在2027年和2035年分别突破15%和20%,2050年将超过25%。

LuMai:2010 sixth national census results,Between 2000 and 2010,China's population with an average annual growth rate of 0.57%,Far less than on a 10 years of 1.07%,Slowed considerably;meanwhile,Population structure changed:In 2010,,China's ageing population over the age of 60 to 178 million,The proportion of from 7.62% in 1982 to 13.26%,0-14 years old population accounts for more than double the 3 3. 5 9% reduced to 16.60%.According to the forecast,65 years old and above the percentage of older people,In 2027 and 2035, respectively 15% and 20% breakthrough,2050 will more than 25%.


According to the standard of the United Nations,Those aged 60 to 10% of the population,Or 65 years old and above the percentage of the population of the elderly KouZhan reached 7%,A country or region will become an aging society.China as early as in 2000 has already entered an aging society.


With the rapidity of the population's aging and labor age population growth trend reversal,China's population total raising than in 2011 dropped to the bottom(0.38),Then slowly began to rise,Rose to 0.4 in 2020,In 2033 to more than 0.5.


[Economic reference to]:This kind of the change of the structure of population mean for China?


LuMai:That is,If fertility level can't appear substantial rebound,According to the prediction of the United Nations,After the middle of this century China's population than raising still continue to rise,2070 will reach 0.8 high level,That is at least four labor to support two old man and one child.


Population age structure characterised by this change,That the Chinese fast population growth trend has torsion,At the same time also indicates the for many years of economic development made a great contribution to the demographic dividend is disappearing,Aging become China's future economic and social sustainable development must face significant problems.


[Economic reference to]:An aging population will give Chinese society bring which influence?


LuMai:Japan's experience shows,Even in income level is high/Of labor force quality high/Advanced technology and infrastructure complete country,Aging of population is likely to lead to economic greatly reduction.In 1990,,Japan's aging level that is 65 years old and above population proportion of the total population 11.9%,Shortly after the population than raising quickly improve.In the structure in the changes at the same time,Japan's economic growth rate also appears a sharp reversal,From slowdown until stagnation.


In 2011,,China's 65 years old and above population accounts for the proportion of the total population 9.1%,Have close to Japanese economic growth in 1990 when slowing down aging level,in"1025"period,China will also like Japan,Experience rapid population than improving raising.Than Japan happened at that time is more serious,China is currently facing"Get old before it gets rich"challenge.


On the one hand,Working age population increment reduce and high-speed economic growth,Common causes common labor shortages and rising wages.Labor costs for labor-intensive industries to improve reflect comparative advantage is relatively weak.This means that the industrial structure must be to capital and technology intensive upgrade.On the other hand,In the average per capita income has just entered above the average level of development stage,China in the material capital abundance extent still do not have obvious advantages,In the quality of the labor force and science and technology level, there also exist with the developed countries of the big gap,In the capital and technology intensive industries also does not have comparative advantage.


To a certain extent,Can put China"Get old before it gets rich"The demographic transition characteristics on economic growth potential adverse effect for understanding:The first,Early to catch up with the developed countries to lose the advantage of backwardness;The second,Lost to still have population dividen developing country competitive advantage;The third,Has not yet won the developed countries should have the advantages of technology innovation.therefore,Whether in the face of high income countries or low and middle-income countries,The Chinese original competitive advantage are weakened,This undoubtedly exacerbated the transformation of the mode of economic development of urgency.


The influence of population aging is not just limited to the economic field,To the family and social also brought impact.Aging of population increased family care for the elderly burden.


我们尚未准备好应对老龄社会 We have not yet ready to deal with in the old age society


[Economic reference to]:It can be said that China's population will age faster than expected,Aging society forward,So today's China ready?


LuMai:I think,In the face of rapid coming in the old age society,China has not yet ready.


First of all,System arrangement lag.China's current social endowment insurance system/Medical insurance system/Retirement system/Individual income tax system,And related social policy and public service system, etc,All don't adapt to the needs of the aging society.In this sense,China's aging population and social development relationship is prominent contradictions"Has not prepared to old",The arrival of the aging society to which to inadequate preparation.


secondly,Financial resources to inadequate preparation.On the one hand,Old-age security of public expenditure there is a big gap.China's public expenditure used in the proportion of social endowment insurance is not high,Endowment insurance system coverage is narrow,Quite a number of the old pension payment level is low,2011 enterprise pension substitution rate is only 42.9%,The rural areas pension level also only 55 yuan per month.On the other hand,The current social old-age security system lie dormant financial crisis.Nearly half provinces do not receive a pension allowance,And pension investment rate of return is too low,With an average annual rate of return less than 2% for a long time,Less than in the same period of inflation,Means that the pension shrink.With the rapid increase of the elderly population,Especially be system coverage of aging population growth,Social endowment insurance gold spending will increase significantly,This will give China's social old-age security system to bring about greater impact.


The third,Public service system is weak.At present our country in the city planning/Infrastructure and so on were not considering the needs of elderly.In the public service system,The old public service is the most weak link.Especially in rural areas,Because a large number of young and old service facilities for the outflow of the basic blank,The life of the aged face greater difficulties.


建议分两步走放开二胎 Suggest two steps let go of two foetuses


[Economic reference to]:In the face of the population age structure change effects,The report puts forward policy orientation is what?


LuMai:In the one-child policy practice more than 30 years later,The population problem of the principal contradiction is not too fast growth,With one-child policy as the core of the population policy system has been lagging behind the new population change trend,Don't adapt to plan as a whole to solve the population problem and achieve modernization grand goal requirements,Need according to the new situation/The new situation of policy adjustment.


In recent years,Everywhere in keep active birth policy stable at the same time,To the local birth policy adjustment,Is the main"Double alone"(That couple for the singleton female can have two children)or"alone"(Refers to the couple a party for the singleton female can have two children)experiment.The results show that,The implementation of these policies did not produce significant fertility rate change,This directly reflects China's economic and social life and the population situation of deep changes with the birth policy adjustment conditions.meanwhile,Since the 1980 s, and in some areas"Two children"Policy areas of practice also proved,If have a certain condition,The construction of the second child policy to control the rapid population growth is its goal,By the masses and support.


The report proposes birth policy adjustment is the most important and also the most direct basis,Is the family under different scheme of population change situation forecast.The results show that,The policy of birth to adjust the most appropriate way is to steadily.


[Economic reference to]:Report recent adjustment birth policy of the specific scheme is what?


LuMai:Report recent adjustment birth policy scheme is put two children.The first step,In urban areas and strict implementation of a child policy of rural area immediate release two foetuses;The second step,In 2015,,The implementation of the"A boy and a half"Policy areas open two foetuses,To realize the national comprehensive open two foetuses goal.


Put two children to determine the policy,Based on the different schemes population change prediction and comparison.In 2010, the sixth national population census of the total population of 1.34 billion as a starting point,In the census of the population sex/Age structure and the total fertility rate 1.5 as the foundation,Report to respectively"Policy unchanged"/"Put two children with"/"Put alone with"/"Put alone"and"Put two children"Five kinds of scheme of the population change has made the forecast and the simulation.


The results show that,Remain active birth policy unchanged does not conform to China's population development actual and requirements.And at the same time the national comprehensive let go of the second child will cause the short term birth level and the rapid increase of birth population,For social security/education/Such as employment impact and unstable hidden trouble."Put alone with"and"Put alone"Although can to a certain extent, to avoid the disadvantages of former two schemes,But need to spend a long time,Delay time,and"Put alone"Still exist practical difficulties.And other adjustment scheme prediction results compared,"Put two children"Under the scheme of the fertility level than in the short term"Policy unchanged"/"Put alone with"and"Put alone"Scheme to high,But more than"Put two children with"Scheme low.Considering the birth policy on population and fertility rate change reaction has lag,And the developed countries respond to the low fertility rate of experience and lessons,We think,The most feasible scheme is"Put two children",Namely points area step let go of two foetuses,this,Both the full consideration of the policy adjustment time urgency,But also avoid the population change drastically in the short term.
