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央视名记为虐童幼教“辩护”遭炮轰 被批抠字眼--亲稳网络舆情监控室

央视名记为虐童幼教“辩护”遭炮轰 被批抠字眼 CFP图 CFP diagram 央视名记为虐童幼教“辩护”遭炮轰 被批抠字眼  新快报记者 华静言 New express HuaJingYan reporters


Zhejiang wen"Fine of child abuse"Event since after exposure,The concern to interested parties.On October 29 night,Micro bo authentication of rule"CCTV news to investigate the mirror reporter/commentators"Wang zhian was,In its micro bo continuous release more micro bo said,Through the interview that,Cause net friend angry"TongZhao abuse"in,Bettered virgin YanYanGong teachers"Took a ear to children,Down after,smiled".Stand in the trash children,Not by"Throw of the",But by"Put in".He said can't single photos,Hope everybody can through these"details"Arrived in the truth.Wang zhian was micro bo has been issued,Then by a large number of netizens cannon,There is no lack of among them many zone V celebrity.soon,Wang zhian was will related micro bo content delete.


Wang zhian was:Took a ear to children,Down then smiled;Stand in the trash children,Not by"Throw of the",But by"Put in"Net friend:Change is not a word,The children would not be in the trash can;Is not in a facial expression,Catch the ear be carry up becomes a game……


Micro bo published"Detail theory"


Catch ear/Stick mouth/Throw trash can……A series of child abuse photos,Let netizen to fine YanYanGong filled with anger.And on October 29 late into the night,CCTV reporter/Commentators but wang zhian was in its micro bo to"Child abuse photos"Published a different view.


For micro bo forwarding the most extensive"Catch ear as",Wang zhian was in micro bo it said:"What person is the most easy to cheat?My eyes.Separate look at this photo,I estimate that everyone will anger.but,Only know what is YanYanGong in what atmosphere do the move,To help us arrived in the truth.Today's interview know,At that time the be YanYanGong took a ear to children,Down after,smiled."


For one"Children pour into trash can"photos,Wang zhian was interview as a result,"Today the police handling tell me,Their survey,The YanYanGong is put in the child,It is not.Although it is not YanYanGong influence conviction,but,I still hope to detail cavil,Only in this way,To reach the truth."These two small bo has been issued,Immediately by the large number of netizens question and rant.


Wang zhian was said,These photos,Only the starting point of the interview.In all unknown before,Conclusion can only dubious.For users to cannon,He responded that"I have no intention to YanYanGong defense……I just want to say:Events such as photo is not so simple present".But these,And not reduce net friend emotions,30 at about half past one,Wang zhian was two micro bo content will be deleted.


网友痛批“抠字眼” Netizen pain group"KouZiYan"


Wang zhian was presented for pictures of the behind"details",Most of the net friend want to counter-question 1,this"KouZiYan"Interesting??


the"throw"into"put",the"cry"into"smile",These cannot erase fine when taking pictures,No resistance ability of children of the implementation of the insult.Change is not a word,The children would not be in the trash can;Is not in a facial expression,Catch the ear be carry up becomes a game……Netizens question,CCTV reporter since may"details"The children were pulled after ear"smiled",Why not continue to"details"the,Who is that the child"smile"of,Why the child"smile"the,"smile"After the children home have nightmares,After the mental have affected?


In a widely attention in social events,Wang zhian was take such"details"Things for,Let not a few net friend question whether he has"Bo piece"Suspected the hype.


Net friend"Back to the sunset zhang"He said,"Such a small children don't have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong,You do the wrong things he might laugh,but‘smile’The doesn't mean wrong behavior is right.""When crime victims began to expressions of conviction,Such a simple legal and knows it."Net friend"MuRong - crazy little"Remind wang zhian was:"Match the words?That is the meaning of punishment."


Of course,Have net friend to wang zhian was proposed"Excoriation details,Arrived in the truth"Expressed support for the statement,Think that show you more of the facts,Let any one party can voice,Is the media should do.Net friend"LuWei numerous"said,As long as the fact clear logic idiomatic view can accept……Need not only the theory of position.


网友话 Net friend words


@ muddy water touch inscriptions on oracle bones:Arrived in the truth?I see you is a monkey do!The child down smiled?You interview the children?Moreover laugh and cry can be hurt if the judge index?This kind of behavior in children caused pain and hurt has a direct manifestation in the photo on the still use to talk about what lay down after the things?


@ detention time:Don't have to please the public,But don't for your so-called objective rational deliberately provocative.Just the words to spread fact manufacturing obstacles,Laughter and put two action on this matter can't reflect the power of the details,Only create resentment mood.


@ political and economic keyhole report:As a professional journalists,To explore the facts understandable.But if events basic qualitative problems,But was considered too simple,Throw out a pile of and core problem unrelated broken branches minor details,To interference audio-visual and confusing the public judgment,This is a depth news from integrity?How much more,Throw out a pile of gossip material but avoid education core value and problems,This is your depth investigation?


“幼师虐童”背景: "Fine of child abuse"background:


October 24, morning start,A small boy was pulled to the ear,Leave the ground with both feet photos on the Internet started to spread quickly.In the picture the child's ear was out of deformation,Expression extremely painful,And carry child's a young woman yet with laughter.The net friend polytropic verification,The woman called YanYanGong,Is the zhejiang possessing a kindergarten preschool teachers.25,Yan a suspicion of stir-up-trouble crime,Be wenling city public security bureau criminal detention;Another name to participate in the pictures of the female teachers,Because stir-up-trouble be administrative detention 7 days.At present,Yan has been submitted to a necessity.


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事件曝光: Event exposure:浙江幼师虐童:揪住男童双耳上提使其悬空(图)

Zhejiang fine of child abuse:Seized boy's ears on carry the impending(diagram)


网友声讨: Net friend condemn:浙江温岭幼师虐童网上疯传 引发网友人肉

Zhejiang fine possessing child abuse online mad by the net friend of human flesh


温岭教育局: Possessing education bureau:90后虐童幼师已被传唤 老师很缺,招不到人

After 90 child abuse fine has been summoned teacher is very short,Recruit no one


警察出面: The police to:温岭幼教虐待幼童被刑拘 拍照女教师被拘留7日

Possessing preschool education abuse children were XingJu photos female teachers in custody 7


当事人回应: The response:幼师颜艳红自称因出于“好玩” 乐在其中

Fine YanYanGong because of himself"fun" enjoy


当事人狡辩: The parties chicanery:幼师颜艳红自称因感情受挫虐童

Fine YanYanGong claim to be thwarted by feelings of abuse


警察反驳: The police retort:警方否认女幼师因感情受挫虐童称系寻开心

The police deny female fine for emotional setback is make fun of child abuse said


媒体再曝光: Media exposure to:浙江温岭虐童幼师是无教师资格证与上岗证

Zhejiang possessing child abuse fine is no teacher certificate and work license


图爆现场: Diagram detonation site:浙江温岭虐童女幼师空间截图

Zhejiang possessing the virgin abuse fine space screenshots


深度调查: Depth investigation:虐童事件多发生在非公办幼儿园 部分为“黑户”

Child abuse event occurs in the public kindergarten for the part"HeiHu"


媒体评论: Media comments:虐童事件刺痛了谁?无证幼儿园背后的幼教困境

Child abuse event who hurt?Unlicensed kindergarten behind the preschool education predicament


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