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Because children needle,In dongying city,Preschool teacher LiHuiJun certainly will and the sea culture golden cradle baby young garden connected.


Before that,This baby young garden some of the children's parents suddenly found that their children much some stythe eye of a needle.When full of doubts the parents get to school when finding video,See pin holes should be the teacher LiHuiJun did.

  据该班一家长反映,他了解到 ,在这一个班级至少有 8名学生之前不同程度受过学校老师的虐待,虐待方式包括针扎、用胶带封嘴和挨打等。而东营区教育局事件调查组一名负责人也告诉记者,根据目前调查,确实有大概8名孩子不同程度地受到教师的种种体罚。

According to their parents reflect a,He learned that the ,In this class at least eight students with different degree before school teachers of abuse,Abuse mode including needle/Tape FengZui and beaten, etc.And DongYingOu education bureau event investigation team a person in charge also told reporters,According to the current research,Do have about eight children of different degree by the teacher all sorts of corporal punishment.


孩子说腿上的血点是老师扎的 The boy said the leg drops is a teacher pierced


For 34 years old in the WeiChunLan,She and her husband send their children to sea culture golden cradle baby young garden,Is for the baby young garden trust.


WeiChunLan live in dongying new district,At first they want to send their children to the local public kindergarten,But when she went to a public kindergarten to ask the child could into the garden,The public kindergarten has full.


Can't into public kindergarten,WeiChunLan and her husband have to look in the not far away from home and the private kindergarten sea culture golden cradle baby young garden.


In the local,The baby young garden is located in the city of dongying belonging to the shandong sea culture education institutions.And the education institutions its except baby young garden outside,And EF school/Classical schools and special schools.


Sea culture education mechanism of a staff member said,Sea culture education institutions at present consists of three baby young garden,The principal and agency is the chairman of the board.


At the beginning WeiChunLan and her husband will send children to sea culture golden cradle baby young garden,Also from the baby young garden in the local quite have the strength consideration.


Because his family was in the east of dongying,WeiChunLan and her husband was investigated along with all the baby young park facilities and teaching after teachers,Finally at spending every year 20000 yuan tuition fees,Send their children to the sea culture golden cradle the first baby young garden.


This baby young garden a YuBin XiBei road 33.Every afternoon,WeiChunLan will be on time to collect their children from school.In the evening of 25 oct.,When she night undressed the baby sleep,The child simple words but she was scared.


"mother,My body pain,You slowly."Juveniles child said to her.


"Where is the pain which,What happened?"WeiChunLan busy asked the child.


Children use the finger refers to the thigh.


Thigh how,How can children thigh pain?WeiChunLan carefully looked at the children's leg,Discover the child on the leg a few drops of red.


Always healthy children,On the leg how out of the spot?It makes WeiChunLan feel doubt.


Although not too believe son leg will suddenly appeared drops,But in the face of the son shout"pain",A careful mother brought the flashlight barrels as carefully as the,Unexpectedly discover the child the leg drops of similar to the needle.


"What happened?"She will son on the bed,Ask up.


"The teacher pierced,The teacher took needle."The boy said.


"how?The teacher took needle?"WeiChunLan some can't believe my ears.


"You and mom said after all how be to return a responsibility?"The child low head don't talk.


"nothing,boy,And her mother about your leg stythe eye of a needle is how to return a responsibility?Not afraid."Children are talking to,Then shake up the head.


WeiChunLan then call the watch TV in the living room of her husband,The couple will baby in her arms,Careful questioning of the half a day,The child this just said he will not calculate math problem,Is Mr Li take needle.


This really made a WeiChunLan and her husband.But it looks like,Children don't like lying.Don't kids stythe eye of a needle's teacher pierced?Although children say so,But the couple still do not believe that the child's teacher to the child will next needle.


视频中,老师在孩子腿上戳来戳去 Video in,The teacher in the children on the leg to stab to poke


Because WeiChunLan and her husband not sure,Husband and wife two people do not have to make a phone call to ask the teacher.


In this couple looks,If a child lying,Yourself to query the teacher,so,The children in the kindergarten may have his"revenge".


In the next day after the child process,WeiChunLan will this situation to a relationship has always been good children classmate's parents said.In the same class more than parents also said their children have complete occlusion of the bleeder experience.


More than child parent statement surprisingly consistent,Look at a sample the children said not tell a lie!

  当时有些气愤的家长集体来到了婴幼园,调出了孩子所在班级的视频 。

At that time some angry parents collective came to the baby young garden,V the child in class's and grade's video .


A can't let parents believe that lens in the video in.


Children in the sophomore class,class,The child was called the LiHuiJun monitor,Around a child,In the child's leg with handstamp to stab to,In the whole process children kept dodge.


The monitor,Usually refers to a class elected by the teacher in charge to hold the fort children learn or discipline managers.But in this baby young garden different,Because the kindergarten is private kindergarten,Compared with other kindergarten in order to have more features,Here in the kindergarten"The monitor"Alfa traditional"Teacher in charge".


In this section of the video,Parents had found,The little boy saw the teacher left,He bent the waist always look at himself in the leg.


WeiChunLan think,Lens in the hand of the LiHuiJun in children on the leg chuo chuo to go,In his hand is needle.


Look at these video,The child's parents angry!


At this time,They have don't want to see their children's LiHuiJun the monitor,These parents find directly the kindergarten WangYaNan calls.


The principal WangYaNan hears among parents arrived.


A parents said,At that time WangYaNan saw a child parent using mobile phones to record video when the footage,fire:"You shoot these things,All first pass out,We this kindergarten has to do it?You go out,All went out!"


Fire calls,But parents more fire!


"We will be your child in the kindergarten,Your teacher with what firm child?"The parents and WangYaNan had a quarrel:"If pierced is your child,How do you reaction?You are also the attitude?!"


Parents had left the door immediately after take their children left the baby young garden.


The children were baby young teacher in charge the news of abuse,Soon spread to the DongYingOu education bureau.


So far,"Stythe eye of a needle door"Scandal broke.


What is the LiHuiJun sophomore class how many child abuse?One does not wish to disclose the name of parents to hkej reporters said,He understood the situation is,In this class at least eight students with different degree before school teachers of abuse,And these abuse mode including needle/Tape FengZui and beaten, etc.


This class the other a child's parents also says,There are a few times children come home from school,She found that children some blue mark.Before this,This name parents thought is the child in the school to fight or accidentally cracking caused by the fall.until"Stythe eye of a needle door"After the occurrence of,A child's parents to reconsider children blue mark source."Even before children dare not say."This name parents said.


DongYingOu education bureau event investigation team a person in charge said,Until November 2,,Their hands is about eight children of different degree by the teacher all sorts of corporal punishment.As for the encounter corporal punishment of children would increase the number,At present, they are still in the careful investigation.



The teacher often why child abuse?With the local education department a person in charge said,LiHuiJun may be for their current status of discontent.

  而记者了解到,“针眼门”事件爆发后 ,警方已拘留涉案嫌疑人李慧君,而当地主管部门也已成立调查小组对此事进行调查。东营区教育部门还组织幼儿园的多名学生进行查体,并表示在这次事件中受虐待的孩子或者不愿意继续待在该幼儿园的孩子,可转到东营区第二实验幼儿园 。

And the reporter understands,"Stythe eye of a needle door"Event after the outbreak of ,The police have detained LiHuiJun suspects involved,And the local competent departments also has established the team investigating.DongYingOu education department also organization kindergarten students more body,And said in this case abused children or do not want to continue to stay in the kindergarten children,Can turn to DongYingOu second experimental kindergarten .


警方已拘留涉案嫌疑人李慧君 The police have detained LiHuiJun suspects involved


How can the teacher needle child?Parents of students in the face of the telephone call and pass on the video,Bureau of the relevant person in charge have been don't understand to unknown.But in the face of the video,In the face of the parents of the children pass up stythe eye of a needle and scars of evidence,As the education of the competent department of education bureau have to find out the veracity of the event.


And because there"Stythe eye of a needle door"Scandal is sea culture golden cradle the first baby young garden,Belonging to shandong sea culture education institutions its,And in the dongying three baby young garden full for private baby young garden.For private kindergarten,The basic functions of education is the business guidance,The real internal management is still in"Sea culture"oneself.


now"Sea culture"came"Stythe eye of a needle door",In the face of hot blood of parents,Education bureau think it is necessary to report to the event DongYingOu relevant government departments.


meanwhile,For parents to the police alarm,Said their children in sea culture golden cradle the first baby young garden was"Teacher in charge"Several abuse.


The child is the social weak.The police received a report after parents,Immediately aroused attention.


On October 28,Local police first in conjunction with education department of the incident investigation,And in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations,Determination of suspects involved in the LiHuiJun administrative detention.


Parents concerned about relevant government department survey at the same time,Also in the concerned about their children in kindergarten for 3 years,Really suffered many times"needle"experience?A class name more than 30 children,How many kids really was"pierced"had?Is a teacher by worthy example children in this way the teacher why treat children are fond of?


WeiChunLan in addition to many parents and take into account the above problems in outside,Her worry more about children suffered will not give him shading?Children will not affect the future of admission?Will not affect future child in the school learning?Will not affect the future growth of the children?


The parents of the heart to these questions,All must depend on the time to answer.


家长曾认为她很“亲和” Parents thought she was"affinity"


LiHuiJun as case suspect by police after administrative detention,For her life and growth environment,Also caused the media conjecture.


A student parents say,LiHuiJun in to sea culture golden cradle before the first baby young garden,Graduated from shandong women's college preschool education major,After graduation she in sea culture baby young orchard practice after two months,In November of 2011 kindergarten and signed a formal contract,Become a sophomore class teacher.But despite her a baby young garden of a teacher,But she didn't get a teacher qualification certificate.


No gain pedagogic qualification certificate of the LiHuiJun so mount guard.


To participate in the event of the survey DongYingOu education bureau deputy director liu said the river,Because the sea culture baby young garden is a local private kindergarten,About LiHuiJun apply for mount guard matters,Is the baby young garden unilateral decision,And normally,Education bureau only for private kindergarten for business guidance,Specific management from kindergarten responsible for their own.


Liu said the river,After the incident,The relevant departments for the first baby young garden WangYaNan calls for suspension,At the same time to accept the relevant departments of the investigation.


The fact is,As the principal WangYaNan of only 26 years old or so,LiHuiJun is 23 years old or so.


As for LiHuiJun"needle"The child's motivation,This reporter went to DongYingOu public security bureau,Public security bureau of the relevant person in charge said,At present, the case is under investigation,And the results of the survey came out,Will be released to the society.


The current DongYingOu related departments are still is up"Stythe eye of a needle door"Investigate the incident,A participate in the incident investigation of the relevant person in charge said to reporters,LiHuiJun"needle"children,May be for their current status of discontent.


"A graduate students soon,Looked at his classmates have formal teacher preparation,She didn't."The official said,"She must have felt imbalance.Since so,She was such a did not prepare private kindergarten teacher do,Take is not high salary,Natural gas and will be in the child's body."


Can the child before the parent LiHuiJun,It is entirely different.


WeiChunLan said,Every time she send their children to the class,If LiHuiJun in the classroom,She always came up and touched the child's head,Even ducks looked at the child,Clutched the child's hands,All smile to the child:"And the mother said goodbye".


But LiHuiJun"affinity"mask,Teachers in 11 months after end off parents.


园方已安装网络视频监控 The zoo has installed network video monitoring


"Stythe eye of a needle door"happened,Affects not just a sea culture education,More is not only the local education departments.


In fact,On October 29,,Is also the event came the next day,DongYingOu government related person in charge in the related departments to report,Established by the relevant person in charge of the district government RenZuChang,Politics and law/education/Public security/Health and the complaint department and so on common participation of event handling group,The event expansion detailed survey.after,Dongying district party committee held a special meeting again,The treatment and rehabilitation scheme.


"Children in the district party committee and the district government seems not small,Cannot treat STH lightly."Dongying district party committee propaganda department a person in charge said,"Survey results will be bulletin social,Will give parents a statement."


"Stythe eye of a needle door"After the events of November 2,Dongying district party committee propaganda department propaganda center a person in charge told reporters,The district party committee chaired event handling project scheduling meeting,In accordance with the requirements in accordance with the gauge/Strictly deal with the event,At present and in the future will strengthen the local small and medium-sized school kindergarten teacher's morality education.before,The zoo has been offering apology.


On November 2, in the morning,DongYingOu education department organization kindergarten students at home long escorted to the hospital for screening in dongying port,Then according to the parents intend to,In this case abused children or do not want to continue to stay in the kindergarten children,Can turn to DongYingOu second experimental kindergarten.


After the incident,Some children parents offered to view video monitoring,On November 2, all day long,DongYingOu related department organization parents watch the video.


For a has more than 300 children of the kindergarten,"Stythe eye of a needle door"After the incident,The child's parents also can trust the kindergarten?If blindly to cancel the kindergarten education qualification,The more than 300 children and this to where?


"The current let children parents give up apprehension is the main."Bureau of a person in charge said.


After the incident,In the local official urged by,The zoo has been installed network video,The future child parent in the home can through the video,To see their children in kindergarten movements.


At noon on November 2,,In the sea culture golden cradle the first baby young garden,A security to sit by the door slumber,Another security guards in the mobile phone to play.Kindergarten quiet inside,In this seemingly calm behind,It in fact is far from over.(Respondents requirements should be,This paper WeiChunLan system alias)


各地虐童事件 Child abuse event around


浙江温岭老师揪孩子耳朵上提 Zhejiang possessing the teacher pulled the child ears mention

  10月24日 ,浙江省温岭市城西街道蓝孔雀幼儿园的教师颜艳红因“一时好玩”在该园活动室里强行揪住一名幼童双耳向上提起,同时让另一名教师用手机拍下 ,之后该视频被上传到网络。在视频中,被揪耳幼童双脚离地近20厘米,表情痛苦,嚎啕不止。相反,颜艳红神情愉悦,乐在其中。

October 24, ,Zhejiang wenling chengxi subdistrict blue peacock kindergarten teacher YanYanGong for"A fun"In the zoo in the activity room forced seized a young children mention ears up,At the same time let the other teacher by phone-snapping ,After the video are uploaded to the network.In the video in,Be pulled ear young children leave the ground with both feet nearly 20 cm,Expression pain,Wail more than.instead,YanYanGong look cheerful,enjoy.


山西太原5岁女童十分钟被扇几十耳光 Shanxi taiyuan 5 years old girl ten minutes was fan dozens of a slap in the face


On October 15, afternoon around four o 'clock,A teacher in 10 minutes of time crazy fan a girl's dozens of a slap in the face.Parents say a teacher because the child is not good at maths and hit her.


广州老师凌空猛甩4岁女童 Guangzhou teacher volley fierce left 4 years old girl

  7月2日上午,许立欢在该服务中心二楼体育室内上课期间,因4岁多的幼女瑶瑶(化名)做运动时不配合,许立欢拉起瑶瑶的双手将其凌空吊起,快速向后将其甩在地上,而后又拉起瑶瑶的双脚原地360°翻转,致其头部撞在地上昏迷不醒。 On July 2, morning,XuLiHuan in the service center on the second floor of indoor sports during the class,For more than 4 years old of YaoYao infant daughter(alias)Do exercise not fit,XuLiHuan pull up YaoYao hands will lift the volley,The backward quickly left on the ground,Then pull up YaoYao feet in situ 360 ° flip,To its head into the floor in a coma.

  文/图 信报特派东营记者 王永端

Wen/diagram hkej accredited dongying reporter WangYongDuan
