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专访俞敏洪:家庭教育 从“规矩”说起(组图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

   专访新东方教育科技集团董事长兼首席执行官俞敏洪 An interview with new Oriental education technology group chairman and chief executive officer Mr Yu

要读书,家里必须有书柜 To read,Home must have a bookcase每天读书不少于半小时 Reading books every day not less than half an hour家长带头读书做榜样 Parents take the lead reading do example

You must know that new Oriental,But you may not know new Oriental education science and technology group is a public welfare family education institutions new Oriental family education research and guidance center.Since its foundation in 2008,The center will be held once a year family education peak BBS,Regular irregularly interested in family education worker training and examination,Every year in many cities open family education of free public lecture,Benefit from the parents accumulated has amounted to more than 50 people.On November 10th,to"Chinese family education practice and innovation"As the theme of the fifth new Oriental family education peak BBS will be held in Beijing.


Focus on promoting the rapid development of family education,August,Mr Yu won the national women's federation Chinese family education to the selection"2012 Chinese family education top ten public figures"title.


关于《家规》, about[rule],


有什么看法? What view?


I think this topic is necessary.It is must emphasize the rule of the construction time.


From my own experience,I realize the rule to children's growth is of great significance.


When I was a child my mother give me also set rules,And once set has been unchanged.


From elementary school grades one to graduate from high school,My mother provisions every morning I must put the ground in the home clean able to go to school.


Mother also provides,I and my sister every night must finish all work.


Now I'm a close your eyes,Eyes will often appear as a picture of my mother on one side spinning cotton yarn,Me and my sister sat under the kerosene lamps do homework.


Parents all the time requirements with you,Day long into the habit,Habits into rules.These to my growth have a deep influence.


My parents don't read,They can't be from culture to teach me,They gave me an example on the man.kind/helpful,Are my parents to my request and influence.When I was young to live in the countryside,In our village,The old and childless families is chopping wood,Are the children to help finish,And my parents encourage me to do so.These to now still is my body personality gene.Can say,Not the parents of my personality habit custom culture,I'm sure I can't do new Oriental.


你对孩子 Do you have for your child


也定“规矩”? will"rules"?


I set my children the most important rule is to read every day.


Rules are usually divided into moral level and habits level two parts.These two aspects is equally important.

  制定家规须具备几个要素: 家规必须是正确的,比如父母很小气的,规定孩子不可以拿自己的东西去与小朋友分享……这类不正确的家规之下,小孩子会变坏掉的。

Formulate rules should have several elements: Rules must be correct,Such as parents very stingy,The regulation the child can't take their own things to share with kids...This kind of incorrect under rule,Young children will be broken.


The rule should be helpful for the child long healthy growth.


Rules must be adhere to the constant,Not in a good mood must abide by,When the mood is bad to keep don't abide by.


Now parents


The biggest problem is?


The biggest problem is can't distinguish the difference between pet and rules.The worst parents are principle optional rocking parents,The custom of the set with the mood and variable elastic.Such parents,There is no fear children,Inevitable will sense motive act.Cause the child grew up all have no rules,Can be accomplished without norms or standards.Now the children,Basic are lack of fangyuan consciousness.


Public lecture


Touch the deepest is?


Reading family is too little.


I am in a city for 5000 parents lecture,Asked whose have bookcase?Less than 20% of the parents raise your hand.Asked whose bookcase had a one thousand - book more books,Raise your hand to less than 5%.ask"A year read more than 20 the book ever",Raise your hand to less than 1%.Even in Beijing,There may be of bookcase the somebody else will more,But the bookcase with a few books,Pack a lot of wine.


My parents said,Don't read children become difficult.Read only textbook children,How could it be possible all-round development?"For the children,You all should hurry to buy bookcase..."fortunately,After a month of feedback,Whoever to listen to a lecture family,60% deserves to go up the bookcase.


To read,Home must have a bookcase,Bookcase must have more than one thousand books for children to read books,Your house if only mahjong table,How to expect children a love of reading?Many parents say,Now the network reading is also very convenient,Don't need to take this book to read.I said PengDou paper books and take iPad reading,To the child temperament of a totally different meaning.Like to drink bottled drinks tea with tea cup sit at home,That feeling,The difference is not a bit of it.


新东方为什么 New Oriental why


开展家庭教育? Family education in?


First of all with my own education experience relevant.I can go today,Home rules/Parents' expectations and requirements,To my growing influence to deep.


secondly,I think,School education is a family education supplement,And not the other way around.Family education to the child the meaning of life,Far more important than the school education.


again,New Oriental to deal with a lot of children,In the process I found,The child's behavior/Advantages and disadvantages,And parents often have direct correlation.The child's world is/emotional/character/On the view of the thing,Basic all come from the family.An old saying goes"Three years to see big/Seven years old watch the old",Visible children basic are parents standardized.


I hope to our efforts,Can help China's parents contribute some idea/Some think,Including some cases.Like I said above bookcase example,Similar change,Parents or easy to accept,Because does not need to change their behavior will be able to complete.Involves change parents own behavior suggestion,Parents also can understand,But they may not willing to do.


I hope my own and new Oriental can change from dribs and drabs Chinese parents,How much is how much can function,Such as 5000 families even had five children because of this"role"And into the intellectual,I think our contribution is large enough,I also very satisfactory.


Family education problems,Only with parents talk about it is difficult to play a role.Parents often difficult to realize their own problems,Even realized also change don't come over.For example excessive dote on,For they all are the only children,Home alone this one,So parents often control to the child's pet,And for children to have tube.Original family education,A large part of brothers and sisters in between naturally finished,Such as share/Such as teamwork/Such as courtesy,A lot of good things so established.


The next step,I considered new Oriental to don't do family education consultation,I think this is more important than the hospital.But now we can't come in,We also can only do some more coarse work.But no matter how to,We are willing to do the work,Willing to seriously do.


孩子虚荣爱攀比, Children love comparisons vanity,


家教如何发挥作用? Family education how to play a role?


I think this is also parents must pay attention to one aspect.Though this is a social value system,But specific to each family,Parents first or vanity/Don't bandwagon/Don't dazzle rich,Give children a good demonstration and influence.For example my children don't care spending in what,Because I don't care about itself,than.Many social phenomenon in face of the impact,Parents' education often appear weak.But if the parents and children have been together,Develop the child to parents' love,The influence of the parents will be greater,For children are more likely to impact.To education child,people,The comparison of the dress is not,The comparison of not wealth,Not even the comparison of the study result,But life is health/happy/The comparison of the contribution.To help the child establish the correct happiness.A lot of truth,Now children not don't understand,They just didn't used to do that.this,Parents should take great responsibility.


Now parents and the former than their parents,Changed a lot?


Change is quite large.I think,Once parents but know more education.Now the young generation of parents,After 80/After 90,Especially after 85 began,Spoiled generation and to enter into children's age,They will have more is the next generation of pet.I'm there are concerns.


Once upon a time people about the age of 20, is very mature.Now people late ten years or more.The people around me,In the children's education aspects,The mind can keep a clear and calm,little.frankly,Civil servants on the child's education or relative positive.While the merchant/Business people,In children's education is generally have many problems.Because they all day in society fuss,Don't have the time to accompany children grow together,As a compensation,They is to give children a lot of money,now,A bigger problem.Thoroughly muddle up.


If the message parenting person,What do you say?


Parents must first set up the correct values,And through his influence and rules,precept,With the right values to affect a child,To promote their healthy growth.


In the speech, I often tell the children said,You must be good,That good people are willing to deal with the good.The bad is willing to deal with the good.You are good,Everyone would like to deal with you,You are bad,Once being recognized,No one would like to tell you a deal.


A new era,Must establish a new family rules/The new family education value system.Reporter LiKui


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