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女儿坠楼瘫痪留阴影 母亲带其深山隐居三年(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


来源:合肥在线 source:Hefei online


This is a story about the terms of endearment.The story of the little hero DingYiFan has unfortunately encounter,Five years old accident injury after falling from a building,But keep a lives.But the little hero is lucky,In paralysis after WuYiQin mother for her rehabilitation,With her in the mountains life for three years.The mountains often wild boar,DingYiFan mother every night only hold scissors can asleep.In order to her daughter's rehabilitation,Have any difficulties she had to stand.


十年前女儿意外从6楼坠下 Ten years ago daughter accidentally fell from the 6th floor

  吴义琴家住合肥金寨路与东流路交口附近一小区六楼,十年前的一天,吴义琴和丈夫都出去干活了,留下五岁的女儿丁一凡一人在家中。当时丁一凡 正在厨房里,突然听到楼下有小朋友在喊她的名字,丁一凡随即探出头往下看,不幸的是,由于窗户太矮,丁一凡整个人从窗户掉了下去。

WuYi QinGu live hefei JinZhai road and east flow appreciation near a village the sixth floor,Ten years ago, one day,WuYiQin and her husband working out,Leave five year old daughter DingYiFan one at home.At that time DingYiFan is in the kitchen,Suddenly I heard a child downstairs in Shouting her name,DingYiFan poked his head and looked down,unfortunately,Because the window is too short,DingYiFan whole person fell out of a window.


WuYiQin heard the news of his daughter after falling from a building immediately to the hospital,At that time DingYiFan has been in a coma.WuYiQin said,When the doctor said,Her daughter's situation is very serious,The best situation is may become a vegetable.


fortunately,Daughter in the hospital medicine in living 43 days later,Keep a lives,But below the waist position without any perception.After go home WuYiQin found,As long as a daughter see the kitchen,A see the window is very afraid.WuYiQin said,The shadow of the daughter heart is certainly the rehabilitation adverse,Sometimes home all dare not turn on the light,Is afraid of daughter once see things before,Can produce bad influence.


为做康复治疗,母女深山独居 To make a rehabilitation therapy,Mother and daughter alone the mountains

  丁一凡出院十个月后,在家里康复效果并不理想,怎么让女儿更好更快地恢复起来,吴义琴和丈夫想尽了所有办法。2004年8月,针对女儿出现 的状况,吴义琴决定带着女儿回娘家安庆桐城,帮助女儿康复。吴义琴的娘家在县城,可吴义琴想找个更安静一点的地方帮助女儿康复。“后来选了距离县城几十里 的一处深山脚下,租了那里一间废弃的房子。”吴义琴说。

DingYiFan ten months after discharge,In the home rehabilitation effect is not ideal,How to let daughter better and faster recovery up,WuYiQin and her husband left no stone unturned to all.In August 2004,According to the status of the daughter appeared,WuYiQin decided to take his daughter home anqing tongcheng,Help daughter rehabilitation.WuYiQin maiden in the county town,Can WuYiQin want to find a quiet place to help daughter rehabilitation."Then chose from the county in a place of deep feet,Rented there a deserted house."WuYiQin said.


The site chosen WuYiQin sparsely inhabited,Houses had been abandoned,Between four.At that time WuYiQin said want to rent this house between four,Building host freely is promised,And forty yuan a month price.here,Mother and daughter both a living is three years time.


夜里睡觉手握剪刀防野兽 Go to bed at night hand scissors anti beast


Live in the mountains,On the night,Tension descended on WuYiQin began."Days dark,Around the room appears‘Sasha vujacic’sound,As long as a hear the sound,In a tight,Very be afraid."WuYiQin said,Although afraid,She still will be the first to coax her daughter to sleep."I really can not sleep,The hand is holding a pair of scissors,In order to prevent the accident."


Time a long,WuYiQin it formed a habit,As long as in the evening,Must hand holding a pair of scissors to sleep at ease.later,In a meeting with local villagers in gossip,WuYiQin learned that,The original night around the stems"Sasha vujacic"sound,Is the mountain wild boar and squirrels and other animals the voice of the activities.


母亲写下保证书送女儿上学 Mother to write down guarantee to send his daughter to go to school


In the mountains after stay,WuYiQin every morning to get up at five o 'clock to make her daughter whole body massage,And hand-on church daughter how to diy massage.In order not to let the daughter cut off from the outside world,In addition to routine rehabilitation outside,WuYiQin decided to send his daughter to a few miles from the home of a primary school to go to school.But the school leader a see WuYiQin daughter's condition after refused to receive.

  “最后没办法就给学校写了保证书,保证如果孩子出了一切问题,都和学校无关,自己会承担一切责任。”吴义琴说,在苦苦哀求之下,学校终于同意让孩子走进课堂。此后,吴义琴每天都要接送女儿去上学,一走就是几公里远。由于屋前有台阶,道路也有崎岖,吴义琴推着轮椅上的女儿来回很不方便,当地有 村民看到后主动拉来水泥,为母女俩铺平一条道路,这让吴义琴很是感动。

"Finally can't give the school to write the letter of guarantee,Ensure that if the children out of all problems,Has nothing to do with school,They will bear all responsibilities."WuYiQin said,In under the piteously entreat,The school finally agreed to let children into the classroom.Since then,WuYiQin everyday want to shuttle daughter go to school,A walk is a few kilometers away.Because have in front of the steps,Road also have rugged,WuYiQin push the wheelchair daughter back and forth very inconvenient,A local villagers see after the initiative to pull to cement,For both mother and daughter paved a road,It makes WuYiQin is very moved.


想妈妈给自己添个妹妹 Want to mother to add a sister


In order to support their families,WuYiQin husband went to the provincial a work site.The lower part of the DingYiFan rehabilitation training on step by step,WuYiQin in expect a miracle happen.


once,DingYiFan classmate sister came to the school,DingYiFan looked at the little sister is very lovely,Special want to hug her,But it has met with classmates refusal."After coming home she and I said,Hope to have a younger sister,Nothing can accompany oneself to play together."WuYiQin said,Later, in her daughter's repeated insistence,And her husband gave birth to a child.

  在深山里,吴义琴和女儿一待就是三年时间,随着女儿的状态一天天好起来,最终吴义琴决定带着女儿回合肥。做出这个决定其实还有一个原因,就 是山区学校的学生人数越来越少。“一开始学校一个班还有二十多个学生,可后来很多家庭有条件的学生都到县城去读书了,女儿接触的人越来越少。”

In the mountains,WuYiQin and daughter is a for three years,As the state of the daughter better day by day,Finally WuYiQin decided to take his daughter back to hefei.To make this decision is still a reason,It is a mountain area school students less and less."A start school a class and more than 20 students,But then a lot of families have conditions of the students are to the county to read,Daughter contact with less and less."


In 2007,,WuYiQin with daughter back after hefei,His daughter to private school for half a year time.In the school six months time,DingYiFan become optimistic rise,Is then didn't go to school,There are a lot of my classmates in the home to see her.

  采写:晨报记者 吴福亮

Collection &composition:The morning paper reporter WuFuLiang

  通讯员 鲍俊良 杨莉 王磊

Reporter BaoJunLiang du ffy p wang lei

  摄影:晨报记者 卓旻

photography:Morning paper reporter ZhuoMin


最大愿望 Her biggest wish


Living house is multi-storey building no elevator,Every time DingYiFan want to go downstairs and can only rely on father carrying,Father not the time at home DingYiFan can only stay at home.In order to save money to cure his daughter,Father years work in the field,Also can only every week hit a telephone home.

  由于长期坐轮椅,现在丁一凡的体重已经严重超标,她的父亲已经背不动女儿了。从丁一凡坠楼到现在,合肥金寨南路社居委一直对这个家庭很关 注,不仅帮助他们申请了低保,每逢过年过节,还会去丁一凡家慰问。最近,社居委负责民政工作的夏雯也赶到丁一凡家中,给丁一凡送去了轮椅等用品。

As a result of long-term a wheelchair,Now DingYiFan weight is to exceed bid badly,Her father has been back fixed daughter.From DingYiFan falling from a building to now,Hefei JinZhai south road club rc have been to the family very close note,Not only help them to apply for the residents,Every New Year's day at the feast,Will also go to the house of DingYiFan sympathy.recently,Club rc responsible for civil work XiaWen DingYiFan also rushed to the home,To DingYiFan sent to the wheelchair and other supplies.


now,Already 15 years old DingYiFan very sensible,Mother know for their pay,And her biggest wish is to be able to stand up,Reduce the burden of the mother."Also want to learn a trade,Later can on own strength to support yourself."
