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海监五职位“零合格”缘于门槛高 HaiJian five position"Zero qualified"Due to high threshold


稍低等级的9个船员职位有113人报考 Lower levels of nine crew position 113 people enter oneself for an examination


Japan Fuji news network October 30, published the article says,In 2013, the Chinese civil service examination in the application,China HaiJian crew applicants is zero,"Most Chinese people are choose those easy and earn money work","Around the diaoyu island question,China has a large anti-japanese demonstrations,A lot of people are under the banner of patriotism,But why China HaiJian vessel crew position but not so popular?"Rich quoted sakaguchi chung analysis said,Like this kind of work can be dangerous,In China only child is in the majority of the situation,Many parents have a lot of conflict feeling.


The fact is that so?People's Daily"verification"Column reporter interviewed understand.


海监船员职位共14个,9个有报考合格人数,另5个无人合格 HaiJian crew position a total of 14,And a number of qualified to enter oneself for an examination,The other five no one qualified


According to the test WuWenBin consultants is introduced,Civil service exam this year,A total of 14 employing department bureau people ZhaoLu HaiJian"Law enforcement vessel crew"position,According to the public education in on October 24, 18 of statistics,Five position without audit through the number,And the rest of the position all have the examinee registration,The most competitive position register a number of 41 people,Total enrollment is up to 113.


WuWenBin said,From the job description to see,The 14 position is engaged in law enforcement ship three engineer or third officer above,All belong to management positions.5 no one to enter oneself for an examination position for the captain respectively/Chief officer/Chief engineer/Second engineer position, etc,The organization is in high level position.


Wenzhou port pilot, director of the center for ZhangJianJun is introduced,The ship's department is divided into two categories:Deck and engine.Deck leadership position from high to low in turn for the captain/Chief officer/Second mate/Third officer;Engine department leadership position in turn for chief engineer/Second engineer/Second engineer/Three engineer.The captain for the ship the tallest leadership position.Ship is divided into class a/Class b and class c, etc,the,A class is the highest level.


部分职位专业性较强,招录门槛较高,符合条件者可能超过报考年龄或已有较好岗位 Part of the professional strong position,ZhaoLu threshold higher,Qualified may be over to enter oneself for an examination age or for better jobs


Experts say,Civil servants ZhaoLu process,Some position in uneven and situation,Is mainly due to ZhaoLu position requires the ability and quality conditions of the decision.For example,Post to professional technical ability request high,The threshold of the ZhaoLu relatively high,Someone may appear less of the market and even unmanned meet the conditions of the situation.


WuWenBin said,The captain/Chief engineer position for the professional technical ability request strictly,ZhaoLu threshold is relative taller:


Is professional in,These positions ZhaoLu only two professional turbine management and ship driving,Professional and strong,Only a few of the examinee to be able to achieve professional requirements;


Just look at the grass-roots level fixed number of year,All the requirements above 2 years working experience at the grass-roots level,It will also take an examination of countries large ethnic graduates ruled out;


Request corresponding post certificate of competency.These positions for all the corresponding certificate can enter oneself for an examination,And get the certificate need in the corresponding work work over a certain fixed number of year to take an exam,Passing the examination to obtain.No one to enter oneself for an examination of the five position for class a ship captain respectively/Chief engineer/Chief officer/Second engineer certificate of competency, etc,From work to life,To obtain class a ship(More than 3000 tons)A senior position is difficult,This is also the main cause of no one to enter oneself for an examination.


Experts say,Get the captain/Chief engineer certificate of people,Probably more than enter oneself for an examination age or for better jobs.


ZhangJianJun said,Relevant professional undergraduate course graduation respectively can get second mate or two tube rounds of eligibility qualification,But there are not equal to obtain the qualification certificate of competency.Want to get certificate,To attend certificate of competency examination,This kind of test only as a third officer or three tube wheel full 18 months to can go to take an examination of.And the test difficulty is big,Including maritime English/Ship management/Ship electrical and automation is exam content.As for the chief officer or second engineer certificate of competency,Is must obtain second mate or two tube rounds of certificate of competency before can pass an entrance examination;The captain or chief engineer certificate of competency,It must be made chief officer or second engineer certificate of competency can pass an entrance examination.


不少大学生对海监职位有兴趣,因不符合条件而无法报考 Many college students are interested in HaiJian position,Because they do not meet the conditions to enter oneself for an examination


Because enter oneself for an examination, law enforcement vessel crew members want to accord with certain professional and related certificate,Some had to enter oneself for an examination finally gave up.Wenzhou vocational college of science and technology of agriculture and biotechnology system junior student ZhengZhiEn told reporters,Before him the 2013 national civil service examination,Mainly from the degree required/Admit by examination number and personal interest and so on several aspects of position selection.His focus on the HaiJian law enforcement vessel crew station,But it is a pity that,Although college degree allowed to enter oneself for an examination,But all require the kind of relevant professional,And their professional is green food production and testing,Does not accord with a condition.finally,ZhengZhiEn choose called the xinjiang geological monitoring position.


Tsinghua university school of journalism and communication, JiaNa master told reporters:"To many of my classmates HaiJian it is very attractive,But the real enter oneself for an examination people do less,Because it is difficult for us to comply with the requirements,Major also wrong.For us,In a right position to play a role,Is true patriotic."


WuWenBin think,Comprehensive whole ZhaoLu seeing condition,The five position no one to enter oneself for an examination reason is not as referred to in the Japanese media"HaiJian post was too dangerous",But more because position itself the required conditions is caused by the strict.


Some experts suggest,Should strengthen civil servants classification examination system reform,For the society at the same time shortage of organs also need some professional talents,We want to establish a perfect fit their way to admit by examination,Such as established by the specialized channels,Take limited competition,Reduce KaiKao proportion,Or to this kind of talents gathered all industries and fields for mobilization and so on many kinds of ways to solve,"If it is DE facto work need,Even if only one application can also KaiKao."


(Interns in SuYi concludes)


相关阅读:"钓鱼岛前线东海公务员0报考"是个伪命题 readings:"Diaoyu islands front east China sea civil servants 0 to enter oneself for an examination"Is a false proposition

    一、东海分局30个职位招考,最高竞争比例364:1     a/The east China sea branch 30 position admit by examination,The highest proportion of competition 364:1


In 2013 countries take an examination of,The east China sea state oceanic administration branch 30 position admit by examination,Plan ZhaoLu 37 people.By the end of 2012 October 24 16:00,A total of 632 people through the qualification examination.With China HaiJian east China sea rights protection law enforcement team is the most competitive position,The competition scale up to 364:1.therefore,"Diaoyu islands as the east China sea civil servants 0 to enter oneself for an examination"Itself with the facts,Behind the want to express meaning and send this news purpose,Only in the most clearly.

  二、5个0报考职位报考条件要求非常特殊 two/5 0 to enter oneself for an examination position to enter oneself for an examination conditions require very special


Through the listed in the above five no one to enter oneself for an examination the analysis of the condition of position,Minimum requirement is the class a ship first engineer certificate,The highest is class a ship captain certificate of competency.In order to facilitate the reader first engineer/Chief officer/The captain's certificate level concept,The author found[Ship specialized technical qualification certificate and certificate of competency corresponding relation table].


三、公务船(海监、渔政)等为执法船,而非作战军舰 three/Official ship(HaiJian/Fishery administration and)As law enforcement ship,And non combat ships


Baidu baike on HaiJian ship is so explain"The main function is to HaiJian in accordance with relevant laws and regulations,The sea areas under the jurisdiction of countries(Including coastal zone)Implementation cruising monitoring,Infringing maritime rights and interests/Illegal use of sea/Damage to the Marine environment and resources/Damage Marine facilities/Disturb the order of sea illegal activities such as,And according to entrust or authorized other Marine law enforcement work."After reading it,Its core mission is to law enforcement,And non combat.


According to the international convention on the law of the sea,The two countries the law enforcement official ship at sea meet,Only mutual propaganda warning each other.Hinder navigation/Nozzle mutual shot and expelled,Even collision is a clear violation of international law of the sea treaty behavior.Not to mention the fire caused the personnel casualty,Such behavior is equal to declare war between the two countries.所以害怕危险不敢报考此职位的说法也是不符合常识的推断。 So afraid of danger can't enter oneself for an examination the position that is not conform to the common sense of inference.


四、若与日船发生冲突,反而是捍卫祖国、建功立业之时机 four/If the first ship conflict,It is to defend the motherland/Building a solid career of the time


We often say"Situation than people",That is a person's development,Opportunity is very important.History is too much wisdom in the talented person's life unaccomplished,Investigate its reason outside"talent"- that is, no opportunity display their talent.The diaoyu islands situation nervous,The Japanese think through the so-called"nationalization"Gradually I will the diaoyu islands"Actual possession"into"Fait accompli".Our government does not yield an inch,Send HaiJian ship to the diaoyu islands waters law enforcement/Swear sovereignty,At the same time obtain evidence Japanese illegal evidence of his guilt.


In this case,If young people the chance to go to diaoyu islands waters,Defend our territory sovereignty words,Is life the most rare direct effect for our country the opportunity,Will also is the life is the most precious experience and wealth.And if the ruling ship happened between inevitable conflict,Resolutely defend the motherland's sovereignty and territorial integrity is the burden of the first fall in HaiJian ship all the crew,From this point of view to consider,The vast Numbers of young if accords with a condition,Instead more should be actively enter oneself for an examination of the east China sea state oceanic administration office of law enforcement position,Not in the back,Only have high official positions and riches.


The last is to explain,And no matter whether Japan now are looking for HaiJian crew,No matter how the data HaiJian Japan for them,The article and even in our country civil servants enter oneself for an examination data do not fully understood,Even if Japan civil servants enter oneself for an examination data as sure as fate,And what that conclusion?So please the net friend to polish eyes,Don't be confused by the rumor,Completes own labor of duty.In fact,Everyone should do his thing,Is also a kind of patriotic.[more]

  与之相反,今年最热职位: Contrary to,This year is the hottest position:


The most competitive of the civil servants"Countries take an examination of"Position is the national bureau of statistics NBS survey office in chongqing on clerk team,Plan recruit 1 person,There are 8709 people enter oneself for an examination,Competitive ratio for 8709:1,This proportion broke the record."Eight thousand one"The position of the national bureau of statistics and NBS survey office in chongqing the nanchuan clerk team,Plan recruit 1 person,8665 people enter oneself for an examination.[detailed]

  2013年国考报名最热前十部门 In 2013 countries take an examination of the first 10 hottest department

   相关评论:  Relevant comments:


National public examination HaiJian team"Zero enter oneself for an examination"Has nothing to do"patriotic"


The five position why"Zero enter oneself for an examination"??First of all,Registration system has audit process,Don't passed the qualification examination of applicants,Cannot be finally listed the qualified applicants,This position finally foreign display"0 people enter oneself for an examination",Do not represent really will not sign up.secondly,Although as"Law enforcement vessel crew",But this five position obvious than other similar position higher than the requirements of a cut,For instance the requirement the candidate"The class a ship captain certificate of competency"or"The class a ship mate's certificate of competency", etc,It is almost generally fresh graduates is unable to have the condition.In addition,Can have the aptitude test had hit most countries"35 years old"cap,Or has a comparative generous salary,HaiJian position is difficult to produce the attraction.


In a word,HaiJian position"Zero enter oneself for an examination"Don not patriotic,Just two-way choice mechanism of a normal phenomenon.Countries take an examination of is the wooden bridge,But every year there are many position"Zero enter oneself for an examination",There's no point in excessive reading. 【详细】  [detailed]
